

22:26 Changeset [15443] by tbretz
Fixed a typo in a warning message
22:24 Changeset [15442] by tbretz
Adapted to changed in EventBuilder structure
19:49 Changeset [15441] by tbretz
Fixed a problem when flushing buffers, events still in use could be deleted; RunUsec should not be set to the same value than RunTime
14:32 Changeset [15440] by tbretz
Support more than one MTreeSQL per database connection.
14:13 Changeset [15439] by tbretz
Removed all obsolete code from the root copied classes; now everything is returned asa double (enough for plots) and as a bonus time columns are now returned as a root axis-time; as a sql server reference MSqlServer is now used and tree is a member of MSqlServer.
13:20 Changeset [15438] by Daniela Dorner
re-added LD_LIBARY_PATH as else showplot was not running
13:19 Changeset [15437] by Daniela Dorner
added button Tonight
13:19 Changeset [15436] by Daniela Dorner
when no png is found, n/a is displayed
13:12 Changeset [15435] by Daniela Dorner
fixed bug which was caused by the introduction of the variable $bwlimit in the setup
13:09 Changeset [15434] by Daniela Dorner
added commandline option for Step3.sh


23:13 Changeset [15433] by tbretz
Added <draft> tag
23:07 Changeset [15432] by tose
rename Sample to Sample.txt
23:04 Changeset [15431] by tose
for svn testing purposes
22:40 Changeset [15430] by tbretz
Implemented the possibility to send an interrupt request (irq) to a runing JavaScript.
22:27 Changeset [15429] by tose
This folder is for the FACT observation schedule webpage.
21:58 Changeset [15428] by tbretz
Fixed some minor bugs introduced with the previous commit
20:24 Changeset [15427] by tbretz
20:23 Changeset [15426] by tbretz
20:23 Changeset [15425] by tbretz
20:22 Changeset [15424] by tbretz
20:21 Changeset [15423] by tbretz
20:20 Changeset [15422] by tbretz
20:19 Changeset [15421] by tbretz
19:14 Changeset [15420] by tbretz
Updated ifdef
19:11 Changeset [15419] by tbretz
Removed support for writing to the table; added support for left joins
19:04 Changeset [15418] by tbretz
Updated ifndef
16:40 Changeset [15417] by tbretz
Some copies of root classes with some minor fixed to allow the use of rows which contain NULLs
16:39 Changeset [15416] by tbretz
Added some copies of root classes to solev a problem in TTreeSQL with rows containing NULL
14:01 Changeset [15415] by tbretz
Added a second array element to pcTime to allow saving of start time and fraction.
14:01 Changeset [15414] by tbretz
Removes a compiler wrning about an unused argument.
14:00 Changeset [15413] by tbretz
Some more structural changes mainly around the allocation of memory and removal of some obsolete code to make everything a bit more compact.
12:09 Changeset [15412] by tbretz
Updated URL to svn repository


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20:04 Changeset [15411] by tbretz
Removed obsolete FAD_CONTROL/STATISTICS2 and fixed a problem with the list processing.
19:41 Changeset [15410] by tbretz


11:39 Changeset [15409] by Daniela Dorner
added cron to backup results of QLA to newdaq
11:39 Changeset [15408] by Daniela Dorner
added cron to make a copy of QLA results
08:38 Changeset [15407] by lyard
fixed not-resetting increment number bug


02:27 Changeset [15406] by Daniela Dorner
added Step2a.sh Step3.sh and FillNumEvts.sh and optimized times for QLA scripts
02:03 Changeset [15405] by Daniela Dorner
added (include script with date functions
02:02 Changeset [15404] by Daniela Dorner
implemented date-menu and weekly plots
02:01 Changeset [15403] by Daniela Dorner
moved date menu to include file
01:56 Changeset [15402] by Daniela Dorner
avoid that non-existent data is processed
01:51 Changeset [15401] by Daniela Dorner
implemented plots for last week and run only for last night during the night
01:50 Changeset [15400] by Daniela Dorner
implemented sourcekey to get ra and dec for ganymed.C
01:47 Changeset [15399] by Daniela Dorner
implemented usage of new version of ganymed.C
01:45 Changeset [15398] by Daniela Dorner
adapted such that it treats only the current night during night, but the last six nights during day
01:44 Changeset [15397] by Daniela Dorner
adapted times for the transfer and insert scripts to speed up the QLA
01:41 Changeset [15396] by Daniela Dorner
adapted query to allow for plots even when the ontime is not yet inserted in the DB


