Overview of services
We run Bind on gate and newdaq as failover
Configuration can be found in /etc/bind/
Make sure you change DNS entries on both machines
We run a DHCP server on gate and newdaq as failover
Configuration can be found in /etc/dhcpd/
DHCP range for the internal network is till
There is an apache webserver running on gate
Configuration can be found in /etc/apache2/
Apache listens on port 80 (http) and port 443 (https)
We use postfix as mail server on gate for receiving and sending emails.
Configuration can be found in /etc/postfix/
Postfix is listening on port 25 (stmp)
Dovecot IMAP server
Dovecot is used for providing the mails for the users.
Configuration can be found on gate in /etc/dovecot/
Dovecot is listening on port 143 (imap) and 993 (imaps)
The main user authentification is done via OpenLDAP, which runs on gate.