

15:35 Changeset [13761] by tbretz
Fixed a typo in a vriable name.
15:34 Changeset [13760] by tbretz
Removed obsolete kCmdTest
15:34 Changeset [13759] by tbretz
Show message 'Ratescan in progress.'
15:33 Changeset [13758] by tbretz
Pass the user name as well.
13:41 Changeset [13757] by tbretz
Another try to fix the root-makes-the-gui-sometimes-crash problem.
10:35 Changeset [13756] by tbretz
Changed the blocking from patch-wise to board-wise.
10:07 Changeset [13755] by tbretz
Added username to dimctrl commandline.
10:05 Changeset [13754] by tbretz
Updated output with the user name.
09:37 Changeset [13753] by tbretz
Added the user as an option.
09:35 Changeset [13752] by tbretz
Removed an obsolete line.
09:34 Changeset [13751] by tbretz
Added time to graphics output; some improvements to coloring; some improvements to state handling - especially for the dimctrl states.
09:30 Changeset [13750] by tbretz
Fixed a typo.
09:29 Changeset [13749] by tbretz
added pid to output.
09:11 Changeset [13748] by tbretz
Improved the messages in case of a logout.
09:09 Changeset [13747] by tbretz
Some littel fixed; added a time-tag to the graphics files; added some possibility to link to the control-section
09:06 Changeset [13746] by tbretz
Added some more informal output, added teh fStatc again - I don't understand why I removed that.
09:05 Changeset [13745] by tbretz
Little improvements to the help text.
09:03 Changeset [13744] by tbretz
Little improvements to the help text.
09:01 Changeset [13743] by tbretz
Little improvements to the help text.
08:59 Changeset [13742] by tbretz
Renamed fSeconds* to fCounter* which is more appropriate; added a first draft of a dynamic sized ratescan.


17:57 Changeset [13741] by Jens Buss
comments in script
17:54 Changeset [13740] by Jens Buss
somme additional output
17:23 Changeset [13739] by Jens Buss
initial commit: script to mak some steps of the Amplitude vs Offset measurement automatically
14:56 Changeset [13738] by Jens Buss
renamed to templateextractors.C
14:47 Changeset [13737] by Jens Buss
possibility to define if output file will be updated or recreated
14:47 Changeset [13736] by Jens Buss
possibility to define if output file will be updated or recreated
14:46 Changeset [13735] by Jens Buss
path dependency on host system and possibility to define if output file will be updated or recreated
09:18 Changeset [13734] by tbretz
Some updates to the messages sent with the STATE service.
08:43 Changeset [13733] by tbretz
Use the script name from Readline when sending reports.
08:42 Changeset [13732] by tbretz
Fixed a problem with the label interprtation.
08:42 Changeset [13731] by tbretz
Fixed a problem with the label interpretation; added a storage variable for the script name


16:51 Changeset [13730] by Jens Buss
modified script by using service scripts for data taking and drscalibration
16:51 Changeset [13729] by Jens Buss
modified script by using service scripts for data taking and drscalibration
16:49 Changeset [13728] by Jens Buss
initial commit: take a external light Pulser run
16:49 Changeset [13727] by Jens Buss
initial commit: take a DRS calibration before taking physics data
16:48 Changeset [13726] by Jens Buss
whitespace changes and comments
16:44 Changeset [13725] by Jens Buss
initial commit: Take 1x pedestal, 1x ExtLp and 4x physics data runs
16:43 Changeset [13724] by Jens Buss
initial commit: ramp up bias before data taking
16:42 Changeset [13723] by Jens Buss
initial commit: take a pedestal run 1000 evts and bias on
15:54 Changeset [13722] by tbretz
Cancel request which are still pending when requestAll* is called.
14:59 Changeset [13721] by tbretz
Added a warning in case the temperatures are all invalid.
14:58 Changeset [13720] by Jens Buss
add line for making scritpts executable and renamed all scripts to *.dim
14:54 Changeset [13719] by Jens Buss
add line for making scritpts executable and renamed all scripts to *.dim
14:39 Changeset [13718] by tbretz
Implemented blocking which makes sure that if only a single channel's threshold is set it is not set twice without break. Due to a firmware bug the FTU would stop counting otherwise and we always get the same rate.
14:37 Changeset [13717] by tbretz
When fDimDeviation is reset, it must be set to fOffset so that the sum is correctly 0.
14:32 Changeset [13716] by tbretz
Improved relating the rows in the table with the lines in the file.
13:44 Changeset [13715] by tbretz
Removed the check for the line being a comment, this is done in Readline.cc now
13:43 Changeset [13714] by tbretz
Added comment to help list.
13:41 Changeset [13713] by tbretz
Added Uncomment function to tools used to strip off inline comments.
13:01 Changeset [13712] by tbretz
Added more command descriptions.
12:54 Changeset [13711] by tbretz
Fixed a typo in a help text thanks to Dominik; added missing state descriptions
12:31 Changeset [13710] by neise
renamed a Script
11:26 Changeset [13709] by neise
added some comments
10:38 Changeset [13708] by neise
Initial commit of FeedBackOn Dim Script: Contains the same StartUp procedure as FirstDrsCalib, but without the data taking
09:28 Changeset [13707] by neise
just changed some logging output, two short '-' lines instead of a long one
09:27 Changeset [13706] by neise
just changed some logging output, two short '-' lines instead of a long one
09:27 Changeset [13705] by Jens Buss
edited verbosity output


