Table of Contents
Spectrum Analysis
The differential flux
per area, time and energy interval is defined asOften
is also referred to as as observation time and effective collection area is a constant.For an observation with an effective observation time
, this yields in a given Energy interval :For simplicity, in the following,
will be replaced by just but always refers to to a given energy interval. If data is binned in a histogram, the relation between the x-value for the bin and the corresponding interval is not well defined. Resonable definitions are the bin center (usually in logarithmic bins) or the average energy.Efficiency
The total area
and the corresponding efficiency are of course only available for simulated data. For simulated data, is the production area and the corresponding energy dependent efficiency of the analysis chain. For a given energy bin, the efficiency is then defined as
is the number of simulated events in this energy bin and the number of *excess* events that are produced by the analysis chain.Note that the exact calculation of the efficiency
depends on prior knowledge of the correct source spectrum . Therefore, it is strictly speaking only correct if the simulated spectrum and the real spectrum are identical. As the real spectrum is unknown, special care has to be taken of the systematic introduced by the assumption of .Effective Collection Area
The effective area is then defined as
. Note that at large distances the efficiency vanishes, so that the effective area is an (energy dependent) constant while and the efficiency are mutually dependent.Excess and Error
The number of excess events, for data and simulations, is defined as
is the number of events identified as potential gammas from the source direction ('on-source') and the number of gamma-like events measured 'off-source'. Note that for Simulations, is not necessarily zero for wobble-mode observations as an event can survive the analysis for on- and off-events, if this is not prevented by the analysis (cuts).The average number of background events
is the total number of background events from all off-regions times the corresponding weight (often referred to as ). For five off-regions, this yields
Assuming Gaussian errors, the statistical error is thus
For data this immediately resolves to
with the Poisson (counting) error
.Weights and Error
In the following
refers to a number of simulated events and to a number of measured (excess) the number of produced events in the energy interval and the zenith angle interval . The weighted number of events in that interval is then
with the spectral weight to adapt the spectral shape of the simulated spectrum to the real (measured) spectrum of the source and the weight to adapt to oberservation time versus zenith angle.
The weighted number of produced events
in the total energy interval and the total zenith angle interval is then
being the total number of produced events.For a sum of weights, e.g.
the corresponding error isAs the energy is well defined,
and thus
The weights are defined as follow:
is the simulated spectrum and the (unknown) real source spectrum. is a normalization constant. The zenith angle weights in the interval are defined as
is the number of produced events in the interval and is the total observation time in the same zenith angle interval. is the normalization constant. The error on the weight in each individual -bin with and is then
is given by the data acquisition and 1s per 5min run, is just the statistical error of the number of events.As the efficiency
for an energy interval is calculated as
and are both expressed as the sum given above, the constants and cancel.The differential flux in an energy interval
is then given as
is total area of production and the total observation time. The number of measured excess events is in that energy interval is .Using Gaussian error propagation, the error in a given energy interval
is then given by
Conceptual Example
Define Binnings
Get Data File List
A list with file IDs containing the events to be analyed is required a.t.m. The following query retrieves such a list and fills a temporary table (DataFiles
) with the IDs.
is a placeholder, for example for
fZenithDistanceMean<30 AND fThresholdMinSet<350 AND fSourceKEY=5 AND fRunTypeKEY=1 AND fNight>20161201 AND fNight<20170201 AND fR750Cor>0.9e0*fR750Ref
Get Observation Time
The following query bins the effective observation time of the runs listed above in zenith angle bins and stores the result in a temporary table (ObservationTime
). Note that the result contains only those bins which have entries.
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ObservationTime ( `.theta` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, OnTime FLOAT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`.theta`) USING HASH ) ENGINE=Memory AS ( SELECT INTERVAL(fZenithDistanceMean, %0:bins) AS `.theta`, SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn) AS OnTime FROM DataFiles LEFT JOIN factdata.RunInfo USING (FileId) GROUP BY `.theta` ORDER BY `.theta` )
is a placeholder for the bin boundaries, e.g. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30
(five bins between 5° and 30° plus underflow and overflow).
