| 1 | = Datataking Procedures |
| 2 | |
| 3 | == First Drs Calibration |
| 4 | |
| 5 | **Notice:** dimscript for this procedure: ScriptsForDimCtrl/FirstDrsCalibration.dim |
| 6 | |
| 7 | **Remote-datataking:** In case of remote data-taking this section can be skiped. In this case you can directly open the lid, and start with the data-taking including the DRS calibration. |
| 8 | |
| 9 | 0. Do _Start_ (DRS Calibration) in the fad-tab |
| 10 | 0. Take *DRS: Pedestal* (1000 events) |
| 11 | 0. Take *DRS: Gain* (1000 events) |
| 12 | 0. Take *Pedestal* (1000 events) |
| 13 | 0. Switch to FITS file format in the fad-tab |
| 14 | 0. Take *Pedestal* (1000 events) |
| 15 | 0. Switch on the temperature control (Feedback-tab: *Start*, *Enable output*) |
| 16 | 0. Switch on the BIAS voltage (Set the global offset to one DAC count in the Bias tab and wait until the temperature feedback has ramped the voltages properly) |
| 17 | 0. Take *Pedestal* (1000 events) |
| 18 | 0. Switch off the bias voltage (*Set all to 0*) |
| 19 | 0. Open the lid |
| 20 | |
| 21 | == Normal Datataking |
| 22 | |
| 23 | 0. Move the telescope to wobble position 1 |
| 24 | 0. Make sure Bias voltage is off |
| 25 | 0. Do _START_ (DRS Calibration) in the fad-tab |
| 26 | 0. Take *DRS: Pedestal* (1000 events, MCP *Start Run* on GUIs left side) |
| 27 | 0. Take *DRS: Gain* (1000 events) |
| 28 | 0. Take *DRS: Pedestal* (1000 events) |
| 29 | 0. Switch to FITS file format in the fad-tab |
| 30 | 0. Take *DRS: Pedestal* (1000 events) |
| 31 | 0. Take *DRS: Time* (1000 events) |
| 32 | 0. Do _RESET_ (DRS Calibration) to reset the secondary baseline in the fad-tab |
| 33 | 0. Take *Pedestal* (1000 events) |
| 34 | 0. Switch to FITS file format in the fad-tab |
| 35 | 0. Send somebody out at the backdoor to measure the the sky-brightness with the sky-meter at the rough direction the telescope is pointing and write it down in the logbook |
| 36 | 0. Take *Pedestal* (1000 events) |
| 37 | 0. Switch Bias on (set to one DAC count and wait for the feedback) |
| 38 | 0. Take *Pedestal* (1000 events) |
| 39 | 0. Take *External light pulser* (1000 events) |
| 40 | 0. Take data with full trigger area (four times 5 minutes) |
| 41 | 0. Move the telescope to wobble position 2 |
| 42 | 0. Send somebody out at the backdoor to measure the the sky-brightness with the sky-meter at the rough direction the telescope is pointing and write it down in the logbook |
| 43 | 0. Take *Pedestal* (1000 events) |
| 44 | 0. Take *External light pulser* (1000 events) |
| 45 | 0. Take data with full trigger area (four times 5 minutes) |
| 46 | 0. Go on with the beginning of the data taking procedure |
| 47 | |
| 48 | == ratescan |
| 49 | |
| 50 | 0. Track a dark region |
| 51 | - low zenith (<30°) |
| 52 | - no bright star |
| 53 | - no direct moonlight in the camera |
| 54 | - examples |
| 55 | - around 0:00 UTC: ra = 13.46667, dec = 27.12833 |
| 56 | - around 4:00 UTC: ra = 21.45, dec = 14.9 |
| 57 | 0. Take a run with type ratescan with unlimited event and unlimited duration (for configuring all programms) |
| 58 | 0. Ratescan/START_THRESHOLD_SCAN x y c |
| 59 | |
| 60 | variables: |
| 61 | |
| 62 | - x: start threshold |
| 63 | - y: end threshold |
| 64 | - c: stepsize (if negativ ratescan starts with |c| and handle it dynamically, if the ratescan needs too much time) |
| 65 | |
| 66 | Configuring manually: |
| 67 | |
| 68 | - Stop ratecontrol (I'm not sure if this is necessary) |
| 69 | - ftmctrl/SET_DEAD_TIME 0 (in fact thats the minimum equal to 8ns (you can also set this value in the GUI) |
| 70 | - GUI: no interleaved pedestal, no interleaved extLP, only physic triggers |
| 71 | |
| 72 | == Ampl. vs Bias measurement |
| 73 | |
| 74 | 1. Track a dark region (same requirements as for the ratescan, see above) |
| 75 | 1. Do a DRS calibration |
| 76 | 1. Feedback/Start_Current_Control -1.0 (maybe Enable_Output yes) |
| 77 | 1. wait for 2 - 3 feedback voltage corrections |
| 78 | 1. switch to fits format |
| 79 | 1. Now take an external lp run with 1000 events |
| 80 | - be aware that for x = -1.0, -0.9, its possible to trigger 0 events. Than you can go on with the next overvoltage |
| 81 | 1. Increase voltage offset by 0.1 V go on with the next light-pulser run |
| 82 | 1. do this until +0.5 V offset |
| 83 | |
| 84 | Write down following in the logbook: |
| 85 | |
| 86 | - Offset |
| 87 | - median Voltage |
| 88 | - median Current |
| 89 | - runnumber |
| 90 | |
| 91 | == Dim Scripts |
| 92 | |
| 93 | In FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl you will find the following scripts that could do parts of aboves procedures automatically. |
| 94 | |
| 95 | script_name | function |
| 96 | :- | :- |
| 97 | __FirstDrsCalib.dim__ | taking a first DRS calibration as described above |
| 98 | __DataTaking1.dim__ | procedure from step 2 to step 18 |
| 99 | __DataTaking2.dim__ | procedure from step 21 to step 23 (which btw. is the same as step 16 to step 18) |
| 100 | __ResumeDataTaking.dim__ | can be used if DataTaking crashes during the first of a 4x5min run set to take 4 runs of 5 mins in a row |
| 101 | __Take<source_name>.dim__ | procedure from step 1 to 23 with for Source <source_name> (2 Wobble positions) |
| 102 | __AmplVsOv.dim__ | do steps 2 to 5 of the Amplitude vs Bias measurement with an overvoltage of x |
| 103 | |
| 104 | Scripts can be started in the dimctrl screen on data by typing: __.x ScriptsForDimCtrl/<script_name>__ |
| 105 | |
| 106 | Scripts can be stopped via dimctrl --stop in a bash |
| 107 | |
| 108 | - this command starts a client of the dimctrl-server (which runs the script) and sends a STOP command to the server |
| 109 | - its only possible when the first dimctrl was started as a server (dimctrl --server) |
| 110 | |
| 111 | if you want to only take the second wobble position the script can be started by: __.x ScriptsForDimCtrl/Take<source_name>:2__ |
| 112 | |
| 113 | scripts available for the following sources: |
| 114 | source | <script_name> |
| 115 | :- | :- |
| 116 | __Crab__ | TakeCrab.dim |
| 117 | __Mrk421__ | TakeMrk421.dim |
| 118 | __Mrk501__ | TakeMrk501.dim |
| 119 | __1ES1218+304__ | Take1218.dim |