

18:34 Changeset [13467] by Jens Buss
budfix lost } added
18:30 Changeset [13466] by Jens Buss
comments added
18:25 Changeset [13465] by Jens Buss
initial commit
12:38 Changeset [13464] by tbretz
SmartFACT++ web-pages -- first draft.
12:30 Changeset [13463] by tbretz
A very simple and light weight wrapper around DimInfo
12:29 Changeset [13462] by tbretz
First version of a dim client writing input for the SmartFACT++ web-page.


14:24 Changeset [13461] by kraehenb
Added passing NROI and NPIX to weave.
11:47 Changeset [13460] by neise
11:45 Changeset [13459] by neise
11:43 Changeset [13458] by neise
11:05 Changeset [13457] by tbretz
Corrected the CURRENT service description.
11:03 Changeset [13456] by tbretz
Changed CALIBRATION service to SI units.
10:54 Changeset [13455] by tbretz
Make sure that the same time is distributed with the voltage and current service; send a flag which tells if the nominal and current values are identical as QoS
10:52 Changeset [13454] by tbretz
Fixed a typo
10:51 Changeset [13453] by tbretz
Receive nominal bias voltage; added an option to set the calibration offset; the calibration offset is now relative only to the nominal G-APD breakdown voltage rather than the temperature corrected one; from the calibration current a slope (calibration resistor) is caluclated and distributed via dim service; the calibration resistor is taken into account when calculating the current feedback value.
10:33 Changeset [13452] by kraehenb
Reinserted the unused code parts in CalFitsPerformanceWeave for better comparison of the Weave and numpy approaches.
10:28 Changeset [13451] by kraehenb
New comments [all], cleaned up unused code parts [CalFitsPerformanceWeave].


18:57 Changeset [13450] by neise
ready for testing
15:54 Changeset [13449] by neise
ready to be tested
15:53 Changeset [13448] by kraehenb
Newest performance test script files for the CalFits class, including a fast version using scipy.weave.
14:48 Changeset [13447] by neise
is writing pulse heights to npz
14:46 Changeset [13446] by neise
plots each pixels darkcount pulse height histogram
14:40 Changeset [13445] by neise
simple test
08:55 Changeset [13444] by neise
08:54 Changeset [13443] by neise
07:51 Changeset [13442] by neise
07:50 Changeset [13441] by neise
init of class RawDataFake ... not yet functional


16:53 Changeset [13440] by neise
16:52 Changeset [13439] by neise
further steps
14:46 Changeset [13438] by Jens Buss
14:41 Changeset [13437] by Jens Buss
added comments
14:41 Changeset [13436] by Jens Buss
added comments
14:41 Changeset [13435] by kraehenb
Changed CalFitsTest.py to work with the current version of caltest.h.
14:40 Changeset [13434] by Jens Buss
added Comments
14:39 Changeset [13433] by Jens Buss
added comments
14:37 Changeset [13432] by Jens Buss
deleted WriteAllPixelTemplateToCSV
14:37 Changeset [13431] by Jens Buss
deleted WriteAllPixelTemplateToCSV
14:34 Changeset [13430] by kraehenb
Added script CalFitsPerformance.py to test the speed when actually working with the read data.
14:10 Changeset [13429] by Jens Buss
14:08 Changeset [13428] by Jens Buss
added fit
14:07 Changeset [13427] by Jens Buss
add fit function
13:57 Changeset [13426] by kraehenb
Use arrays with dynamic memory instead of vectors.
11:59 Changeset [13425] by Jens Buss
code cleaning
11:02 Changeset [13424] by Jens Buss
added function findTimeOfHalfMaxLeft
11:00 Changeset [13423] by Jens Buss
added slopeOfRisingEdge and halfRisingEdgePos
08:22 Changeset [13422] by Jens Buss
now with median, mean and max of slice
05:56 Changeset [13421] by neise


19:18 Changeset [13420] by neise
new class Signal Generator CSV
19:18 Changeset [13419] by neise
19:17 Changeset [13418] by neise
19:17 Changeset [13417] by neise
14:15 Changeset [13416] by kraehenb
Pointer version of the CalFits class (faster data access).
13:28 Changeset [13415] by neise
exchanged naming of cols, such that it fits to the way TB does it.
13:26 Changeset [13414] by neise
11:56 Changeset [13413] by neise
moved more stuff from tools/ to sandbox/dneise
11:55 Changeset [13412] by neise
3rd part of move
11:55 Changeset [13411] by neise
2nd part of move
11:54 Changeset [13410] by neise
moved some stuff from tools to sandbox/dneise ... was not really a tool
09:56 Changeset [13409] by weitzel
python script added to plot the trigger rates of one night


