- 18:29 FlareAlertsSent edited by
- added newest alert (diff)
- 20:38 Ticket #22 (fscctrl responsible for bias patch temperatures?) created by
- The FACT++ program fscctrl, which connects to the FSC board, receives …
- 21:30 FlareAlertsSent created by
- page with information on flare alerts sent
- 17:09 WikiStart edited by
- added link (diff)
- 10:06 How_to_flash_the_FSC edited by
- (diff)
- 09:52 How_to_flash_the_FSC edited by
- (diff)
- 09:34 How_to_flash_the_FSC created by
- 09:13 EthWiki edited by
- (diff)
- 23:21 TroubleShootingSoftware edited by
- added updated info for gate (diff)
- 16:40 Changeset [18034] by
- updated institute list and added institute moon
- 15:15 TroubleShootingComputers edited by
- added links, startup, shutdown procedure (diff)
- 14:50 TroubleShootingSoftware edited by
- removed outdated information (diff)
- 14:45 TroubleShootingSoftware edited by
- added information for aux (diff)
- 14:37 TroubleShootingSoftware edited by
- added updated info for gate and newdaq (diff)
- 17:58 Changeset [18033] by
- scripts and tools for the FACT weatherstation
- 16:02 Changeset [18032] by
- I don't know why this modification was made.
- 16:01 Changeset [18031] by
- This file contains credentials for the DB, and is needed by some macros. Since the SVN repo is public, the secret information has been deleted from this file, but the file itself is checked in, in order to inform users.
- 15:59 Changeset [18030] by
- I din't know why this exists
- 15:59 Changeset [18029] by
- I don't know, what the modifications in this file were meant to improve.
- 15:58 Changeset [18028] by
- Dedicated analysis macros for QLA. They have been written by Thomas Bretz for the QLA.
- 15:10 Changeset [18027] by
- Most trusted version of Mars since 26.05.14 until at least 27.11.2014 La Palma, and therefor a release branch. It is containing the version used at LaPalma since 26.05.2014 (containing a new calibration). It used to be found in newdaq:/home/fact/SW.automatic.processing/Mars.svn.2014.05.26
- 15:10 Changeset [18026] by
- Adding folder for most trusted versions, which are used for publications.
- 11:24 DataTakingMainPage/closed_lid_ratescan created by
- 10:40 Ticket #21 (FACT version of Corsika/MMCS in SVN) closed by
- wontfix: I close this ticket, since we can't change MAGIC software publication …
- 10:29 Changeset [18025] by
- deleted mmcs6500 from FACT svn repo, because of copyright infringements
- 10:10 Ticket #21 (FACT version of Corsika/MMCS in SVN) created by
- Recently I got asked, where in the FACT SVN one can find the version …
- 09:57 Changeset [18024] by
- inital commit of the version of Corsika/MMCS, which is currently used by FACT. binary files missing
- 09:12 Changeset [18023] by
- Added copy/paste for time scale in Evidence GUI history plots
- 17:33 Changeset [18022] by
- added ResidualTimeSpread
- 17:31 Changeset [18021] by
- add parameter fResidualTimeSpread from the parameter list. This parameter is the standard deviation of a gaussian normal distribution to draw an arrival time offset for a cherenkov photon bunch in a certain pixel
- 17:30 Changeset [18020] by
- call parameter fResidualTimeSpread from the parameter list. This parameter is the standard deviation of a gaussian normal distribution. Drawn a value from that distributuion and use it as offset for the arrival time of a cherenkov photon bunch in a certain pixel. Each pixel gets a different offset
- 17:27 Changeset [18019] by
- added a parameter ResidualTimeSpread to the parameter list. This parameter is the standard deviation of a gaussian normal distribution. Values drawn from that distributuion are used as offset for the arrival time of a cherenkov photon bunch in each pixel.
- 18:43 Ticket #11 (The last key value pair in the ceres.rc is not be taken into account ...) closed by
- fixed: r18018 solves this ticket, I believe. Might need some beautifying in …
- 18:42 Changeset [18018] by
- ticket:#11 MEnv, will now check if the last line ends with a \n ,and if not, it will throw an exception, print an explanation and stop fatally. This will hopefully make the user to add an empty line to the file and be happy.