22:40 Changeset [13704] by tbretz
A fix for the color of the bias information; added colors to the current page; implemented fad connection stuff
22:38 Changeset [13703] by tbretz
Added the possibility to fix width and height; added the possibility to replace a line by an image; fixed the link to dummy.png
15:38 Changeset [13702] by tbretz
Slight change to the meaning of labels; added the direct exit to th eexecution loop; implemented interruption of state waiting
15:25 Changeset [13701] by tbretz
Improved the status line.
15:25 Changeset [13700] by tbretz
14:29 Changeset [13699] by tbretz
Added path option (not yet activated); added path to output files; some updates to coloring and output especially for the current display and whether they are calibrated or not; added thresholds
14:28 Changeset [13698] by tbretz
Moved data files to data and moved table files to struct
14:27 Changeset [13697] by tbretz
Moved images to img
14:23 Changeset [13696] by tbretz
14:23 Changeset [13695] by tbretz
14:22 Changeset [13694] by tbretz
12:08 Changeset [13693] by tbretz
Added handling of feedback deviation.
11:59 Changeset [13692] by tbretz
Allow deviation to be two bytes larger.
11:58 Changeset [13691] by tbretz
Added temperature and user offset to deviation service.
11:35 Changeset [13690] by tbretz
11:35 Changeset [13689] by tbretz
11:33 Changeset [13688] by tbretz
11:30 Changeset [13687] by tbretz
Implemented a mark for an attached comment, display comment in tooltip.
09:52 Changeset [13686] by tbretz
09:52 Changeset [13685] by tbretz
09:47 Changeset [13684] by tbretz
Enabled authentication; removed default label from filename.
09:46 Changeset [13683] by tbretz
Set a fixed precision for the units of the camera display


21:45 Changeset [13682] by tbretz
Fixed a newly introduced bug when parsing the .x - opt should have been checked, not data.
18:44 Changeset [13681] by tbretz
Some little improvements and fixes
18:43 Changeset [13680] by tbretz
Added authetication stuff
18:42 Changeset [13679] by tbretz
Added icon_color; commented out some obsolete stuff
18:42 Changeset [13678] by tbretz
Some simplication and layout changes; added support for input rows and the possibility to submit script for telescope control.
18:16 Changeset [13677] by tbretz
Added the state of DIM_CONTROL
18:06 Changeset [13676] by tbretz
Added JavaDate
18:05 Changeset [13675] by tbretz
Use JavaData; ceck overcurrent status; someother cosetic changes and improvements
12:44 Changeset [13674] by tbretz
It seems there is another thing not handled very well by dim if a server crashes; removed the exception and added proper handling of that case.
12:43 Changeset [13673] by tbretz
Added the possibility to pipe arguments to the executed scripts.
12:42 Changeset [13672] by tbretz
Redirect the exit handler; removed obsolete fLabel; added new class for a unattended dimctrl server RemoteStream
12:41 Changeset [13671] by tbretz
Added the possibility to remote control the DIM_CONTROL, i.e. start and stop scripts
12:37 Changeset [13670] by tbretz
If a Format string is empty this is just a warning.
12:36 Changeset [13669] by tbretz
Added GetWildcardOptions and GetOptions to be able to access all available wildcard options of one kind at once; replaced some iterator defintions with the auto keyword for conevenience
12:35 Changeset [13668] by tbretz
Added a hint for the command line arguments to the explanation of .x; added argument-replacement to Execute; set section label to -2 if script done and to 0 if script is executing; added argument parsing to .x
12:29 Changeset [13667] by tbretz
Added a split function able to parse an escaped command line
00:07 Changeset [13666] by tbretz
Added first draft of an interfact to the dimctrl.
00:05 Changeset [13665] by tbretz
Added sendCommand; fixed a problem with the debug line.
00:03 Changeset [13664] by tbretz
Many simplifications; invalidation of graphics if report is too late; limits from binary file; no double use of xmlHttp; removed old obsolete sliding code