09:38 Changeset [13408] by neise
ignores data link
09:32 Changeset [13407] by neise
added some comments
09:26 Changeset [13406] by neise
nothing special
09:25 Changeset [13405] by neise
initial commit
09:25 Changeset [13404] by neise
testing version
09:23 Changeset [13403] by neise
initial commit
09:22 Changeset [13402] by neise
coordinator has now the x,y coordinates as members x and y


14:42 Changeset [13401] by kraehenb
Commented the loop over all events in CalFitsTest.py.
14:41 Changeset [13400] by kraehenb
Completed the fast implementation to read calibrated data: calfits.h, CalFitsTest.py.
13:28 Changeset [13399] by Daniela Dorner
added (scripts and setup for MC processing)
12:19 Changeset [13398] by tbretz
Update the statistics box with fit information if a gauss fit is done.
11:58 Changeset [13397] by kraehenb
Test function for the CalFits class.
11:47 Changeset [13396] by kraehenb
[In development] Wrapper class for fits.h or pyfits.h Provides fast access to calibrated events of FACT raw data.
11:20 Changeset [13395] by neise
quick hack
11:17 Changeset [13394] by neise
test von qw
11:04 Changeset [13393] by tbretz
Implemented the possibility to fit the projection per default with a gaussian.


15:26 Changeset [13392] by neise
for comparison
11:28 Changeset [13391] by neise
using map.txt instead of map_dn.txt ... added a lot of comments
11:27 Changeset [13390] by neise
the same as map_dn.txt but contains only those 3 cols I really use
11:23 Changeset [13389] by neise
example for root 5.32 on ISDC added
09:54 Changeset [13388] by tbretz
Added a possibility to also filla ratio; removed obsolete DrawClone; removed DrawCopy
09:53 Changeset [13387] by tbretz
Added fIsRatio; propagate weights; added a possibility to also fill a ratio into a camera histogram.


21:13 Changeset [13386] by neise
21:12 Changeset [13385] by neise
21:03 Changeset [13384] by neise
DRS amplitude cal optimized. At least I don't see more potential
20:36 Changeset [13383] by neise
just a test
20:00 Changeset [13382] by neise
optimizing amplitude_calibration: no np.roll() and moved reshaping to __init__
18:15 Changeset [13381] by Daniela Dorner
updated to new format of BIAS_CONTROL_VOLTAGE.fits
17:07 Changeset [13380] by neise
new option in RawData.__init__() one can set do_calibration=False. and the amplitude calibration comes without np.roll() ... thx to TPK for the idea
12:08 Changeset [13379] by tbretz
Added decoding for FACT.
10:56 Changeset [13378] by Jens Buss
now one can plot different pulse orders
09:28 Changeset [13377] by neise
edited typo
09:26 Changeset [13376] by neise
added some examples, and changed the part about the env vars
09:19 Changeset [13375] by neise
debugged typo in _test_iter
09:17 Changeset [13374] by neise
adjusted _test_iter for dict return value of RawData.next()


23:19 Changeset [13373] by Jens Buss
additional output
22:57 Changeset [13372] by Jens Buss
Operator: check events tab during first drs calib
22:51 Changeset [13371] by Jens Buss
edited comment output
22:47 Changeset [13370] by Jens Buss
tidied up by using additional scripts
22:47 Changeset [13369] by Jens Buss
tidied up by using additional scripts
17:16 Changeset [13368] by neise
initial commit of my sandbox
17:14 Changeset [13367] by neise
ZeroXing supports also Xings at different levels, so one can set the zero-level to another level
15:53 Changeset [13366] by tbretz
According to the root docu some GetRoot() calls should be GetDefaultRoot()
14:57 Changeset [13365] by tbretz
Added two more modes.
14:51 Changeset [13364] by tbretz
Implemented the possibility to start an eventloop in a step-by-step mode which stops at each event which is not flagged with kCONTINUE.
11:50 Changeset [13363] by Daniela Dorner
fixed column names
11:47 Changeset [13362] by Daniela Dorner
added link to logbook in comments column
09:54 Changeset [13361] by neise
09:44 Changeset [13360] by neise
svn ignore _build folder
09:39 Changeset [13359] by neise
deleted _build folder
09:18 Changeset [13358] by neise
just some tests for file random walk ... just for me... DN
09:17 Changeset [13357] by neise
deleted testfile: pynew.py
09:16 Changeset [13356] by neise
new class RawDataFeeder initial commit
09:13 Changeset [13355] by neise
supports table columns type 'A'
09:05 Changeset [13354] by neise
initial commit of new python wrapper class. usable for reading of slow data files
09:04 Changeset [13353] by Jens Buss
added debug output