Get Monte Carlo File List
The next query obtains all Monte Carlo runs which have their ThetaMin or ThetaMax within one of the bins obtained in the previous query (so all MC runs that correspond to bins in which data is available). Strictly speaking, this step is not necessary, but it accelerats further processing. In addition (here as an example) only runs with even FileIDs are obtained as test-runs (assuming that odd runs were used for training). The resulting FileIDs are stored in a temporary table (MonteCarloFiles
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE MonteCarloFiles ( FileId INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (FileId) USING HASH ) ENGINE=Memory AS ( SELECT FileId FROM ObservationTime LEFT JOIN BinningTheta ON `.theta`=bin LEFT JOIN factmc.RunInfoMC ON (ThetaMin>=lo AND ThetaMin<hi) OR (ThetaMax>lo AND ThetaMax<=hi) WHERE PartId=1 AND FileId%%2=0 ORDER BY FileId )
Get Zenith Angle Histogram
The following table creates a temporaray table (EventCount
) internally which bins the MonetCarlo files from the file list in MonteCarloFiles in zenith angle bins. This temporary table ois then joined with table containing the binning for the data files (EventCount) and for each bin, the ratio (ZdWeight) and the corresponding error (ErrZdWeight) is calculated (assuming an error on the on-time of 1s per 5min). To have also the in edges in the same table, the binning is joined as well.
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ThetaHist ( `.theta` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, lo DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Lower edge of zenith distance bin in degree', hi DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Upper edge of zenith distance bin in degree', CountN INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, OnTime FLOAT NOT NULL, ZdWeight DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'tau(delta theta)', ErrZdWeight DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'sigma(tau)', PRIMARY KEY (`.theta`) USING HASH ) ENGINE=Memory AS ( WITH EventCount AS ( SELECT INTERVAL(DEGREES(Theta), %0:bins) AS `.theta`, COUNT(*) AS CountN FROM MonteCarloFiles LEFT JOIN factmc.OriginalMC USING(FileId) GROUP BY `.theta` ) SELECT `.theta`, lo, hi, CountN, OnTime, OnTime/CountN AS ZdWeight, (OnTime/CountN)*SQRT(POW(1/300, 2) + 1/CountN) AS ErrZdWeight FROM ObservationTime LEFT JOIN EventCount USING(`.theta`) LEFT JOIN BinningTheta ON `.theta`=bin ORDER BY `.theta` )
is a placeholder for the bin boundaries, e.g. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30
(five bins between 5° and 30° plus underflow and overflow). It should be identical to the binning used for data files in DataFiles.
Analysis Query
The analysis of Data and MontaCarlo files must be done totally identical to produce reasonable results. Therefore, the exact same query (or code) should be used for the analysis of both. In this example, the query has to provide two columns, Weight
and LogEnergyEst
for all gamma-line events. The weight must be +1 for events in the on-region and -0.2 for an event in the off-region (corresponding to the number of five wobble positions). LogEnergyEst must contain of the estimated energy for each event. Only events surviving background suppression and spatial (theta) cuts should be considered.