23:21 Changeset [13663] by Jens Buss
changed OpenRootFile? to ChooseRootFileToWrite
23:18 Changeset [13662] by Jens Buss
add pulsetemplate program
23:17 Changeset [13661] by Jens Buss
const char* to TString
23:16 Changeset [13660] by Jens Buss
changed OpenRootFile to OpenRootFile
23:14 Changeset [13659] by Jens Buss
add functions make histogramsPritty
23:14 Changeset [13658] by Jens Buss
add functions make histogramsPritty
23:12 Changeset [13657] by Jens Buss
const char* to TString
23:10 Changeset [13656] by Jens Buss
renaming of variables
23:09 Changeset [13655] by Jens Buss
23:09 Changeset [13654] by Jens Buss
changed to the correct constructor of parrent class
23:08 Changeset [13653] by Jens Buss
renaming of functions
23:05 Changeset [13652] by Jens Buss
initial commit: functions for extracting information from TH2 and putting into TH1 to compute a Pulse Template
21:15 Changeset [13651] by tbretz
Added a virtual function to be used in RemoteControl to get back to DimCtrl.
19:54 Changeset [13650] by tbretz
Instead of calling shell.Stop(), simply shell.Run() is not called if option 'quit' is given.
19:53 Changeset [13649] by tbretz
Made fLabel static to allow it being set rom dimctrl; added a virtual function to signal the current label.
16:36 Changeset [13648] by Jens Buss
initial commit: class vor information of a bunch of pixels connected
14:15 Changeset [13647] by tbretz
Added a getter for fStep.
10:57 Changeset [13646] by Jens Buss
add constuctor for pixel without ID but name
10:57 Changeset [13645] by Jens Buss
add constuctor for pixel without ID but name
06:49 Changeset [13644] by neise
RawData.board_times and RawData.start_cells are now numpy array. They were of type ROOT.PyShortBuffer before, which is not so easy to handle. Since it is not time critical, I decided to create them this way. RawData.info() is not giving a sufficient amount of info, I think. should be reworked. A RawData object has several member, which make no sense in all cases. E.g. some members related to the baseline correction. These members should only exist, in case the user wants to perform baseline correction.


17:18 Changeset [13643] by tbretz
Some little improvements to statistics and display; new scale for the currents
17:17 Changeset [13642] by tbretz
Another update to the resizing; a fix to the debug line display.
16:44 Changeset [13641] by Jens Buss
All funktions implemented to compute template
15:04 Changeset [13640] by tbretz
Added some debug output.
13:36 Changeset [13639] by Jens Buss
removed and exchanged with templateextractors.*
13:32 Changeset [13638] by Jens Buss
initial commit: functions for extracting information from TH2 and putting into TH1 to compute a Pulse Template
13:30 Changeset [13637] by Jens Buss
initial commit: functions for extracting information from TH2 and putting into TH1 to compute a Pulse Template
13:29 Changeset [13636] by Jens Buss
added function CsvFileName
13:29 Changeset [13635] by Jens Buss
added function CsvFileName
11:43 Changeset [13634] by neise
added comments
11:42 Changeset [13633] by neise
just a note
11:41 Changeset [13632] by neise
initial commit of my tests and so on
11:33 Changeset [13631] by neise
removed new class DRSSpikes_2D ... not needed
08:44 Changeset [13630] by neise
return_dict=True is now default


22:00 Changeset [13629] by Jens Buss
counting in for loop cout to correct max value of pixels
17:49 Changeset [13628] by Jens Buss
const char* to TString
17:48 Changeset [13627] by Jens Buss
const char* to TString
17:48 Changeset [13626] by Jens Buss
bugfixes Seg faults solved in Save Histogram
17:46 Changeset [13625] by Jens Buss
changed all const char to TString
17:46 Changeset [13624] by Jens Buss
16:39 Changeset [13623] by tbretz
This seems to make the compiler more happy.
16:22 Changeset [13622] by tbretz
Fixeda few 'compiler' warnings.
16:17 Changeset [13621] by tbretz
Added rate scan stuff and fixed mappings and other details.
16:16 Changeset [13620] by tbretz
Added correct pixel mapping and a few othe rminor improvements
14:19 Changeset [13619] by tbretz
The factor to determine the wind direction is 22.5 not 22
14:08 Changeset [13618] by Jens Buss
added delete for file-object
14:08 Changeset [13617] by Jens Buss
added delete for file-object
13:37 Changeset [13616] by Jens Buss
changed bsl and gain to type float
13:34 Changeset [13615] by Jens Buss
change bsl and gain to type float
13:01 Changeset [13614] by Jens Buss
add removeRegionWithToFlatSlope
13:01 Changeset [13613] by Jens Buss
12:54 Changeset [13612] by Jens Buss
add float interceptRisingEdge;
12:53 Changeset [13611] by Jens Buss
now it saves into the correct subdirectory
12:52 Changeset [13610] by Jens Buss
debugHistos optimized
00:38 Changeset [13609] by tbretz
Fixed the display of the camera display; fixed the display of the MCP/CONFIGURATIOn service and added a time counter for started runs.
00:37 Changeset [13608] by tbretz
Removed a stray empty line.
00:36 Changeset [13607] by tbretz
Implemented colors for the new mcp states.
00:31 Changeset [13606] by tbretz
The service name didn't icnlude the server name as it ought to be.