16:15 Changeset [13352] by Jens Buss
edited comments
16:14 Changeset [13351] by Jens Buss
edited comments
16:12 Changeset [13350] by Jens Buss
additional mini script to for tracking crab and to tidy up the data taking scripts
14:29 Changeset [13349] by Jens Buss
switched to the 0new commenting method
13:49 Changeset [13348] by Jens Buss
switched to new commenting commands
13:48 Changeset [13347] by Jens Buss
switched to new commenting commands
13:48 Changeset [13346] by Jens Buss
switched to new commenting commands
13:47 Changeset [13345] by Jens Buss
switched to new commenting commands
13:47 Changeset [13344] by Jens Buss
switched to new commenting commands
12:49 Changeset [13343] by Daniela Dorner
fixed bug
12:47 Changeset [13342] by Daniela Dorner
improved logging
12:43 Changeset [13341] by Daniela Dorner
fixed bug for tooltip mode


20:06 Changeset [13340] by tbretz
Fixed a typo in a log text.
20:05 Changeset [13339] by tbretz
Updated to v19r31
11:46 Changeset [13338] by neise
ignoreing *.d and __pycache__ folder
11:45 Changeset [13337] by neise
ignoring _build/html and _build/doctrees
11:41 Changeset [13336] by neise
example for the new features of pyfits.h
11:27 Changeset [13335] by neise
forgot headline ... debugged
11:25 Changeset [13334] by neise
included extractor.py into classes.rst
11:22 Changeset [13333] by neise
supports automodule
10:23 Changeset [13332] by neise
inserted getters for fits header information


08:58 Changeset [13331] by neise
added first unit test of fir_filter module - use py.test to conduct it
08:55 Changeset [13330] by neise
debugged filter artifacts in the first few slices, by hand.... ugly but works


10:15 Changeset [13329] by neise
added automodule support
10:13 Changeset [13328] by neise
added automodule support
10:12 Changeset [13327] by neise
added doc strings
10:11 Changeset [13326] by neise
added more autoclass statements and one automodule statement
10:10 Changeset [13325] by neise
removed doubled classes content and added some examples


17:32 Changeset [13324] by lusterma
17:31 Changeset [13323] by lusterma
set a data path which would run at the cluster
17:01 Changeset [13322] by Daniela Dorner
bugfix for date pulldowns
15:54 Changeset [13321] by lusterma
limit iterations for _test_iter
15:32 Changeset [13320] by lusterma
better call it fits_h.so
15:30 Changeset [13319] by lusterma
for convinience
14:44 Changeset [13318] by lusterma
changed fitslib name to pyfits_h.so, which is the default created by ROOT
14:41 Changeset [13317] by lusterma
added copies of fits.h == pyfits.h and izstream.h for simplicity
14:10 Changeset [13316] by lusterma
worked on doc
13:07 Changeset [13315] by Daniela Dorner
included SequenceComments database
13:06 Changeset [13314] by Daniela Dorner
corrected names of columns


17:12 Changeset [13313] by Daniela Dorner
improved logging
16:28 Changeset [13312] by Daniela Dorner
adapted parameters to run script via cron
16:27 Changeset [13311] by Daniela Dorner
added crons for CheckTransfer.sh and CheckDU.sh
16:26 Changeset [13310] by Daniela Dorner
warn only if lockfile older than 5 minutes
16:25 Changeset [13309] by Daniela Dorner
added check for /archive/fact/fails/raw
12:49 Changeset [13308] by Daniela Dorner
replaced by new version
12:48 Changeset [13307] by Daniela Dorner
replaced by new version
12:45 Changeset [13306] by Daniela Dorner
added (new versions of setup files to include all variables)
12:44 Changeset [13305] by Daniela Dorner
added (script to backup databases)
12:43 Changeset [13304] by Daniela Dorner
new version to use /users/fact instead of /home/fact
12:42 Changeset [13303] by Daniela Dorner
fixed typo
12:41 Changeset [13302] by Daniela Dorner
removed things which belong into setup files
12:40 Changeset [13301] by Daniela Dorner
adapted script for more hosts
10:20 Changeset [13300] by neise
example ...