21:01 Changeset [15395] by Daniela Dorner
added (macro to create lightcurves for QLA)
20:59 Changeset [15394] by Daniela Dorner
added (macro to fill ganymed results to DB)
20:58 Changeset [15393] by Daniela Dorner
removed source key
20:58 Changeset [15392] by Daniela Dorner
fixed path to rawdata
19:33 Changeset [15391] by Daniela Dorner
added (script to fill results to DB with numevts.C)
19:32 Changeset [15390] by Daniela Dorner
rewritten completely, adapted to new concept and structure
19:31 Changeset [15389] by Daniela Dorner
removed sourcekey
19:30 Changeset [15388] by Daniela Dorner
removed sourcekey and other small improvements
19:28 Changeset [15387] by Daniela Dorner
removed sourcekey
19:28 Changeset [15386] by Daniela Dorner
removed sourcekey
19:25 Changeset [15385] by Daniela Dorner
added new variables for the lightcurve processing


21:39 Changeset [15384] by Daniela Dorner
added (script to check if file FTM_CONTROL_TRIGGER_RATES is available at ISDC, needed for merpp)
20:52 Changeset [15383] by Daniela Dorner
keep only run-wise processing, better naming of datasets and ganymed files
20:52 Changeset [15382] by Daniela Dorner
keep only run-wise processing, better naming of datasets and ganymed files
20:50 Changeset [15381] by Daniela Dorner
added limitation for number of callisto jobs, added check on number of events to allow for automic reconnect in Main.js, make sure that all callistos are processed, removed variable $rerun, removed not needed lines
20:45 Changeset [15380] by Daniela Dorner
added variables to steer transfer on La Palma (Step1.sh)
14:20 Changeset [15379] by tbretz
Removed STATISTICS2 dim service; shortened STATISTICS1 a bit
14:18 Changeset [15378] by tbretz
Some cleanup; do repeat configuration re-connects only three times; do start new runs only if they are longer than 15s
13:01 Changeset [15377] by tbretz
13:00 Changeset [15376] by tbretz
Use some more jquery features; load local version of jquery.
11:21 Changeset [15375] by tbretz
Moved showlog stuff to subdirectory.
11:20 Changeset [15374] by tbretz
11:11 Changeset [15373] by tbretz
Moved styles to style sheet file; added menu with links to all log-files.
01:42 Changeset [15372] by Jens Buss
add some new histos
01:41 Changeset [15371] by Jens Buss
add some new parameters
01:40 Changeset [15370] by Jens Buss
additional histos
01:40 Changeset [15369] by Jens Buss
additional histos
01:37 Changeset [15368] by Jens Buss
add functions
01:37 Changeset [15367] by Jens Buss
add functions


14:19 Changeset [15366] by tbretz
Fixed a crash when the source was not found.
13:35 Changeset [15365] by tbretz
Stop processing if there is a nonsense number of reuse of shower.
12:08 Changeset [15364] by tbretz
Implemented the possibility to stream the input file immediately also to an output file while reading.
10:21 Changeset [15363] by tbretz
Shift sunrise in a way that it does not consume 100% CPU at day time; move some code to memeber functions
10:20 Changeset [15362] by tbretz
Set the sunhorizon to -12deg; implemented automatic reconnect; disconnect bias at shutdown; allow drive to be on during day time observations - hopefully all other checks work properly.
10:18 Changeset [15361] by tbretz
Implemented the latest results from the ratescan fits and strengthened the limits to take action for single patches.