22:10 Changeset [13605] by tbretz
In the new states the check should be fStatusFAD not fStatusFTM
17:42 Changeset [13604] by Jens Buss
histograms for template computation from edge overlay
17:42 Changeset [13603] by Jens Buss
histograms for template computation from edge overlay
17:41 Changeset [13602] by Jens Buss
line that could be uncommented to also save debug histos
13:45 Changeset [13601] by Daniela Dorner
changed time range for raw files on LP from 3 to 9 days
13:41 Changeset [13600] by Daniela Dorner
changed time range for rsync of raw files on LP from 3 to 9 days
13:40 Changeset [13599] by Daniela Dorner
changed time range for rsync of aux files from 3 to 9 days
13:17 Changeset [13598] by Jens Buss
resolved segmentation fold on producing test histograms
11:51 Changeset [13597] by Jens Buss
DrawHistograms changed to DrawOverlayHistograms, added function for drawing template histograms
11:51 Changeset [13596] by Jens Buss
DrawHistograms changed to DrawOverlayHistograms, added function for drawing template histograms
11:49 Changeset [13595] by Jens Buss
DrawHistograms changed to DrawOverlayHistograms
11:37 Changeset [13594] by Jens Buss
added functions for handling histograms for template computation
11:36 Changeset [13593] by Jens Buss
added functions for handling histograms for template computation
10:56 Changeset [13592] by Jens Buss
second constructor fpr loading allready produced histos, also took away standard values couse they did not work for overloading
10:56 Changeset [13591] by Jens Buss
second constructor fpr loading allready produced histos, also took away standard values couse they did not work for overloading
09:54 Changeset [13590] by Jens Buss
new Method for computing histogram names


20:45 Changeset [13589] by tbretz
Improved that acces s to the states; added many new services.
20:45 Changeset [13588] by tbretz
Added icons.
20:45 Changeset [13587] by tbretz
Improvements to the histogram display; some other little fixes and improvements
17:47 Changeset [13586] by Daniela Dorner
correct HEADAS path, paths for running FillAuxData.sh at ISDC
13:35 Changeset [13585] by tbretz
Added two new states: trigger on and taking data
11:45 Changeset [13584] by Jens Buss
changed distribution histograms from TH1F to TH1I
11:44 Changeset [13583] by Jens Buss
title changes of distribution histograms and changed them from TH1F to TH1I
11:43 Changeset [13582] by Jens Buss
bugfix in lin. regression of rising edge
11:40 Changeset [13581] by Jens Buss
added check showing pulses where slope of rising edge was calculated to be negative
10:42 Changeset [13580] by Daniela Dorner
run skript only for last three days or last X GB of data
10:39 Changeset [13579] by Daniela Dorner
added check for empty return of mysql
10:39 Changeset [13578] by Daniela Dorner
added check if directory is mounted
09:52 Changeset [13577] by Jens Buss
small bugfix
09:51 Changeset [13576] by Jens Buss
small bugfix of unknownvariable _tf_
09:35 Changeset [13575] by Jens Buss
dded filling and drawing of distribution histograms
09:34 Changeset [13574] by Jens Buss
added calculation of distance of half rising edge to maximum
09:33 Changeset [13573] by Jens Buss
added value for the distance of maximum und half rising edge
09:26 Changeset [13572] by Jens Buss
changed distibution options from P to M


00:19 Changeset [13571] by tbretz
Added description to the new service.


23:58 Changeset [13570] by tbretz
Added a service to distribute the current run-type information.
19:27 Changeset [13569] by tbretz
19:26 Changeset [13568] by tbretz
Many more changes and improvements; mainly made everything dynamic so that more fancy menus are possible; added back and home button.