/* ************************************************************************ This is the analysis query. It returns two columns for all signal/background events. - `Weight` (Positive for signal (typ. 1), negative for background (typ. -0.2)) - `LogEnergyEst` logarithm of estimated energy in GeV In additon, all columns provided by the 100-clause must be returned. (Note that you must not add a comma behind it) 100| %100:files:: table containing the `FileId`s to analyze. 101| %101:runinfo:: table with the run info data 102| %102:events:: table with the image parameters 103| %103:positions:: table with the source positions in the camera 104| %105:zenith:: zenith angle in degrees 105| %104:columns 106| %105:estimator:: estimator for log10 energy WARNING: Right now, we correlate the mean zenith angle of the data file with the particle direction in the simulation! *************************************************************************** */ WITH Table0 AS ( SELECT %105:columns -- this could be removed if we can join events via the same columns (without CorsikaNumResuse) %104:zenith AS Theta, Weight, Size, NumUsedPixels, NumIslands, Leakage1, MeanX, MeanY, CosDelta, SinDelta, M3Long, SlopeLong, Width/Length AS WdivL, PI()*Width*Length AS Area, cosa*X - sina*Y AS PX, cosa*Y + sina*X AS PY FROM %100:files LEFT JOIN %101:runinfo USING (FileId) LEFT JOIN %102:events USING (FileId) -- This could be replaced by a user uploaded temporary table LEFT JOIN %103:positions USING (FileId, EvtNumber) CROSS JOIN Wobble WHERE NumUsedPixels>5.5 AND NumIslands<3.5 AND Leakage1<0.1 ), Table1 AS ( SELECT %105:columns Theta, Weight, Size, CosDelta, SinDelta, M3Long, SlopeLong, Leakage1, WdivL, MeanX - PX/1.02e0 AS DX, MeanY - PY/1.02e0 AS DY FROM Table0 WHERE Area < LOG10(Size)*898e0 - 1535e0 ), Table2 AS ( SELECT %105:columns Theta, Weight, Size, CosDelta, SinDelta, DX, DY, M3Long, SlopeLong, Leakage1, WdivL, SQRT(DX*DX + DY*DY) AS Norm FROM Table1 ), Table3 AS ( SELECT %105:columns Theta, Weight, Size, M3Long, SlopeLong, Leakage1, WdivL, Norm, LEAST(GREATEST((CosDelta*DY - SinDelta*DX)/Norm, -1), 1) AS LX, SIGN(CosDelta*DX + SinDelta*DY) AS Sign FROM Table2 ), Table5 AS ( SELECT %105:columns Theta, Weight, Size, Leakage1, WdivL, LX, Norm *0.0117193246260285378e0 AS Dist, M3Long *Sign*0.0117193246260285378e0 AS M3L, SlopeLong*Sign/0.0117193246260285378e0 AS Slope FROM Table3 ), Table6 AS ( SELECT %105:columns Theta, Weight, Size, WdivL, Dist, LX, M3L, Slope, 1.39252e0 + 0.154247e0*Slope + 1.67972e0*(1-1/(1+4.86232e0*Leakage1)) AS Xi FROM Table5 ), Table7 AS ( SELECT %105:columns Theta, Weight, Size, Dist, LX, IF (M3L<-0.07 OR (Dist-0.5e0)*7.2e0-Slope<0, -Xi, Xi) * (1-WdivL) AS Disp FROM Table6 ) SELECT %105:columns Theta, Weight, (Disp*Disp + Dist*Dist - 2*Disp*Dist*SQRT(1-LX*LX)) AS ThetaSq, %106:estimator AS LogEnergyEst FROM Table7 HAVING ThetaSq<0.024
The placeholder %0:column
is currently used to request MonteCarlo true values (such as Energy) in addition to the anaylsis values only for the analysis of simulated data. The must be no comma behind! In additon, %1:files
is a placeholder for the table containing the FileId
s to analyze, %2:runinfo
for the table with the run info data, %3:events
for the table with the image parameters and %4:positions
for the table with the source positions in the camera.
Analyze Data
The previous query is used to create a temporary table (Excess) with a common table expression (CTE). This table is referred to in the following query and produces a summary of the observation which is then stored in another temporary table (AnalysisData).
SELECT -- Convert variable to bin index INTERVAL(Theta, %107:theta) AS `.theta`, INTERVAL(LogEnergyEst, %108:sparse) AS `.sparse_est`, -- Signal and Background counts COUNT(IF(Weight>0, 1, NULL)) AS `Signal`, COUNT(IF(Weight<0, 1, NULL)) AS `Background`, -- Average Energy: SumEnergyEst/SumW SUM(Weight*POW(10, LogEnergyEst)) AS SumEnergyEst, SUM(Weight) AS SumW FROM Excess GROUP BY `.theta`, `.sparse_est` ORDER BY `.theta`, `.sparse_est`
is a placeholder for a binning if log-energy, e.g. 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0
(five bins between 2.5 and 5.0 plus underflow and overflow).
