

19:41 Changeset [18655] by tbretz
Do not try to re-position when parking and allow for a larger deviation (default: +-0.5deg)


20:16 Ticket #31 (cannot create logbook entries) created by dneise
I think some20:00book thing similar has been reported already. …


12:30 Changeset [18654] by tbretz
Changed lmits as diccussed in the telcon yesterday.


10:44 Changeset [18653] by tbretz
Updated to account for the new data in the EventData stream


10:08 Ticket #30 (Trouble creating logbooks entries) created by kbruegge
Hello, when creating logbook entries I get an error message. See the …


11:28 Changeset [18652] by tbretz
Added favicon.
10:24 Changeset [18651] by tbretz
That was the wrong order. First use sub then increment.


22:01 Changeset [18650] by tbretz
Link to the original README file to allow search engines to search
21:47 Changeset [18649] by tbretz
It seems the camera reponse has more than one LF now... replace all of them. In addition (in view of the new mode) added a SUSPEND mode which is equal to SLEEP.
21:33 Changeset [18648] by tbretz
Link to html wrapper for README text
21:31 Changeset [18647] by tbretz
Added some formatting for the README page
21:30 Changeset [18646] by tbretz
Adapted to fit a nice markdown page
21:29 Changeset [18645] by tbretz
An html interface to the documentation
19:52 Ticket #29 (First Image of IR Cam is completely gray) created by mnoethe
After the recent upgrade, the first image of the IR cam only shows a …
19:39 Ticket #28 (SmartFact only shows log until first observation) created by mnoethe
After the recent upgrade, smartfact seems only to show the log until …
18:11 Changeset [18644] by tbretz
Make link external, otherwise it is load via ajax (jquery mobile feature)
18:02 Changeset [18643] by tbretz
Trying to add mime type to README link.
17:27 Changeset [18642] by tbretz
Added short link
17:19 Changeset [18641] by tbretz
Extended and updated.
17:19 Changeset [18640] by tbretz
Allow to specify the Indico URL on the command line
16:50 Changeset [18639] by tbretz
Echanged order of room and location.
16:50 Changeset [18638] by tbretz
Implemented link to README
16:19 Changeset [18637] by tbretz
15:46 Changeset [18636] by tbretz
First version of an access to an indico timetable for mobile devices.
15:44 Changeset [18635] by tbretz
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.