23:53 Changeset [13567] by tbretz
More simplifications and optimizations
21:51 Changeset [13566] by neise
debugged memory allocation bug. mem of trigger_offset was allocated too small. baseline, gain and trigger_offset were filled in the wrong way in the contructor. in GetCalEvent() baseline, gain and trigger_offset were indexed wrongly. performance test to be done.
21:16 Changeset [13565] by tbretz
Even more updates to the camera drawing
20:54 Changeset [13564] by tbretz
More updates to the camera drawing
19:53 Changeset [13563] by tbretz
Fixed a problem with firefox; added drawing of the full camera; use translations for drawing; replaced discs by hexagons
19:52 Changeset [13562] by tbretz
Removed event counter - there is only one event per second anyway; implemented different scaling depending on whether the event is calibrated or not
19:41 Changeset [13561] by tbretz
Send the drs step as quality with the data so that it can be detected if it is calibrated data or not.
16:28 Changeset [13560] by Jens Buss
16:28 Changeset [13559] by Jens Buss
changed naming of histograms
16:27 Changeset [13558] by Jens Buss
now histograms will be plotted again
10:40 Changeset [13557] by tbretz
Fixed another sign - so we are back with the previous solution.
10:34 Changeset [13556] by tbretz
The voltage U0 had the wrong sign.


22:58 Changeset [13555] by tbretz
Added the missing color for the source name in the tracking tab.
22:51 Changeset [13554] by tbretz
Added an error output if we still miss a connection to a subsystem and somebody tries to start a run.
22:51 Changeset [13553] by tbretz
Fixed a unit problem in the new rasistor correction; added some output which helps in case of problems; correctly display the calibration offset when the calibration is started.
22:46 Changeset [13552] by tbretz
Some fixes, updates and improvements to get a first version fully working.
22:36 Changeset [13551] by neise
removed some multiplications from GetCalEvent() to Constructor ... not yet tested
22:34 Changeset [13550] by neise
compiling with optimize
18:54 Changeset [13549] by tbretz
Commented out the use of fStatic, because with the called default constructor it led to crahes.
13:49 Changeset [13548] by neise
deleted fits* datafile
13:48 Changeset [13547] by neise
deleted Pixel** pixel
13:29 Changeset [13546] by Jens Buss
set datafile to NULLpointer
13:28 Changeset [13545] by Jens Buss
added deletion of datafile at the end of programm
13:19 Changeset [13544] by Jens Buss
un uncommented deletion of distribution histos in destructor
13:16 Changeset [13543] by Jens Buss
un uncommented histogram deletion in destructor
13:12 Changeset [13542] by Jens Buss
verbosity cout changes
13:11 Changeset [13541] by Jens Buss
verbosity cout changes
12:47 Changeset [13540] by neise
un-uncommented Fill Histograms and removed some debugging couts
12:38 Changeset [13539] by Jens Buss
deleted useless cout
11:55 Changeset [13538] by Jens Buss
bugfix: pixelID in new Pixel
11:51 Changeset [13537] by neise
added Loading of libz.so for isdc machines
11:50 Changeset [13536] by neise
added dependency for binary
10:39 Changeset [13535] by neise
Makefile works
09:01 Changeset [13534] by neise
added a lot of includes
08:59 Changeset [13533] by Jens Buss
hanged verbosity levels
08:39 Changeset [13532] by neise
deleted IsReadyForDataTaking --> moved to ServiceScripts
06:02 Changeset [13531] by neise
changed path to so lib
06:01 Changeset [13530] by neise
changed default filename and added check if file exists


22:58 Changeset [13529] by tbretz
Removed debug status in output file.
22:57 Changeset [13528] by tbretz
Added missing infoHandlers for drive control.
22:41 Changeset [13527] by tbretz
Fixed a typo in an element name
22:01 Changeset [13526] by tbretz
Added cycling color of dots; moved some code to isSliding; new simplified sliding algorithm; simplified doresize
22:00 Changeset [13525] by tbretz
Switched off padding for rows.
21:59 Changeset [13524] by tbretz
Included rdot and ldot and removed the default time.
21:16 Changeset [13523] by tbretz
A little simplification.
17:26 Changeset [13522] by Jens Buss
now with correct filenames
17:24 Changeset [13521] by Jens Buss
makefile for FPulseOverlay.C
17:23 Changeset [13520] by Jens Buss
update some bugfixes in the destructor
17:22 Changeset [13519] by Jens Buss
result for today NOT WORKING but i commit annyways
15:56 Changeset [13518] by neise
RawData uses CalFactFits as default, see __init__() parameter use_CalFactFits
15:12 Changeset [13517] by neise
reverted former check in ... was too messy ... sorry
15:05 Changeset [13516] by neise
test of RawData using CalFactFits
14:37 Changeset [13515] by kraehenb
Renamed test scripts and Class calls within to new naming standard.
14:32 Changeset [13514] by kraehenb
Renamed the header guards in calfactfits.h to CALFACTFITS_H.
14:11 Changeset [13513] by neise
debugged _test_SlowData
13:39 Changeset [13512] by neise
using now class FactFits instead of class fits
13:33 Changeset [13511] by neise
file deleted, class is now called SlowData in module pyfact
13:30 Changeset [13510] by neise
renamed class fits to FactFits
13:30 Changeset [13509] by neise
renamed to factfits.h
13:29 Changeset [13508] by neise
13:28 Changeset [13507] by neise
renamed class
13:23 Changeset [13506] by neise
creating shared object files from C++ header files
12:53 Changeset [13505] by neise
added class SlowData. This class was formerly known as FactFits in module factfits.py
12:39 Changeset [13504] by neise
adding deprication warning
11:19 Changeset [13503] by kraehenb
Part 2 of the file moving, comments see last commit.
11:17 Changeset [13502] by kraehenb
Moved calfits.h to pyfact and the example scripts to examples. P.S. The examples might not work currently du to wrong paths. P.P.S. the files and classes will be renamed soon by DN.


