

09:26 Changeset [18377] by tbretz
Added scripts to the exclude patterns, removed dim from the excludes
09:25 Changeset [18376] by tbretz
Removed cosyctrl from the default programs which are built and fixed a bug in the doc target.
09:25 Changeset [18375] by tbretz
Updated with latest programs added.


20:55 Changeset [18374] by tbretz
Fixed tha handling of the source report, added period.
20:54 Changeset [18373] by tbretz
Turned off console as default.
20:53 Changeset [18372] by tbretz
Adapted drive control states.
20:50 Changeset [18371] by tbretz
Fixed a compiler warning.
20:50 Changeset [18370] by tbretz
Adapted handling of drive control states.
20:49 Changeset [18369] by tbretz
Adapted drive control states.
18:48 Changeset [18368] by tbretz
Added a missing sanity check.
18:47 Changeset [18367] by tbretz
Check if is valid.
18:46 Changeset [18366] by tbretz
Fixed the rise and set times... under some circumstances, they were not correct.
18:45 Changeset [18365] by tbretz
Also get MC data if this is a MC event.
18:42 Changeset [18364] by tbretz
Updated handling of drive states.
18:40 TroubleShootingSoftware edited by Daniela Dorner
moved drivectrl from newdaq to aux (new program) (diff)
18:30 Changeset [18363] by tbretz
Removed some obsolete comments.
18:25 Changeset [18362] by tbretz
Fixed the short description of the program.
18:19 Changeset [18361] by tbretz
Added more description for the configuration parameters.
18:06 Changeset [18360] by tbretz
Updated help text.
17:57 Changeset [18359] by tbretz
Updated drive states and corresponding description.
17:48 Changeset [18358] by tbretz
Updates to the failed states.
17:43 Changeset [18357] by tbretz
Added missing include of erfa directory
17:39 Changeset [18356] by tbretz
pfminictrl and sqmctrl were twice in th elist of man files.
17:36 Changeset [18355] by tbretz
Previous update failed... redone.
17:30 Changeset [18354] by tbretz
Updated with latest changed from Makefile.am
17:22 Changeset [18353] by tbretz
New drivectrl directly talking to the PLC.
17:22 Changeset [18352] by tbretz
Updated states to meet extended ones of the new drivectrl.
17:18 Changeset [18351] by tbretz
Renamed drivectrl to cosyctrl and added the new drivectrl to the Makefile.


19:58 Changeset [18350] by tbretz
Updated to v20r15
19:53 Changeset [18349] by tbretz
Updated to v20r15
15:06 Changeset [18348] by tbretz
15:03 Changeset [18347] by tbretz
14:56 Changeset [18346] by tbretz


14:20 Changeset [18345] by tbretz
Put some comments in front of orphaned definitions.


01:58 FlareAlertsSent edited by Daniela Dorner
added alert on 1959 from this night (diff)


20:55 Changeset [18344] by dneise
found the mistake, that lead to an exception without any more information. The 'names' in SetupConfiguration and EvalOPtions must of course be that same, if they are not. One gets an exception ... but not a little bit more ... really awesome.
20:27 Changeset [18343] by dneise
changing names of ressources as Thomas wanted. setting them to not-required and setting a hopefully useful default. It does throw an exception when being started, and I don't know where it is thrown yet.
20:07 Changeset [18342] by dneise
removing a struct and renamed some variables as Thomas wanted it.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.