- 18:13 Ticket #20 (ratescan: add possibility to change fCounterMax and fResolution during ...) created by
- I think it might be useful to be able to change the values of …
- 15:01 Changeset [18017] by
- Increased numerical resolution of plot export to reproduce time stamp correctly
- 09:42 Ticket #19 (ratescan shows number of triggers as floating points) created by
- The number of triggers is sometimes shown formatted as floating point, …
- 09:19 Changeset [18016] by
- initial commit of script, to take a closed lid ratescan
- 06:32 Ticket #18 (Why are there often internal and external include guards?) created by
- Often one finds external include guards like: […] While the file …
- 03:25 Changeset [18015] by
- Google Test, new executeable run_test. From now on gtest is required to build MARS. Makefile was adjusted to build the new run_test executeable and link it with gtest libs. A first test was made for the MMatrix Container. All tests are in a new mtest folder.
- 13:26 Ticket #17 (Why are build artifacts not ignored by svn) created by
- I remember, that I once tried to add the build artifacts (*Cint.cc, …
- 09:49 Ticket #16 (configuration file might confuse users due to implicit settings) created by
- I believe, there is a source of confusion in the design of handling …
- 10:49 Ticket #15 (Why no exceptions?) created by
- I wonder, why so often return values are used to check if a method …
- 12:46 Ticket #14 (test) closed by
- invalid
- 12:41 Ticket #14 (test) created by
- test
- 11:33 Ticket #13 (Discontinue MAGIC support in FACT/Mars) created by
- In a private discussion with Thomas Bretz he mentioned, that it might …
- 10:22 Changeset [18014] by
- Branch to implement a feature to ceres for smear the photon arrival times with a residual standard deviation.
- 12:56 SvnGuidelines edited by
- (diff)
- 12:07 SvnGuidelines edited by
- (diff)
- 11:05 SvnGuidelines created by
- 10:53 Changeset [18013] by
- README on how to use these scripts
- 10:49 Changeset [18012] by
- Creating an environment to test and bench the mars simulation. This involves unit tests e.g. file IO but also more complicated tests regarding the simulation. I use Google Test (short gtest) to do so. Gtest was recommended to me by Jan Hendrik Koehne and Tomasz Fuchs who did an awesome job creating the lepton propagator PROPOSAL for the IceCube experiment. After using Gtest in my own sandbox projects I quickly fell in love with it. Since the testing does not interfere with the mars code itself I want to give it a try in the MARS universe. I hope this will help us test AND document the MARS code.
- 10:32 Changeset [18011] by
- Remove Mars_MC branch, because it was reintegrated into the trunk long ago, and is not being used since then.
- 10:30 Changeset [18010] by
- The fix time offset feature is already merged back into the trunk.
- 10:23 Ticket #9 (Fix time offsets in between the pixels) closed by
- fixed
- 22:30 DataTakingMainPage edited by
- changed port for aux (diff)
- 22:48 Ticket #12 (Build error with CERN ROOT 5.34/21) created by
- When building Mars using the latest and recommended (November 2014) …
- 15:41 Changeset [18009] by
- New feature: Fix temporal offsets in between the pixels can be simulated and defined in a text file. This is solving ticket #9
- 15:19 Changeset [18008] by
- Trunk was merged into this branch and 'tested' again. Seems to work... Now ready to merge back into the trunk. Needed for ticket #9
- 13:58 Changeset [18007] by
- Files produced during the work on ticket #9 which are not longer needed now and therefore deletet here
- 13:23 Changeset [18006] by
- Fix tempral offsets are added to the relative arrival time in the camera simulation. The offsets are taken from the new generic MMatrix container. In the ceres.rc file is a new key value pair specifieing the path to a text file holding the delay data.
- 13:17 Changeset [18005] by
- One new text file holding holding the fix temporal pixel offsets taken from all FACT data files on Phido in Dortmund in October 2014. The second file holds only zeros which will give the behaviour as before working on ticket #9. This is needed for ticket #9
- 13:05 Changeset [18004] by
- Hooking up the new MMatrix Parameter Container in the parameter list. Needed for #9
- 13:01 Changeset [18003] by
- A new generic floating point matrix container. It can parse data from a delimiter seperated text file. This is needed for the ticket #9
See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.