

09:31 Changeset [17949] by tbretz
Added a date of the version and a Changelog
09:24 Changeset [17948] by tbretz
Replaced octal characters with hex-characters to avoid clashes with the strict language standard.


18:35 Changeset [17947] by tbretz
Fixed a typo.


12:14 DataTakingMainPage edited by ftemme


12:04 Changeset [17946] by tbretz
Added latest tpoints.
12:03 Changeset [17945] by tbretz
Some minor fixes - maybe incompatibility with neweer root versions.
12:02 Changeset [17944] by tbretz
12:02 Changeset [17943] by tbretz


20:44 Changeset [17942] by tbretz
Fixed a bug which caused clicking on an entry in the autocomplete list to fail.


11:54 Changeset [17941] by tbretz
Upper case column names; some imporvements to output.
11:52 Changeset [17940] by tbretz
Better formatting for sqm numbers.
11:52 Changeset [17939] by tbretz
Reverting to last revision.
11:51 Changeset [17938] by tbretz
Better formatting for sqm numbers.
11:51 Changeset [17937] by tbretz
Fixed a typo
11:46 Changeset [17936] by tbretz
11:45 Changeset [17935] by tbretz
Added sqmctrl
11:45 Changeset [17934] by tbretz
Added sqmctrl


17:42 FactLidarVeto created by mknoetig
17:39 WikiStart edited by mknoetig
17:38 Changeset [17933] by mknoetig
Fact Lidar Veto documentation added
17:30 WikiStart edited by mknoetig
17:29 Skybox created by mknoetig
17:27 FactSqm edited by mknoetig
17:24 FactSqm created by mknoetig
15:39 Changeset [17932] by tbretz
Revived the valid state; make sure the first message (which might still be junk from a non empty buffer) is properly treated; make sure that an automatic re-connect properly works
12:10 Changeset [17931] by tbretz
A 1.5 times timeout interval for receiving reports is enough.
12:09 Changeset [17930] by tbretz
More precise time interval for convenience
12:00 Changeset [17929] by tbretz
It seems that the SQM does not allow asynchronous connections (requests and answers at the same time) very much like the bias crate. Therefore changed the logic of the requests to a synchronous approach.
11:06 Changeset [17928] by tbretz
Error codes are not displayed anymore by the browser, fixed that by returning plain text; added gcn, gpsctrl and sqmctrl


13:46 Changeset [17927] by tbretz
Added a timeout to checkStates
13:46 Changeset [17926] by tbretz
Added handling for Critical and OnStandby status of feedback.
13:45 Changeset [17925] by tbretz
Reverting to last revision.
13:45 Changeset [17924] by tbretz
Reverting to last revision.
13:45 Changeset [17923] by tbretz
Reverting to last revision.
13:44 Changeset [17922] by tbretz
Added EVENT_SERVER and SQM_CONTROL; fixed a typo; close lid at startup.
13:44 Changeset [17921] by tbretz
Added a timeout for checkStates
13:43 Changeset [17920] by tbretz
Added NotReady and Ready
13:43 Changeset [17919] by tbretz
Added OnStandby, Warning and Critical.
13:40 Changeset [17918] by tbretz
First version of the control for the sky quality meter.
13:30 TroubleShootingArduino edited by dneise
13:27 arduino_reset.pdf attached to TroubleShootingArduino by dneise
description of arduino reset procedure


11:44 TroubleShooting edited by tbretz
11:43 WikiStart edited by tbretz
11:43 WikiStart edited by tbretz
11:11 Changeset [17917] by tbretz
Added a virtual function which allows the derived class to handle if a connection attemp failed.
11:11 Changeset [17916] by tbretz
Start a new connection attempt if connection has failed.


10:08 Changeset [17915] by ogrimm
Removed erroneous static declaration in History.cc that made a variable grow in size indefinitely. The data collector has new a service indicating its subscriptions (as the history server)


15:44 Changeset [17914] by tbretz
Turned on bad pixel treatment as in data; replaces signal extractor with new extractor as in analysis/callisto.C; improved use of default arguments to be more consistent with analysis/callisto.C
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.