16:29 Changeset [15360] by tbretz
Some more structure changes; moved some code to functions to get a readable processing scheme


13:54 Changeset [15359] by tbretz
Fixed a typo and correctly document subject as constant
13:49 Changeset [15358] by tbretz
Added description for class index; changed from class to namespace
13:46 Changeset [15357] by tbretz
An important dot was missing ;)
10:25 Changeset [15356] by tbretz
Send gotNewRun as soon as possible (after the header from the first board has been received
10:25 Changeset [15355] by tbretz
Improved the order in runClose to make sure that during DRS calibration the run is closed before it is signaled.
10:24 Changeset [15354] by tbretz
improved the handling of fad losses; removed AGILENT_CONTROL temporarily from the list of required servers; added checks for datalogger subscriptions; tried to add a setup which allows taking simple calibration data at day time.
10:13 Changeset [15353] by tbretz
Added TEMPERATURE to the required servers, removed AGILENT_CONTROL temporarily
10:12 Changeset [15352] by tbretz
Added 'now' as a a valid time.
10:12 Changeset [15351] by tbretz
Skip empty reports.


21:00 Changeset [15350] by tbretz
Forgot to add a check for a valid size
20:57 Changeset [15349] by tbretz
Added Shebang (#!) support
17:37 Changeset [15348] by tbretz
Another local variable and a logic fixed, a mistake introduced with the last commit.
17:02 Changeset [15347] by tbretz
More structural improvements; more local variables; simplified the k0-loop
15:33 Changeset [15346] by tbretz
Restructured all the loops from firstPtr to lastPtr for a better understanding of the contents. Made more variables local.
13:19 Changeset [15345] by tbretz
Replaced some stray %ud by %u
13:15 Changeset [15344] by tbretz
More unification of code to close run.
13:06 Changeset [15343] by tbretz
Unified two identical pieces of code around runClose
12:42 Changeset [15342] by tbretz
Another update to the ii's
12:40 Changeset [15341] by tbretz
Use a local buffer for factOut. There is no need to use a global/partly local buffer which is anyhow dangerous. Improved another ii output.
12:07 Changeset [15340] by tbretz
Added a missing factOut; replaced bzero by memset (bzero is deprecated); improved the meaning of some ii[2] output
11:09 Changeset [15339] by lyard
added a message to let the user know that the daily log file was properly closed
10:54 Changeset [15338] by lyard
Fixed discrepency between logger code and Time.cc code related to sunRise


17:26 Changeset [15337] by tbretz
Fixed the bis mask for incomplete events; %ud should be %u
17:25 Changeset [15336] by tbretz
Added temperature
17:25 Changeset [15335] by tbretz
Set default interval to 60s; output received data to the console.
14:34 Changeset [15334] by tbretz
compiling.lock is not executable
14:33 Changeset [15333] by tbretz
Updated include to PixelMap.h
14:33 Changeset [15332] by tbretz
Print date when a program returns
00:29 Changeset [15331] by Daniela Dorner
prepared script to run in cron
00:28 Changeset [15330] by Daniela Dorner
adapted name of logfile
00:28 Changeset [15329] by Daniela Dorner
adapted name of logfile
00:26 Changeset [15328] by Daniela Dorner
changed interval for crashed jobs to 5 hours
00:25 Changeset [15327] by Daniela Dorner
added RatesFileAvailISDC and sort direction
00:23 Changeset [15326] by Daniela Dorner
added FillEffectiveOn.sh


20:24 Changeset [15325] by tbretz
Fixed a compiler warning.
20:22 Changeset [15324] by tbretz
New program to readout the temp sensor of the power switch
17:13 Changeset [15323] by Daniela Dorner
added cron for InfoForMWL.sh
17:13 Changeset [15322] by Daniela Dorner
fixed bug and improved logging
17:12 Changeset [15321] by Daniela Dorner
added sqlrc
16:41 Changeset [15320] by Daniela Dorner
added (script to write files David needs for his MWL webpages)


