Changeset 6641

02/20/05 20:03:28 (20 years ago)
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  • trunk/MagicSoft/TDAS-Extractor/MAGIC_signal_reco.tex

    r6623 r6641  
    3737\title{Comparison of Signal Reconstruction Algorithms for the MAGIC Telescope}
    3838\author{H. Bartko, M. Gaug, A. Moralejo, \\
    39 N. Sidro, W. Wittek}
    40 \date{Month dd, 2004\\}
    41 \TDAScode{MAGIC-TDAS 04-xx\\ 04mmdd}
     39Th. Schweizer, M. Shayduk, N. Sidro, W. Wittek}
     40\date{February 28$^{\mathrm{th}}$, 2005\\}
     41\TDAScode{MAGIC-TDAS 05-xx\\ 050228}
  • trunk/MagicSoft/TDAS-Extractor/MonteCarlo.tex

    r6635 r6641  
    11\section{Monte Carlo \label{sec:mc}}
     3\subsection{Introduction \label{sec:mc:intro}}
     5Many charasteristics of the extractor can only be investigated with the use of Monte-Carlo simulations~\cite{MC-Camera}
     6of signal pulses and noise for the following reasons:
     9\item While in real conditions, the signal can only be obtained in a Poisson distribution, simulated pulses of a specific
     10number of photo-electrons can be generated.
     11\item The intrinsic arrival time spread can be chosen within the simulation.
     12\item The noise auto-correlation in the low-gain channel cannot be determined from data,
     13but instead has to be retrieved from Monte-Carlo studies.
     14\item The same pulse can be studied with and without added noise, where the noise level can be deliberately adjusted.
     15\item The photo-multiplier and optical link gain fluctuations can be tuned or switched off completely.
     18Nevertheless, there are always systematic differences between the simulation and the real detector. In our case, especially the
     19following short-comings are of concern:
     22\item The low-gain pulse is not yet simulated with the correct pulse width, but instead the same pulse shape as the one of the
     23high-gain channel has been used.
     24\item The low-gain pulse is delayed by only 15 FADC slices in the Monte-Carlo simulations, while it arrives about 16.5 FADC slices
     25after the high-gain pulse in real conditions.
     26\item No switching noise due to the low-gain switch has been simulated.
     27\item The intrinsic transit time spread of the photo-multipliers has not been simulated.
     28\item The total dynamic range of the entire signal transmission chain was set to infinite, thus the detector has been simulated
     29to be completely linear.
     32For the subsequent studies, the following settings have been used:
     35\item The gain fluctuations for signal pulses were switched off.
     36\item The gain fluctuations for the background noise of the light of night sky were instead fully simulated, i.e. very close to
     37real conditions.
     38\item The intrinsic arrival time spread of the photons was set to be 1\,ns, as expected for gamma showers.
     39\item The conversion of total integrated charge to photo-electrons was set to be 7.8~FADC~counts
     40per photo-electron, independent of the signal strength.
     41\item The trigger jitter was set to be uniformly distributed over 1~FADC slice only.
     44In the following, we used the Monte-Carlo to determine especially the following quantities for each of the tested extractors:
     47\item The charge resolution as a function of the input signal strength.
     48\item The charge extraction bias as a function of the input signal strength.
     49\item The time resolution as a function of the input signal strength.
     50\item The effect of adding or removing noise for the above quantities.
    353\subsection{Charge Signals with Simulated Noise \label{sec:mc:charge}}
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