Analyze Monte Carlo Data
Similarly to the analysis of Data, another query summarizes the MonteCarlo Analysis. The result is stored in a temporary table (AnalysisMC
WITH Table0 AS ( SELECT Weight, Energy, LogEnergyEst, -- Convert variable to bin index INTERVAL(Theta, %107:theta) AS `.theta`, INTERVAL(LogEnergyEst, %108:sparse) AS `.sparse_est`, INTERVAL(LogEnergyEst, %109:dense) AS `.dense_est`, INTERVAL(LOG10(Energy), %108:sparse) AS `.sparse_sim`, INTERVAL(LOG10(Energy), %109:dense) AS `.dense_sim`, INTERVAL(Impact/100, %110:impact) AS `.impact`, (%111:spectrum)/POW(Energy, SpectralIndex) AS SpectralWeight, -- FIXME: Is this correct for files with different Slopes? LogEnergyEst - log10(Energy) AS Residual FROM Excess -- Instead of using %%0:columns, we could join back with the data we need -- INNER JOIN -- factmc.EventsMC USING(FileId, EvtNumber, CorsikaNumReuse) -- INNER JOIN -- factmc.RunInfoMC USING(FIleId) ) SELECT `.theta`, `.sparse_est`, `.sparse_sim`, `.dense_est`, `.dense_sim`, `.impact`, -- Without any weight applied COUNT(IF(Weight>0, 1, NULL)) AS SignalN, COUNT(IF(Weight<0, 1, NULL)) AS BackgroundN, -- Without ZdWeight applied /* SUM( IF(Weight>0, SpectralWeight, 0)) AS Signal, SUM( IF(Weight<0, SpectralWeight, 0)) AS Background, SUM( IF(Weight>0, POW(SpectralWeight,2), 0)) AS Signal2, SUM( IF(Weight<0, POW(SpectralWeight,2), 0)) AS Background2, */ -- Binning in estimated energy: Signal, Background SUM( IF(Weight>0, ZdWeight*SpectralWeight, 0)) AS SignalW, SUM( IF(Weight<0, ZdWeight*SpectralWeight, 0)) AS BackgroundW, SUM( IF(Weight>0, POW(ErrZdWeight*SpectralWeight,2), 0)) AS SignalW2, SUM( IF(Weight<0, POW(ErrZdWeight*SpectralWeight,2), 0)) AS BackgroundW2, -- Energy Estimation: Bias=ResidualW/SignalW; Resolution=sigma(Bias) SUM(IF(Weight>0, Residual* ZdWeight*SpectralWeight, 0)) AS ResidualW, SUM(IF(Weight>0, POW(Residual,2)*ZdWeight*SpectralWeight, 0)) AS ResidualW2, -- Average Energy: SumEnergyX/SignalW SUM(IF(Weight>0, Energy *ZdWeight*SpectralWeight, 0)) AS SumEnergySimW, SUM(IF(Weight>0, POW(10, LogEnergyEst)*ZdWeight*SpectralWeight, 0)) AS SumEnergyEstW FROM Table0 INNER JOIN ThetaDist USING(`.theta`) GROUP BY `.theta`, `.sparse_est`, `.sparse_sim`, `.dense_est`, `.dense_sim`, `.impact`
The placeholders %6:theta
, %7:energyest
and %8:energysim
are the binnings (as used previously) for the zenith angle and the logarithm (base 10) of the estimated and true energy. %9:spectrum
is the (unknown) 'true' source spectrum, for example POW(Energy, -2.4)
Summarize Corsika Production
The following queries produces a summary of the events simulated at first by Corsika. The result is stored in a temporary table (SimulatedSpectrum
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE SimulatedSpectrum ( `.energy` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'Bin Index [MC Energy]', CountN DOUBLE NOT NULL, CountW DOUBLE NOT NULL, CountW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`.energy`) USING HASH ) ENGINE=Memory AS ( SELECT INTERVAL(LOG10(Energy), %0:energyest) AS `.energy`, COUNT(*) AS CountN, SUM( (%1:spectrum)/pow(Energy, SpectralIndex) ) AS CountW, SUM(POW((%1:spectrum)/pow(Energy, SpectralIndex),2)) AS CountW2 FROM MonteCarloFiles LEFT JOIN factmc.RunInfoMC USING (FileId) LEFT JOIN factmc.OriginalMC USING (FileId) GROUP BY `.energy` ORDER BY `.energy` )
The placeholder %0:energyest
is the binnings (as used previously) for the logarithm (base 10) of the estimated energy. %1:spectrum
is the (unknown) 'true' source spectrum, for example POW(Energy, -2.4)
Result (Spectrum)
This query combines the results from the data analysis (AnalysisData), the MonteCarlo analysis (!AnalysisMC) and the simulated data (SimulatedSpectrum) to calculate the final result. The result is stored in a temporary table (Spectrum
). For convenience, bin edged are joined as well.
