
Overview which processing / analysis outputs are available where and what are the differences.

Overview of Processings

Analysis Basis Comment Running at
quick look run-wise not reprocessed La Palma
full sequence-wise reprocessed with new SW versions ISDC

Quick Look Analysis

In La Palma the QLA is running on daq and only the output of the qla processing is available on the machines there.

Machine Path Comment
newdata /data1/analysis primary copy
newdaq /loc_data/analysis_bu backup
newdata /newdaq/analysis_bu backup
gate /newdata/analysis primary copy

Remark: As all callisto files are in the meantime > 10 TB, no full copy of the QLA output is kept in La Palma. All callisto files can only be found at ISDC or Wue.

In La Palma, the software is located in /home/fact/SW.automatic.processing and the logfiles in /home/fact/logs.automatic.processing

SW Calibration / Cleaning / Cuts Comment
old / old / old running before 26.5.2014
Mars.svn.2014.05.26 new / old with adapted levels / old running since 26.5.2014

Full Analysis

At ISDC the software is located in /home/projects/fact_opr and the logfiles in /home/projects/fact_opr/logs.automatic.processing

The analysis is running on isdc-in04 using sge on the cluster and the transfer is running on isdc-dl00.

SW at ISDC Comment Output at ISDC Output in WUE DB
Mars.von.Thomas.2012.05.09 first version /gpfs0/scratch/fact/data.2012.05.09/ -
Mars.von.Thomas.2012.06.22 analysis for gamma2012 /gpfs0/scratch/fact/data.2012.06.22/ -
Mars.svn.2013.05.11 improved calibration /gpfs0/scratch/fact/data.2013.05.11/ /fact/data/2013.05.11
/scratch/local/users/dorner/data.2013.05.11 (no callisto)
Mars.svn.2014.05.26 new (no) calibration
new imgcl
/gpfs0/fact/processing/data.2014.05.26/ (deleted) /fact/data/data.2014.05.26
/scratch/local/users/dorner/data.2014.05.26 (no callisto)
Mars.svn.r18330 few bugfixes
new cuts
/gpfs0/fact/processing/data.r18330/ /scratch/local/users/dorner/data.r18276
Mars.svn.r18753 sw-trigger in callisto
ganymed.C not as in svn as tests for new analysis ongoing
/gpfs0/fact/processing/data.r18753/ not yet factdata_cp20180814
Mars.svn.r19161 bugfix in star, fixed abberation
updated disp coefficients
/gpfs0/fact/processing/data.r19161/ not yet factdata

Some other in/output files:

Files Location at ISDC Location in WUE
sequences /gpfs0/fact/processing/sequences/ /scratch/local/users/dorner/sequences/
drs time calib /gpfs0/fact/processing/drs_time_calib /scratch/local/users/dorner/drs_time_calib
qla /gpfs0/fact/processing/qla/ /fact/data/qla
/scratch/local/users/dorner/qla (no callisto)

In Wuerzburg, a Mars version is located at /scratch/local/users/dorner/Mars.svn.2014.05.26_cp_extr

Content of Processing Directories

Analysis Step Subpath Comment
calibration callisto output of callisto.C (ISDC) / callisto_data.C (LP)
image cleaning star output of star.C (ISDC) / star_file.C (LP)
+ subsystem information merged by merpp.C (ISDC) / merpp_file.C (LP)
background suppression ganymed_run output of ganymed.C (run runwise)
Last modified 6 years ago Last modified on 08/15/18 10:59:40
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