15:45 Changeset [13501] by Jens Buss
took of unused cout
15:34 Changeset [13500] by Jens Buss
some major bugfixes
15:34 Changeset [13499] by Jens Buss
some major bugfixes
15:01 Changeset [13498] by tbretz
Added rates from ftm control.
14:27 Changeset [13497] by tbretz
Added current calibration; some updates to the colors
14:10 Changeset [13496] by tbretz
Added simple graph drawing.
13:18 Changeset [13495] by tbretz
Removed some warning given by the Closure Compiler; exported onload
12:42 Changeset [13494] by Jens Buss
added bool for saving histograms or not
12:42 Changeset [13493] by Jens Buss
added bool for saving histograms or not
12:42 Changeset [13492] by Jens Buss
added bool for saving histograms or not
12:41 Changeset [13491] by Jens Buss
added bool for saving histograms or not
12:41 Changeset [13490] by Jens Buss
added bool for saving histograms or not
12:25 Changeset [13489] by Jens Buss
destructor for DistributionHistos
12:25 Changeset [13488] by Jens Buss
destructor for DistributionHistos
12:15 Changeset [13487] by Jens Buss
modified the destructor for array usage
12:10 Changeset [13486] by Jens Buss
additional if conditions for debug histos
12:02 Changeset [13485] by Jens Buss
put construction of debug histograms into an own function
10:19 Changeset [13484] by tbretz
Moved all dim service description outside the class, so that they can be instantiated after the initialisation, to ensure that everything is properly initialized before the infoHandler is called.


22:57 Changeset [13483] by tbretz
22:53 Changeset [13482] by tbretz
The calibration offset must be subtracted from the voltage to calculate the resistor.
22:48 Changeset [13481] by tbretz
Reverting to last revision.
22:48 Changeset [13480] by tbretz
Reverting to last revision.
22:47 Changeset [13479] by tbretz
Adapted to the latest html/js changes.
22:32 Changeset [13478] by tbretz
Include DimData; removed class definition for DimData; updated calculation of bias current offset; added subscription to BIAS_CONTROL/VOLTAGE; removed the group-wise scaling in the display of the bias currents for the time being.
20:07 Changeset [13477] by tbretz
Moved the instantisation of fTriggerOn before the DimStampedInfo instances.
19:24 Changeset [13476] by Jens Buss
bugfixes after first compilation
19:23 Changeset [13475] by Jens Buss
bugfixes after first compilation
19:23 Changeset [13474] by Jens Buss
bugfixes after first compilation
19:22 Changeset [13473] by Jens Buss
bugfixes after first compilation
19:22 Changeset [13472] by Jens Buss
Bugfixes after first compilation
19:21 Changeset [13471] by Jens Buss
added initialisation of parameter slopeOfRisingEdge
14:23 Changeset [13470] by tbretz
Many updates.
05:48 Changeset [13469] by neise
ignore root files
05:47 Changeset [13468] by neise


18:34 Changeset [13467] by Jens Buss
budfix lost } added
18:30 Changeset [13466] by Jens Buss
comments added
18:25 Changeset [13465] by Jens Buss
initial commit
12:38 Changeset [13464] by tbretz
SmartFACT++ web-pages -- first draft.
12:30 Changeset [13463] by tbretz
A very simple and light weight wrapper around DimInfo
12:29 Changeset [13462] by tbretz
First version of a dim client writing input for the SmartFACT++ web-page.