11:47 Changeset [13299] by neise
removed debug print out
11:46 Changeset [13298] by neise
made a real example out of it ... should be comprehendable and working now
10:30 Changeset [13297] by lyard
ignore QoS of messages in log file
09:40 Changeset [13296] by lyard
added datalogger prefix to datalogger log messages


13:48 Changeset [13295] by tbretz
Removed an obsolete const-cast.


22:29 Changeset [13294] by tbretz
Added an automatic reconnect under certain conditions.
18:07 Changeset [13293] by Daniela Dorner
fixed path
18:00 Changeset [13292] by Daniela Dorner
added nice and ionice for processes working with data
17:58 Changeset [13291] by Daniela Dorner
added nice and ionice for processes working with data


18:20 Changeset [13290] by neise
can be used for profiling
11:15 Changeset [13289] by Daniela Dorner
added DriveFileAvailISDC and changed requirement for Star from AuxFilesAvailISDC to DriveFileAvailISDC
11:14 Changeset [13288] by Daniela Dorner
added (script to check availability of DRIVE_CONTROL_TRACKING_POSITION.fits)
11:09 Changeset [13287] by Daniela Dorner
added nightly insert for new table DriveFileAvailISDCStatus
10:28 Changeset [13286] by tbretz
Changed # to be a real comment and > to be a comment writting to the log-files.
10:03 Changeset [13285] by Daniela Dorner
give only warning if files older than some days are missing
10:02 Changeset [13284] by Daniela Dorner
fixed typo
10:02 Changeset [13283] by Daniela Dorner
run CheckStatus.sh only twice a day
10:01 Changeset [13282] by Daniela Dorner
added jobmanager and SGE environment
09:59 Changeset [13281] by Daniela Dorner
fixed typo
07:19 Changeset [13280] by Jens Buss
changed that within the script <IsReadyForDataTaking> is called from the subfolder ServiceScripts
07:09 Changeset [13279] by Jens Buss
small bugfix
07:09 Changeset [13278] by Jens Buss
small bugfix
06:27 Changeset [13277] by Jens Buss
changed that within the script <IsReadyForDataTaking> is called from the subfolder ServiceScripts
06:27 Changeset [13276] by Jens Buss
changed that within the script <IsReadyForDataTaking> is called from the subfolder ServiceScripts
06:09 Changeset [13275] by Jens Buss
deleted TestMrkTracking from svn cause it was exidentally added
06:07 Changeset [13274] by Jens Buss
deleted TestCrabTracking from svn cause it was exidentally added
05:48 Changeset [13273] by Jens Buss
exchanged <echo> output command against <#> output
05:47 Changeset [13272] by Jens Buss
exchanged <echo> output command against <#> output
05:47 Changeset [13271] by Jens Buss
exchanged <echo> output command against <#> output
05:46 Changeset [13270] by Jens Buss
exchanged <echo> output command against <#> output
05:46 Changeset [13269] by Jens Buss
exchanged <echo> output command against <#> output
05:34 Changeset [13268] by Jens Buss
some comment edits
05:32 Changeset [13267] by Jens Buss
check statuses of bias, feedback, fad and drive before starting a data run
05:29 Changeset [13266] by Jens Buss
additional mini scripts to tidy up the data taking scripts
05:12 Changeset [13265] by Jens Buss
some spellchecking in the comments
05:11 Changeset [13264] by Jens Buss
some spellchecking in the comments
04:59 Changeset [13263] by Jens Buss
some changes in the commenmts
04:55 Changeset [13262] by Jens Buss
changed position of reminder for opereator to measure sky brightness
04:50 Changeset [13261] by Jens Buss
added commenmts for new log comments
04:48 Changeset [13260] by Jens Buss
added commenmts for new log comments, still echos in script, will delete when all scripts are ready


23:14 Changeset [13259] by tbretz
Set fDebugTx per default to false
21:38 Changeset [13258] by tbretz
Ensure that after a successfull overcurrent reset at least one status request is send.
21:14 Changeset [13257] by tbretz
Changed the description for the exit command.
20:51 Changeset [13256] by tbretz
Set names for the dim services.
20:50 Changeset [13255] by tbretz
Changed the resistance of the broken pixels to 390Ohm. Test yesterday night have shown that the amplitude is too low.
20:48 Changeset [13254] by tbretz
Removed the stray Xs in the dim service names which were for debugging.
20:20 Changeset [13253] by tbretz
13:23 Changeset [13252] by tbretz
Fixed a typo.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.