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE Spectrum ( `.energy` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'Bin Index [Energy]' PRIMARY KEY, lo DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Lower edge of energy bin in lg(E/GeV)', hi DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Upper edge of energy bin in lg(E/GeV)', `Signal` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Number of signal events', `Background` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Average number of background events', `Excess` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Number of excess events', ErrSignal DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Poisson error on number of signal events', ErrBackground DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Poisson error on number of background events', `ErrExcess` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Error of excess events', `Significance` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Li/Ma sigficance', `ExcessN` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Number of excess events in simulated data', `ExcessW` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Weighted number of excess events in simulated data', `ErrExcessN` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Error or number of excess events in simulated data', `ErrExcessW` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Error of weighted number of excess events in simulated data', SignalW DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Weighted number of signal events in simulated data', BackgroundW DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Weighted number of background events in simulated data', ErrSignalW DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Error of weighted number of signal events in simulated data', ErrBackgroundW DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Error of weighted number of background events in simulated data', Flux DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'dN/dA/dt [m^-2 s-^1]', ErrFlux DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'dN/dA/dt [m^-2 s-^1]', Bias DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Energy Bias, average residual in lg(E)', Resolution DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Energy resolution, standard divation of residual in lg(E)', EfficiencyN DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Simulated cut efficiency (weighted)', EfficiencyW DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Simulated cut efficiency (unweighted)', ErrEfficiencyN DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Error of simulated cut efficiency (weighted)', ErrEfficiencyW DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Error of simulated cut efficiency (unweighted)' ) ENGINE=Memory AS ( WITH ThetaSums AS ( SELECT SUM(CountN) AS CountSim, SUM(OnTime) AS ObsTime FROM ThetaHist ), ResultMC AS ( SELECT `.energyest` AS `.energy`, ANY_VALUE(SignalW) AS SignalW, ANY_VALUE(SignalW2) AS SignalW2, ANY_VALUE(BackgroundW) AS BackgroundW, ANY_VALUE(BackgroundW2) AS BackgroundW2, ANY_VALUE(SignalN) AS SignalN, ANY_VALUE(BackgroundN) AS BackgroundN, ANY_VALUE(ExcessW) AS ExcessW, ANY_VALUE(ExcessN) AS ExcessN, ANY_VALUE(ErrExcessW) AS ErrExcessW, ANY_VALUE(ErrExcessN) AS ErrExcessN, ANY_VALUE(BiasEst) AS Bias, ANY_VALUE(ResolutionEst) AS