

06:32 Ticket #18 (Why are there often internal and external include guards?) created by dneise
Often one finds external include guards like: […] While the file …
03:25 Changeset [18015] by smueller
Google Test, new executeable run_test. From now on gtest is required to build MARS. Makefile was adjusted to build the new run_test executeable and link it with gtest libs. A first test was made for the MMatrix Container. All tests are in a new mtest folder.


13:26 Ticket #17 (Why are build artifacts not ignored by svn) created by dneise
I remember, that I once tried to add the build artifacts (*Cint.cc, …
09:49 Ticket #16 (configuration file might confuse users due to implicit settings) created by dneise
I believe, there is a source of confusion in the design of handling …


10:49 Ticket #15 (Why no exceptions?) created by dneise
I wonder, why so often return values are used to check if a method …


12:46 Ticket #14 (test) closed by dneise
12:41 Ticket #14 (test) created by dneise
11:33 Ticket #13 (Discontinue MAGIC support in FACT/Mars) created by dneise
In a private discussion with Thomas Bretz he mentioned, that it might …
10:22 Changeset [18014] by Jens Buss
Branch to implement a feature to ceres for smear the photon arrival times with a residual standard deviation.


12:56 SvnGuidelines edited by dneise
12:07 SvnGuidelines edited by dneise
11:05 SvnGuidelines created by dneise
10:53 Changeset [18013] by ghughes
README on how to use these scripts
10:49 Changeset [18012] by smueller
Creating an environment to test and bench the mars simulation. This involves unit tests e.g. file IO but also more complicated tests regarding the simulation. I use Google Test (short gtest) to do so. Gtest was recommended to me by Jan Hendrik Koehne and Tomasz Fuchs who did an awesome job creating the lepton propagator PROPOSAL for the IceCube experiment. After using Gtest in my own sandbox projects I quickly fell in love with it. Since the testing does not interfere with the mars code itself I want to give it a try in the MARS universe. I hope this will help us test AND document the MARS code.
10:32 Changeset [18011] by dneise
Remove Mars_MC branch, because it was reintegrated into the trunk long ago, and is not being used since then.
10:30 Changeset [18010] by smueller
The fix time offset feature is already merged back into the trunk.
10:23 Ticket #9 (Fix time offsets in between the pixels) closed by smueller


22:30 DataTakingMainPage edited by mbergmann
changed port for aux (diff)


22:48 Ticket #12 (Build error with CERN ROOT 5.34/21) created by smueller
When building Mars using the latest and recommended (November 2014) …
15:41 Changeset [18009] by smueller
New feature: Fix temporal offsets in between the pixels can be simulated and defined in a text file. This is solving ticket #9
15:19 Changeset [18008] by smueller
Trunk was merged into this branch and 'tested' again. Seems to work... Now ready to merge back into the trunk. Needed for ticket #9
13:58 Changeset [18007] by smueller
Files produced during the work on ticket #9 which are not longer needed now and therefore deletet here
13:23 Changeset [18006] by smueller
Fix tempral offsets are added to the relative arrival time in the camera simulation. The offsets are taken from the new generic MMatrix container. In the ceres.rc file is a new key value pair specifieing the path to a text file holding the delay data.
13:17 Changeset [18005] by smueller
One new text file holding holding the fix temporal pixel offsets taken from all FACT data files on Phido in Dortmund in October 2014. The second file holds only zeros which will give the behaviour as before working on ticket #9. This is needed for ticket #9
13:05 Changeset [18004] by smueller
Hooking up the new MMatrix Parameter Container in the parameter list. Needed for #9
13:01 Changeset [18003] by smueller
A new generic floating point matrix container. It can parse data from a delimiter seperated text file. This is needed for the ticket #9


20:51 Ticket #11 (The last key value pair in the ceres.rc is not be taken into account ...) created by smueller
In Mars v18002 the Menv class which parses the config file like e.g. …


21:18 TimeBasedDB edited by dneise
16:29 Changeset [18002] by smueller
A new Csv to double reader. capable of whitespaces and asymetric rows.
13:09 TimeBasedDB edited by dneise


13:36 TimeBasedDB edited by dneise
10:24 TimeBasedDB edited by dneise
09:48 TimeBasedDB edited by dneise
09:44 TimeBasedDB created by dneise
08:46 EthWiki edited by dneise
08:41 EthWiki created by dneise


15:56 Ticket #10 (Seg fault in Ceres when outpath does not exist) created by smueller
Ceres produces a segmentation violation when the --out path points to …
14:51 Ticket #9 (Fix time offsets in between the pixels) created by smueller
There seems to be a fix temporal offset in between our pixels. The …
14:41 Changeset [18001] by smueller
Here the fix time offsets in between our pixels, which have been found during muon analysis, are tried to implement in the telescope simulation.
14:37 Changeset [18000] by toscano
Star macro for MC with new image cleaning
14:35 Changeset [17999] by toscano
Callisto macro for MC with the saturation treatement and new calibration
14:34 Changeset [17998] by toscano
Ceres configuration file with the new pulse shape from the calibration paper
14:14 Changeset [17997] by toscano
ISDC working copy for MC production


15:44 Changeset [17996] by dneise
Former vesions violated encapsulation principle, --> using new WriteToFits feature of MDrsCalibrationTime Now callisto_drstime.C does not have to be compiled anymore.
15:31 Changeset [17995] by dneise
new method DrsCalibrateTime::WriteToFits(char*) --> writes the calibration constants into a fits file new constructor DrsCalibrateTime::DrsCalibrateTime(char) --> read the constants from the fits file back into the class.
13:20 Changeset [17994] by dneise
Merged latest trunk into my drs time fits branch.
13:14 Changeset [17993] by dneise
using MSequence to get a path to the time-calib-rawfile. The reduced time calib fits file is named exactly like that, just in a different folder.


18:51 Changeset [17992] by dneise
tiny improvement
14:05 Changeset [17991] by dneise
write NCHIPS and NCELLS into the header. was forgotten
13:31 Changeset [17990] by dneise
1st version of callisto using drs.time.fits files
10:16 Changeset [17989] by dneise
branch to study how to implement the reading of drs.time.fits files into the analyis, e.g. callisto.C
10:05 SvnRules edited by dneise
09:47 SvnRules edited by dneise
09:28 SvnRules edited by dneise


16:47 Changeset [17988] by ghughes
Energy reconstruction stuff
13:35 Changeset [17987] by dneise
script to produce drs.time.fits files (based on callisto_drstime.C)


15:27 Changeset [17986] by ghughes
batch scripts update


14:02 Changeset [17985] by ghughes
first pass at ceres scripts
12:46 Changeset [17984] by ghughes
mixed some major bigs, removed hardcoded directory stuff, some minor testing still needed but batch full


13:22 Changeset [17983] by ghughes
batch scripts for data - still some bugs and hard coding
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.