

18:33 Changeset [19990] by tbretz
Option -p is deprecated in newer root versions but required in older versions. The no-cast-align is still required in 6.23 to suppress stupid warnings introduced by root.
10:34 InstallingFACT++ edited by tbretz


22:35 Changeset [19989] by tbretz
Fixes: warning: catching polymorphic type ‘class std::runtime_error’ by value [-Wcatch-value=]
11:36 InstallingFACT++ edited by tbretz


10:12 Changeset [19988] by lyard
Reduced height of raw data viewer


15:19 Changeset [19987] by tbretz
Cleanup of commandline options, files are not obverwritten anymore per default.
13:37 Changeset [19986] by tbretz
The selector for the data is required as there is always an AND in the query, in both selectors, the conditions are concatenated by a logical AND and therefore need parenthesis.


16:53 Changeset [19985] by tbretz
Added more histogram titles.


18:21 Changeset [19984] by tbretz
Title was wrong.
18:20 Changeset [19983] by tbretz
Implemented ExcessN and ErrExcessN -- mainly for completeness
17:58 Changeset [19982] by tbretz
Added histogram titles.
17:06 Changeset [19981] by tbretz
Fixed... didn't work without a simsel option.
17:02 Changeset [19980] by tbretz
Improve some error output (red), added the possibility for MC file selection, added writing of a fit to the root macro.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.