19:57 Changeset [15319] by Daniela Dorner
added (script to create rate scan plots)
19:57 Changeset [15318] by Daniela Dorner
added (script to create scheduling plots on gate
19:56 Changeset [15317] by Daniela Dorner
added directory for data checking scripts
15:45 Changeset [15316] by Daniela Dorner
added buttons (+1day, -2weeks, etc) and check if files exist
14:44 Changeset [15315] by Daniela Dorner
added (page with scheduling plots)
14:44 Changeset [15314] by Daniela Dorner
added (page with shift evaluation list)
14:43 Changeset [15313] by Daniela Dorner
added (page to show plots from quicklook analysis)
14:43 Changeset [15312] by Daniela Dorner
added (page for magic shifter to get info about fact shift)
13:34 Changeset [15311] by Daniela Dorner
add directory for various datachecking websites
13:05 Changeset [15310] by Daniela Dorner
adapted names of scripts for automatic analysis
13:03 Changeset [15309] by Daniela Dorner
adapted paths for automatic analysis scripts
11:33 Changeset [15308] by Daniela Dorner
added (script to run third step of the quick look analysis: light curve)
11:32 Changeset [15307] by Daniela Dorner
added (script to run second step of the quick look analysis: building datasets, ganymed - night basis)
11:32 Changeset [15306] by Daniela Dorner
added (script to run second step of the quick look analysis: building datasets, ganymed - run basis)
11:31 Changeset [15305] by Daniela Dorner
added (script to run first step of the quick look analysis: building sequences, callisto, star)
11:29 Changeset [15304] by Daniela Dorner
added (script to run ganymed for quick look analysis)
11:29 Changeset [15303] by Daniela Dorner
added (script to redo star for quick look analysis)
11:28 Changeset [15302] by Daniela Dorner
added (script to run star for quick look analysis)
11:28 Changeset [15301] by Daniela Dorner
added (script to run callisto for quick look analysis)
11:27 Changeset [15300] by Daniela Dorner
added (directory for automatic analysis in LP)
11:07 Changeset [15299] by Daniela Dorner
updated path of FACT++
11:06 Changeset [15298] by Daniela Dorner
added filling of source key
11:06 Changeset [15297] by Daniela Dorner
updated fitsdump commands to usage of current FACT++ version


11:56 Changeset [15296] by tbretz
Fixed a typo in a command.
10:51 Changeset [15295] by tbretz
Updated includes.
10:50 Changeset [15294] by tbretz
Copy the whole network address at once... just to be sure; added a kind of reset for the INCOMPLETE service.
10:42 Changeset [15293] by tbretz
Added a check for schedule-database
10:42 Changeset [15292] by tbretz
Function to retrieve schedule from database
10:19 Changeset [15291] by tbretz
Read the schedule from the database instead of the file directly. The old version is still available as MainClassic.js
10:18 Changeset [15290] by tbretz
Copy of the classical version directly reading the schedule from a file.
10:17 Changeset [15289] by tbretz
Improved the code to handle the INCOMPLETE message, added some code to suppress double shutdown and allow simple tests during day-time.
10:16 Changeset [15288] by tbretz
Copy property id if available -- needed to read the schedule from the db.


18:54 Changeset [15287] by Daniela Dorner
added cron for CheckRatesFileAvail.sh
09:50 Changeset [15286] by tbretz
Fixed the description of FILE_FORMAT and INCOMPLETE
09:49 Changeset [15285] by tbretz
Added the missing termination character in case of incomplete events.
09:48 Changeset [15284] by tbretz
Moved getTimeSinceLastDrsCalib to its own function; added automatic DRS calibration in case of SINGLEPE; added automatic shutdown at sun-rise; added 'startup message'; added first try to automatically process fad-losses


20:14 Changeset [15283] by tbretz
Show the log according to the link in /users/fact/operation if no path is given.
15:07 Changeset [15282] by tbretz
Updated to v20r7.
14:27 Changeset [15281] by tbretz
Send a report if incomplete events oocur.
14:26 Changeset [15280] by tbretz
Added a new, faster, scheme to allocate and free memory. Memeory new is never really free'd anymore. Note that decreasing memory usage during operation at the moment is not possible at the moment. For the moment switched off some log output to improve performance. The sleeping was a bit odd on a slow machine. Instead, sleep once after each try of all 40 boards for 1us. Restructured the reading loop (continue instead of many if's and goto's) for better readability and maintainability.
13:13 Changeset [15279] by lyard
forgot this header in previous commit (15278)
13:07 Changeset [15278] by lyard
fixed wrong run type display, fixed calibration loading
12:21 Changeset [15277] by lyard
added fits files header key support
11:55 Changeset [15276] by tbretz
Updated my email address.
11:27 Changeset [15275] by tbretz
Fixed a typo.