14:24 Changeset [13461] by kraehenb
Added passing NROI and NPIX to weave.
11:47 Changeset [13460] by neise
11:45 Changeset [13459] by neise
11:43 Changeset [13458] by neise
11:05 Changeset [13457] by tbretz
Corrected the CURRENT service description.
11:03 Changeset [13456] by tbretz
Changed CALIBRATION service to SI units.
10:54 Changeset [13455] by tbretz
Make sure that the same time is distributed with the voltage and current service; send a flag which tells if the nominal and current values are identical as QoS
10:52 Changeset [13454] by tbretz
Fixed a typo
10:51 Changeset [13453] by tbretz
Receive nominal bias voltage; added an option to set the calibration offset; the calibration offset is now relative only to the nominal G-APD breakdown voltage rather than the temperature corrected one; from the calibration current a slope (calibration resistor) is caluclated and distributed via dim service; the calibration resistor is taken into account when calculating the current feedback value.
10:33 Changeset [13452] by kraehenb
Reinserted the unused code parts in CalFitsPerformanceWeave for better comparison of the Weave and numpy approaches.
10:28 Changeset [13451] by kraehenb
New comments [all], cleaned up unused code parts [CalFitsPerformanceWeave].


18:57 Changeset [13450] by neise
ready for testing
15:54 Changeset [13449] by neise
ready to be tested
15:53 Changeset [13448] by kraehenb
Newest performance test script files for the CalFits class, including a fast version using scipy.weave.
14:48 Changeset [13447] by neise
is writing pulse heights to npz
14:46 Changeset [13446] by neise
plots each pixels darkcount pulse height histogram
14:40 Changeset [13445] by neise
simple test
08:55 Changeset [13444] by neise
08:54 Changeset [13443] by neise
07:51 Changeset [13442] by neise
07:50 Changeset [13441] by neise
init of class RawDataFake ... not yet functional


16:53 Changeset [13440] by neise
16:52 Changeset [13439] by neise
further steps
14:46 Changeset [13438] by Jens Buss
14:41 Changeset [13437] by Jens Buss
added comments
14:41 Changeset [13436] by Jens Buss
added comments
14:41 Changeset [13435] by kraehenb
Changed CalFitsTest.py to work with the current version of caltest.h.
14:40 Changeset [13434] by Jens Buss
added Comments
14:39 Changeset [13433] by Jens Buss
added comments
14:37 Changeset [13432] by Jens Buss
deleted WriteAllPixelTemplateToCSV
14:37 Changeset [13431] by Jens Buss
deleted WriteAllPixelTemplateToCSV
14:34 Changeset [13430] by kraehenb
Added script CalFitsPerformance.py to test the speed when actually working with the read data.
14:10 Changeset [13429] by Jens Buss
14:08 Changeset [13428] by Jens Buss
added fit
14:07 Changeset [13427] by Jens Buss
add fit function
13:57 Changeset [13426] by kraehenb
Use arrays with dynamic memory instead of vectors.
11:59 Changeset [13425] by Jens Buss
code cleaning
11:02 Changeset [13424] by Jens Buss
added function findTimeOfHalfMaxLeft
11:00 Changeset [13423] by Jens Buss
added slopeOfRisingEdge and halfRisingEdgePos
08:22 Changeset [13422] by Jens Buss
now with median, mean and max of slice
05:56 Changeset [13421] by neise


19:18 Changeset [13420] by neise
new class Signal Generator CSV
19:18 Changeset [13419] by neise
19:17 Changeset [13418] by neise
19:17 Changeset [13417] by neise
14:15 Changeset [13416] by kraehenb
Pointer version of the CalFits class (faster data access).
13:28 Changeset [13415] by neise
exchanged naming of cols, such that it fits to the way TB does it.
13:26 Changeset [13414] by neise
11:56 Changeset [13413] by neise
moved more stuff from tools/ to sandbox/dneise
11:55 Changeset [13412] by neise
3rd part of move
11:55 Changeset [13411] by neise
2nd part of move
11:54 Changeset [13410] by neise
moved some stuff from tools to sandbox/dneise ... was not really a tool
09:56 Changeset [13409] by weitzel
python script added to plot the trigger rates of one night


09:38 Changeset [13408] by neise
ignores data link
09:32 Changeset [13407] by neise
added some comments
09:26 Changeset [13406] by neise
nothing special
09:25 Changeset [13405] by neise
initial commit
09:25 Changeset [13404] by neise
testing version
09:23 Changeset [13403] by neise
initial commit
09:22 Changeset [13402] by neise
coordinator has now the x,y coordinates as members x and y


14:42 Changeset [13401] by kraehenb
Commented the loop over all events in CalFitsTest.py.
14:41 Changeset [13400] by kraehenb
Completed the fast implementation to read calibrated data: calfits.h, CalFitsTest.py.
13:28 Changeset [13399] by Daniela Dorner
added (scripts and setup for MC processing)
12:19 Changeset [13398] by tbretz
Update the statistics box with fit information if a gauss fit is done.
11:58 Changeset [13397] by kraehenb
Test function for the CalFits class.
11:47 Changeset [13396] by kraehenb
[In development] Wrapper class for fits.h or pyfits.h Provides fast access to calibrated events of FACT raw data.
11:20 Changeset [13395] by neise
quick hack
11:17 Changeset [13394] by neise
test von qw
11:04 Changeset [13393] by tbretz
Implemented the possibility to fit the projection per default with a gaussian.