Resolution FROM AnalysisMC GROUP BY `.energy` ORDER BY `.energy` ) SELECT `.energy`, lo, hi, `Signal`, `Background`/5 AS `Background`, `Excess`, `ErrExcess`, `Significance`, SQRT(`Signal`) AS ErrSignal, SQRT(`SignalW2`) AS ErrSignalW, SQRT(`Background`)/5 AS ErrBackground, SQRT(`BackgroundW2`)/5 AS ErrBackgroundW, ExcessN, ExcessW, ErrExcessN, ErrExcessW, SignalW, BackgroundW, AnalysisData.Excess/ResultMC.ExcessW*SimulatedSpectrum.CountW * 1000/(POW(10,hi)-POW(10,lo)) /(%0:area)/ObsTime / CountSim*ObsTime AS Flux, AnalysisData.Excess/ResultMC.ExcessW*SimulatedSpectrum.CountW * 1000/(POW(10,hi)-POW(10,lo)) /(%0:area)/ObsTime / CountSim*ObsTime * SQRT( + POW(AnalysisData.ErrExcess / AnalysisData.Excess, 2) + POW(ResultMC.ErrExcessW / ResultMC.ExcessW, 2) + SimulatedSpectrum.CountW2 / POW(SimulatedSpectrum.CountW,2) ) AS ErrFlux, Bias, Resolution, ResultMC.ExcessW/SimulatedSpectrum.CountW * CountSim/ObsTime AS EfficiencyW, ResultMC.ExcessN/SimulatedSpectrum.CountN AS EfficiencyN, ( POW(ResultMC.ErrExcessW/ResultMC.ExcessW, 2) + POW(SQRT(SimulatedSpectrum.CountW2)/SimulatedSpectrum.CountW, 2) ) * POW(ResultMC.ExcessW/SimulatedSpectrum.CountW, 2) * CountSim/ObsTime AS ErrEfficiencyW, ( POW(ResultMC.ErrExcessN, 2) + POW(ResultMC.ExcessN, 2)/SimulatedSpectrum.CountN)/POW(SimulatedSpectrum.CountN, 2) AS ErrEfficiencyN FROM AnalysisData INNER JOIN ResultMC USING(`.energy`) INNER JOIN SimulatedSpectrum USING(`.energy`) INNER JOIN BinningEnergyEst ON `.energy`=bin CROSS JOIN ThetaSums WHERE AnalysisData.Excess>0 ORDER BY `.energy` )
is a placeholder for the maximum simulated area.
Result (Threshold)
Similar to the previous query, the following query summarized results based on the simulated spectrum in bins of the simulated energy not the estimated energy.
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE Threshold ENGINE=Memory AS ( WITH ThetaSums AS ( SELECT SUM(CountN) AS CountSim, SUM(OnTime) AS ObsTime FROM ThetaHist ), ResultMC AS ( SELECT `.energysim` AS `.energy`, ANY_VALUE(ThresholdW) AS ThresholdW, ANY_VALUE(ThresholdW2) AS ThresholdW2, ANY_VALUE(ThresholdN) AS ThresholdN, ANY_VALUE(BiasSim) AS Bias, ANY_VALUE(ResolutionSim) AS Resolution FROM AnalysisMC GROUP BY `.energy` ) SELECT `.energy`, lo, hi, ThresholdW, SQRT(ThresholdW2) AS ErrThresholdW, ThresholdN, SQRT(ThresholdN) AS ErrThresholdN, ThresholdW * 1000/(POW(10,hi)-POW(10,lo)) / (%0:area) / CountSim*ObsTime AS Flux, SQRT(ThresholdW2) * 1000/(POW(10,hi)-POW(10,lo)) / (%0:area) / CountSim*ObsTime AS ErrFlux, Bias, Resolution FROM ResultMC INNER JOIN BinningEnergySim ON `.energy`=bin CROSS JOIN ThetaSums WHERE ThresholdW>0 AND ThresholdW2>0 ORDER BY `.energy` )
is again a placeholder for the maximum simulated area.
Result (Migration)
Similar to the previous queries, this one extracts what is called the 'Migration Matrix' in bins of simulated and estimated energy.
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE Migration ENGINE=Memory AS ( SELECT `.energyest`, `.energysim`, BinningEnergySim.lo AS EsimLo, BinningEnergySim.hi AS EsimHi, BinningEnergyEst.lo AS EestLo, BinningEnergyEst.hi AS EestHi, ANY_VALUE(MigrationW) AS MigrationW, ANY_VALUE(MigrationN) AS MigrationN FROM AnalysisMC INNER JOIN BinningEnergyEst ON `.energyest`=BinningEnergyEst.bin INNER JOIN BinningEnergySim ON `.energysim`=BinningEnergySim.bin GROUP BY `.energyest`, `.energysim` ORDER BY `.energyest`, `.energysim` )