Changeset 6642

02/20/05 20:14:16 (20 years ago)
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  • trunk/MagicSoft/TDAS-Extractor/MonteCarlo.tex

    r6641 r6642  
    4040per photo-electron, independent of the signal strength.
    4141\item The trigger jitter was set to be uniformly distributed over 1~FADC slice only.
    42 \end{itemize}
     42\item Only one inner pixel has been simulated.
     45The last point had the consequence that the extractor {\textit {\bf MExtractFixedWindowPeakSearch}} could not be tested since
     46it was equivalent to the sliding window.
    4447In the following, we used the Monte-Carlo to determine especially the following quantities for each of the tested extractors:
    53 \subsection{Charge Signals with Simulated Noise \label{sec:mc:charge}}
     56\subsection{Conversion Factors \label{sec:mc:convfactors}}
     58In the following figures~\ref{fig:mc:ChargeDivNphe_FixW} through~\ref{fig:mc:ChargeDivNphe_DFSpline} show the conversion factors
     59between reconstructed charge and the number of input photo-electrons for each of the tested extractors, with and without added noise
     60and for the high-gain and low-gain channels, respectively. One can see that the conversion factors depend on the extraction window size and
     61that the addition of noise raises the conversion factors uniformly for all fixed window extractors in the high-gain channel,
     62while the sliding window extractors show a bias a low signal intensities.
    6372  \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeDivNphevsNphe_FixW_WithNoise_LoGain.eps}
    6473\caption[Charge per Number of photo-electrons Fixed Windows]{Extracted charge per photoelectron versus number of photoelectrons,
    65 for fixed window extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones show the
    66 low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
    67 \label{ChargeDivNphe_FixW}
     74for fixed window extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones
     75low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
    7887  \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeDivNphevsNphe_SlidW_WithNoise_LoGain.eps}
    7988\caption[Charge per Number of photo-electrons Sliding Windows]{Extracted charge per photoelectron versus number of photoelectrons,
    80 for sliding window extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones show the
    81 low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
    82 \label{ChargeDivNphe_SlidW}
     89for sliding window extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones
     90low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
    93102  \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeDivNphevsNphe_DFSpline_WithNoise_LoGain.eps}
    94103\caption[Charge per Number of photo-electrons Spline and Digital Filter]{Extracted charge per photoelectron versus number of photoelectrons,
    95 for spline and digital filter extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones show the
    96 low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
    97 \label{ChargeDivNphe_DFSpline}
    98 \end{figure}
     104for spline and digital filter extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones
     105low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
    110121\caption[Bias Fixed Windows]{The measured bias (extracted charge divided by the conversion factor minus the number of photoelectrons)
    111122versus number of photoelectrons,
    112 for fixed window extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones show the
    113 low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
    114 \label{ConversionvsNphe_FixW}
     123for fixed window extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones
     124low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
    126137\caption[Bias Sliding Windows]{The measured bias (extracted charge divided by the conversion factor minus the number of photoelectrons)
    127138versus number of photoelectrons,
    128 for sliding window extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones show the
    129 low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
    130 \label{ConversionvsNphe_SlidW}
     139for sliding window extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones
     140low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
    142153\caption[Bias Spline and Digital Filter]{The measured bias (extracted charge divided by the conversion factor minus the number of photoelectrons)
    143154versus number of photoelectrons,
    144 for spline and digital filter extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones show the
    145 low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
    146 \label{ConversionvsNphe_DFSpline}
     155for spline and digital filter extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones
     156low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
    157168  \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeRes_FixW_WithNoise_LoGain.eps}
    158169\caption[Charge Resolution Fixed Windows]{The measured resolution (RMS of extracted charge divided by the conversion factor minus the number of photoelectrons) versus number of photoelectrons,
    159 for fixed window extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones show the
    160 low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
    161 \label{ChargeRes_FixW}
     170for fixed window extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones
     171low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
    172183  \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeRes_SlidW_WithNoise_LoGain.eps}
    173184\caption[Charge Resolution Sliding Windows]{The measured resolution (RMS of extracted charge divided by the conversion factor minus the number of photoelectrons) versus number of photoelectrons,
    174 for sliding window extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones show the
    175 low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
    176 \label{ChargeRes_SlidW}
     185for sliding window extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones
     186low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
    188199\caption[Charge Resolution Spline and Digital Filter]{The measured resolution
    189200(RMS of extracted charge divided by the conversion factor minus the number of photoelectrons) versus number of photoelectrons,
    190 for spline and digital filter extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones show the
    191 low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
    192 \label{ChargeRes_DFSpline}
     201for spline and digital filter extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones
     202low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
    197 \subsection{Charge Signals with and without Simulated Noise \label{sec:mc:chargenoise}}
     208\subsection{Charge Signals with and without Simulated Noise \label{fig:mc:sec:mc:chargenoise}}
    206217\caption[Bias due to noise high-gain]{Bias due to noise: Difference of extracted charge of same events, with and without simulated noise,
    207218for different extractor methods in the high-gain region.}
    208 \label{Bias_HiGain}
    218229\caption[Bias due to noise low-gain]{Bias due to noise: Difference of extracted charge of same events, with and without simulated noise,
    219230for different extractor methods in the low-gain region.}
    220 \label{Bias_LoGain}
    236247\caption[Time Resolution Sliding Windows]{The measured time resolution (RMS of extracted time minus simulated time)
    237248versus number of photoelectrons,
    238 for sliding window extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones show the
    239 low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
    240 \label{TimeRes_SlidW}
     249for sliding window extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones
     250low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
    252263\caption[Time Resolution Spline and Digital Filter]{The measured time resolution (RMS of extracted time minus simulated time)
    253264versus number of photoelectrons,
    254 for spline and digital filter window extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones show the
    255 low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
    256 \label{TimeRes_DFSpline}
     265for spline and digital filter window extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones
     266low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
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