15:26 Changeset [13392] by neise
for comparison
11:28 Changeset [13391] by neise
using map.txt instead of map_dn.txt ... added a lot of comments
11:27 Changeset [13390] by neise
the same as map_dn.txt but contains only those 3 cols I really use
11:23 Changeset [13389] by neise
example for root 5.32 on ISDC added
09:54 Changeset [13388] by tbretz
Added a possibility to also filla ratio; removed obsolete DrawClone; removed DrawCopy
09:53 Changeset [13387] by tbretz
Added fIsRatio; propagate weights; added a possibility to also fill a ratio into a camera histogram.


21:13 Changeset [13386] by neise
21:12 Changeset [13385] by neise
21:03 Changeset [13384] by neise
DRS amplitude cal optimized. At least I don't see more potential
20:36 Changeset [13383] by neise
just a test
20:00 Changeset [13382] by neise
optimizing amplitude_calibration: no np.roll() and moved reshaping to __init__
18:15 Changeset [13381] by Daniela Dorner
updated to new format of BIAS_CONTROL_VOLTAGE.fits
17:07 Changeset [13380] by neise
new option in RawData.__init__() one can set do_calibration=False. and the amplitude calibration comes without np.roll() ... thx to TPK for the idea
12:08 Changeset [13379] by tbretz
Added decoding for FACT.
10:56 Changeset [13378] by Jens Buss
now one can plot different pulse orders
09:28 Changeset [13377] by neise
edited typo
09:26 Changeset [13376] by neise
added some examples, and changed the part about the env vars
09:19 Changeset [13375] by neise
debugged typo in _test_iter
09:17 Changeset [13374] by neise
adjusted _test_iter for dict return value of RawData.next()


23:19 Changeset [13373] by Jens Buss
additional output
22:57 Changeset [13372] by Jens Buss
Operator: check events tab during first drs calib
22:51 Changeset [13371] by Jens Buss
edited comment output
22:47 Changeset [13370] by Jens Buss
tidied up by using additional scripts
22:47 Changeset [13369] by Jens Buss
tidied up by using additional scripts
17:16 Changeset [13368] by neise
initial commit of my sandbox
17:14 Changeset [13367] by neise
ZeroXing supports also Xings at different levels, so one can set the zero-level to another level
15:53 Changeset [13366] by tbretz
According to the root docu some GetRoot() calls should be GetDefaultRoot()
14:57 Changeset [13365] by tbretz
Added two more modes.
14:51 Changeset [13364] by tbretz
Implemented the possibility to start an eventloop in a step-by-step mode which stops at each event which is not flagged with kCONTINUE.
11:50 Changeset [13363] by Daniela Dorner
fixed column names
11:47 Changeset [13362] by Daniela Dorner
added link to logbook in comments column
09:54 Changeset [13361] by neise
09:44 Changeset [13360] by neise
svn ignore _build folder
09:39 Changeset [13359] by neise
deleted _build folder
09:18 Changeset [13358] by neise
just some tests for file random walk ... just for me... DN
09:17 Changeset [13357] by neise
deleted testfile: pynew.py
09:16 Changeset [13356] by neise
new class RawDataFeeder initial commit
09:13 Changeset [13355] by neise
supports table columns type 'A'
09:05 Changeset [13354] by neise
initial commit of new python wrapper class. usable for reading of slow data files
09:04 Changeset [13353] by Jens Buss
added debug output


16:15 Changeset [13352] by Jens Buss
edited comments
16:14 Changeset [13351] by Jens Buss
edited comments
16:12 Changeset [13350] by Jens Buss
additional mini script to for tracking crab and to tidy up the data taking scripts
14:29 Changeset [13349] by Jens Buss
switched to the 0new commenting method
13:49 Changeset [13348] by Jens Buss
switched to new commenting commands
13:48 Changeset [13347] by Jens Buss
switched to new commenting commands
13:48 Changeset [13346] by Jens Buss
switched to new commenting commands
13:47 Changeset [13345] by Jens Buss
switched to new commenting commands
13:47 Changeset [13344] by Jens Buss
switched to new commenting commands
12:49 Changeset [13343] by Daniela Dorner
fixed bug
12:47 Changeset [13342] by Daniela Dorner
improved logging
12:43 Changeset [13341] by Daniela Dorner
fixed bug for tooltip mode
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.