23:54 Changeset [15274] by tbretz
Fixed a typo... the class name is Mail not Sky
23:51 Changeset [15273] by tbretz
Added explanation for new magic variables.
23:38 Changeset [15272] by tbretz
Added magic values __DATE__, __FILE__ and __START__


16:51 Changeset [15271] by tbretz
Removed obsolete suscription to FAD_CONTROL/STATISTICS2
16:47 Changeset [15270] by tbretz
Restructured the code.
13:02 Changeset [15269] by tbretz
Added the HAVE_ZLIB flag and libz for AcliC compilation to get the gzip support properly working in that case.
13:02 Changeset [15268] by tbretz
Added the misisng namespace for endl in case or MARS
13:01 Changeset [15267] by tbretz
It seems there is a problem with the defines used by CINT in AcLiC and there seems to be a problem with NameMangling. Having GetRow overloaded does not seem to work. It needs a different name seen by root.
12:19 Changeset [15266] by tbretz
Allocation the buffer on the stack can give problems because it is pretty big. Allocate it on the heap instead.


17:58 Changeset [15265] by tbretz
Adapted the display of the rate graph to the changed in the trgger rates reports.
16:43 Changeset [15264] by tbretz
Moved back to FACT++/src
14:59 Changeset [15263] by tbretz
The file format is not changed automatically anymore... I think the reason for unintentionally written files is easier figured out than for missing ones.
14:58 Changeset [15262] by tbretz
Added libnova to the libraries linked in AcLiC
14:57 Changeset [15261] by tbretz
Added a missing type conversion
14:56 Changeset [15260] by tbretz
As disussed on the weekly telcon, I have increased all current limits by 10uA
11:58 Changeset [15259] by fact_opr
Added: FillEffectiveOn.sh; to get the EffectiveOn time onto the db


14:24 Changeset [15258] by tbretz
Removed some unsused parameters from the header to avoid compiler warnings.
14:23 Changeset [15257] by tbretz
Removed some unsused parameters from the header to avoid compiler warnings.
14:23 Changeset [15256] by tbretz
Removed some unsused parameters from the header to avoid compiler warnings.
14:22 Changeset [15255] by tbretz
Added ln_get_solar_equ_coords and ln_get_lunar_sdiam
14:22 Changeset [15254] by tbretz
Added ln_get_solar_equ_coords and ln_get_lunar_sdiam
14:19 Changeset [15253] by tbretz
The problem with the izsream is solved. It was the allocation of the large chunk of stack memory in izstream - now dynamic
14:11 Changeset [15252] by tbretz
Unified the checkState during data taking; improved some log-output; some little bug fixes
14:09 Changeset [15251] by tbretz
Update include path to PixelMap
14:08 Changeset [15250] by tbretz
Updated include path to PixelMap
14:02 Changeset [15249] by tbretz
Updated include path for PixelMap
14:00 Changeset [15248] by tbretz
Updated the include path to PixelMap
13:59 Changeset [15247] by tbretz
Removed an obsolete log-message.
13:58 Changeset [15246] by tbretz
Fixed a problem that if a string is printed to the console with several null-characters.
13:54 Changeset [15245] by tbretz
Updated the include path to the PixelMap
12:54 Changeset [15244] by Daniela Dorner
added (macro to plot quality parameter)
12:39 Changeset [15243] by Daniela Dorner
added (macro to plot ratescan info from db)
12:33 Changeset [15242] by Daniela Dorner
added directory for plotting macros
11:34 Changeset [15241] by lyard
another dummy commit for testing
11:27 Changeset [15240] by lyard
dummy commit for testing
11:16 Changeset [15239] by tbretz
Fixed a race-condition during configuration with the states of the ratecontrol.
11:14 Changeset [15238] by tbretz
Added detection of JD in constructor and SetJD memeber function


