

14:14 Changeset [19515] by tbretz
Removed an obsolte definition
14:07 Changeset [19514] by tbretz
Taking 20 1min runs makes it more consistent with the first wobble position.
14:02 Changeset [19513] by tbretz
New interrupt 'PREPARE' which reloads the sources and stops the drive while the schedule is entered into the data base. This might still be optimized. Allow the scheduler during data taking on in Armed state, fixed some typos in the ToO specific code, only take 60s runs for the first two 5min slots.
14:00 Changeset [19512] by tbretz
Added the nodrs and the grb flag.
13:59 Changeset [19511] by tbretz
The status 'UpperClosing' was unhandled.
13:59 Changeset [19510] by tbretz
Takes care of the scheduler status.
13:58 Changeset [19509] by tbretz
Enable scheduler during startup.
13:58 Changeset [19508] by tbretz
Instead of having a dry-run option, the scheduler can now be enabled/disabled from its command interface via START/STOP flagged by a new state 'Armed', added calculation of the relative threshold, separated calculation of source position and wobble position from calculation of schedule, only calculate the wobble position if there is a need, implemented a known_only flag which allows only for observation of already known sources, for convenience, list all gamma-ray sources within the field-of-view. Entries into the database are now enabled. The INTERRUPT send for preparation is now flagged as 'prepare' to allow Main.js to STOP the current pointing and wait for it before RELOAD_SOURCES is issued.
13:52 Changeset [19507] by tbretz
Implemented a filter list to only trigger with certain paket IDs. Simplified some stuff by converting teh list of paket types to std::map
13:50 Changeset [19506] by tbretz
Fixed a long existing bug which caused GetString to segfault if no string was primarily transmitted (s==-1)
13:49 Changeset [19505] by tbretz
Adapted type of DataGRB::type and added new state.
13:49 Changeset [19504] by tbretz
Converted the paket type list into a std::map, fixed a double entry (169) and added missing entries.


12:34 FlareAlertsSent edited by Daniela Dorner
added alert of this morning (diff)


09:24 Changeset [19503] by Daniela Dorner
fixed bug in query


22:32 Changeset [19502] by Daniela Dorner
fixed overwriting of table
21:28 Changeset [19501] by Daniela Dorner
added fluxes, added menu for analyses, cleaned-up y-pulldown
17:03 Changeset [19500] by Daniela Dorner
fixed eff-ontime


12:10 Changeset [19499] by Daniela Dorner
bugfixes and added that it only sends email if there was an update to the schedule


19:05 Changeset [19498] by tbretz
Excluded packet type 152 on request of Daniela.
14:40 Changeset [19497] by tbretz
Excluded packet type 164 on request of Daniela.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.