18:47 Changeset [15237] by Daniela Dorner
adapted path for setup file for sequence definition
18:36 Changeset [15236] by Daniela Dorner
added directory for resource files for FACT
17:08 Changeset [15235] by Daniela Dorner
added (macro for background suppression)
16:58 Changeset [15234] by Daniela Dorner
added (macro to build sequences)
16:49 Changeset [15233] by Daniela Dorner
added (macro to calibrate data)
16:47 Changeset [15232] by Daniela Dorner
updated name
16:37 Changeset [15231] by Daniela Dorner
added (macro for image cleaning and to calculate image parameters)
16:37 Changeset [15230] by Daniela Dorner
added (macro to merge slow control information to the star files)
16:25 Changeset [15229] by Daniela Dorner
added directory for analysis macros
15:58 Changeset [15228] by Daniela Dorner
added (macro to fill information from rate scans to database)
15:57 Changeset [15227] by Daniela Dorner
added (macro to calibrate currents, i.e. create the file CALIBRATED_CURRENTS)
15:56 Changeset [15226] by Daniela Dorner
added (macro to extract control deviation from the file DRIVE_CONTROL_TRACKING_POSITION)
15:55 Changeset [15225] by Daniela Dorner
added (macro to extract drs temperature from the file FAD_CONTROL_TEMPERATURE)
15:50 Changeset [15224] by Daniela Dorner
added (macro to extract outside temperature from the file MAGIC_WEATHER_DATA)
15:48 Changeset [15223] by Daniela Dorner
added (macro to extract camera temperature from the file FSC_CONTROL_TEMPERATURE)
15:42 Changeset [15222] by Daniela Dorner
added (macro to extract currents from the file CALIBRATED_CURRENTS)
14:53 Changeset [15221] by Daniela Dorner
add directory for FACT specific stuff
11:23 Changeset [15220] by Daniela Dorner
updated FACT++ path
11:18 Changeset [15219] by Daniela Dorner
fixed logfile name


12:46 Changeset [15218] by tbretz
Added hv(PixelMapEntry\&) as member function
12:45 Changeset [15217] by tbretz
Added PixelMap
12:44 Changeset [15216] by tbretz
12:11 Changeset [15215] by tbretz
12:07 Changeset [15214] by tbretz
Moved a lot of code to the header file, removed dependencies from FACT++ and the need of a source file.
11:36 Changeset [15213] by tbretz
11:35 Changeset [15212] by tbretz
Made aware of Mars.
02:57 Changeset [15211] by tbretz
Removed obsoleete includes.
02:55 Changeset [15210] by tbretz
Updated to use new nova C++ wrapper
02:51 Changeset [15209] by tbretz
Updated to use new nova C++ wrapper
02:43 Changeset [15208] by tbretz
Fixed a problem with the coordinate system... libnova's hrz has a different definition of the azimuth.
02:33 Changeset [15207] by tbretz
Fixed a compilation issue and the coordinate system problem.


16:39 Changeset [15206] by tbretz
Make use of the new GetNextSunRise() function of the Time-class
16:39 Changeset [15205] by tbretz
Use some simplifications coming with the new C++ wrapper for libnova.
16:38 Changeset [15204] by tbretz
Use some simplifications coming with the new C++ wrapper of libnova
16:38 Changeset [15203] by tbretz
Added GetEquFromHrz
16:26 Changeset [15202] by tbretz
Simplified using libnova with the new C++ wrapper. ln_get_solar_rst_horizon is kept, because a wrong value might be safety relevant, so we can keep the return value.
16:24 Changeset [15201] by tbretz
Simplified using libnova by using the new C++ wrapper
16:13 Changeset [15200] by tbretz
Another update to get the checkes most reliable.
16:05 Changeset [15199] by tbretz
16:04 Changeset [15198] by tbretz
Updated to C++ wrapper
16:04 Changeset [15197] by tbretz
15:59 Changeset [15196] by tbretz
Added ORM observer and functions with fixed observer location.
15:34 Changeset [15195] by tbretz
Added some functions for export and a C++ wrapper.
15:06 Changeset [15194] by tbretz
14:36 Changeset [15193] by tbretz
Remove leading spaces from url, user and password
14:20 Changeset [15192] by tbretz
Plot a message about a new file format only when it was changed; reset fLastOpened at the beginning of the 'night'
13:49 Changeset [15191] by tbretz
Added ln_get_solar_rst
13:35 Changeset [15190] by tbretz
Implemented function to get the time of the previous and next sun-rise. Updated NightAsInt to use that as reference instead of noon, to get consistent with the changes in the datalogger.
12:20 Changeset [15189] by tbretz
Updated to include 'to top' and 'to bottom' links
12:20 Changeset [15188] by tbretz
Fixed some compilation issues with older boost version as installed on gate.
11:50 Changeset [15187] by tbretz
Adapted the detection of very low trigger rates to the changes in ftmctrl.
11:46 Changeset [15186] by tbretz
Also added a consistency check on the TimeStamp. Now everything should be consistent and we can remove the negative rate.


21:28 Changeset [15185] by tbretz
Keep the rate of the first report afte a state change at -1 to signal that the value would be unreliable and to have a handle when the values were resetted. The same is done for the ftm time reference, because it is not available. The on-time however is correct... we keep that.
20:41 Changeset [15184] by tbretz
Updated the calculation of on-time and eff. on-time. In some special cases when the timestamp and the trigger counter had increased by the ontime counter decreased (new run started), a negative sign could get propagated as odiff to DimTriggerRates resulting in huge values in the file. Now instead of a artificial check of the values the state change itself is used plus a sanity check that the trigger counter has not decreased an dthe on-time counter has not decreased. In both cases the start or stop of the trigger is also assumed.
17:40 Changeset [15183] by tbretz
Added missing definition of LIBNOVA
17:31 Changeset [15182] by tbretz
17:17 Changeset [15181] by tbretz
Renamed nova to libnova
17:16 Changeset [15180] by tbretz
A ropot wrapper for libnova
17:15 Changeset [15179] by tbretz
Added nova-path to get nova wrapper compiled.
12:50 Changeset [15178] by tbretz
Added some comments about time zone offsets in root plots.


20:51 Changeset [15177] by tbretz
Added a --no-log option, just in case...
15:42 Changeset [15176] by tbretz
Updated and added some svn shortcuts
15:28 Changeset [15175] by tbretz
Updated and added some svn shortcuts
11:01 Changeset [15174] by tbretz
Fixed some typos in the help-message, increased the validity delay a bit.
10:57 Changeset [15173] by tbretz
Choose the quiet option by default.


18:00 Changeset [15172] by tbretz
Changed the Mail class a bit to have the arrays as data members ReadOnly.
16:40 Changeset [15171] by tbretz
16:40 Changeset [15170] by tbretz
I prefer this instead of the previous one
16:38 Changeset [15169] by tbretz
Updated the 'mailx' check:
16:23 Changeset [15168] by tbretz
Store a global set of all described services.
16:22 Changeset [15167] by tbretz
Added Split(), a wrapper around boost::split
16:21 Changeset [15166] by tbretz
A helper class to easily check the DATA_LOGGER/SUBSCRIPTIONS


22:37 Changeset [15165] by tbretz
Updated the response to script submission; added the missing type to the audio source element - this makes sound work on mobile chrome and firefox.
22:36 Changeset [15164] by tbretz
Added missing output of user name in case of a successfull login (how did it disappear?)
17:42 Changeset [15163] by tbretz
Added some ifdef to make the datalogger also compile without libnova.
17:37 Changeset [15162] by tbretz
Allow the datalogger also to be in Logging. It just means that the 'run-file' was not yet closed, which doesn't matter.
17:37 Changeset [15161] by tbretz
Request 15 seconds of data for the underflow check. As soon as the requested event has arrived the run is stopped again anyway.
17:27 Changeset [15160] by tbretz
Check for 'mailx'
17:24 Changeset [15159] by tbretz
Added 'mailx' to the checked programs.
17:23 Changeset [15158] by tbretz
Fixed a typo in an exception.
17:18 Changeset [15157] by tbretz
Fixed a problem which could cause the fadctrl after a successsfull configuration to go first to WritingData (old file still open), Connected (old file closed) and WritingData again (new file open). Now it will only go to WritingData when the new file has been opened.
17:17 Changeset [15156] by tbretz
Implemented sendmail class (via mailx) Mail. Re-structured the exception handling to have a more clear structure for better maintainance.
17:16 Changeset [15155] by tbretz
Implemented a new 'user' which can be used to add entries for debugging to be able to seperate them from normal shift entries.
17:08 Changeset [15154] by Daniela Dorner
fixed logfile name
17:01 Changeset [15153] by lyard
changed close time of files from noon to 30 minutes after sunrise for faster transfer to archive. Also disabled writing of report file.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.