Changeset 7297 for trunk/MagicSoft/Cosy
- Timestamp:
- 08/22/05 10:46:31 (20 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/MagicSoft/Cosy
- Files:
- 2 added
- 7 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r7296 r7297 98 98 centerx[%05.1f] centery[%05.1f] n[%04d] 99 99 bright[%03.1f] mjd[%12.6f] 100 101 102 103 2004/09/05 - Robert Wagner (La Palma)104 105 * main/MStarguider.[cc,h]106 - Start commissioning of a star guider for MAGIC.107 - Display misspointing with an MGStarg object108 - Rename the two video channels to "Starfield Camera" and "TPoint Camera"109 - Swapped IDs of video channels, since a reset (errno=5) of video card110 changes to channel #0111 - Rearranged menu structure, added starguider relevant items: Starguider112 LED finder, Starguider FindStar (FindStar analysis of star on curtain113 for crosschecks and calibration), Starguider Analysis (write relevant114 data to ROOT trees), Starguider (Starguider analysis of starfield115 picture)116 - Rearranged GUI displays, added displays to show misspointing,117 misspointing from FindStar algorithm, sky brightness118 - Acquisition of center of the PMT camera from applying Caos algorithm119 to the three LEDs visible in the starfield camera120 - Acquisition of sky brightness (average CCD pixel content in Starfield)121 and comparison to last sky brightness122 - MStarguider::TrackingError(): Modified histogram binning to enhance123 excess124 - MStarguider::FindStar(): Now returns position of found star as ZdAz125 - MStarguider::FindStar(): Cut and ROI box can now handed over as i126 parameters127 - MStarguider::FindStar(): Scale factor to compensate for different FOV128 (TPoint camera vs. Starfield camera)129 - MStarguider::ProcessFrame(): Modified structure to accomodate Starguider130 algorithm and tools: 1) Find Center of PMT camera, find Star (if131 activated)132 to obtain misspointing found from PMT camera.133 - Set ROI for starfield in space not occupied by the PMT camera in the134 starfield camera FOV135 - Calculate star positions and draw stars only in that ROI136 - fStatus variable contains status of starguider (Error, Monitoring,137 Standby)138 - Draw representation of MAGIC's FOV on starfield139 - Send STARG-REPORTS unconditionally by using MDriveCom::SendStargReport140 - Add Ra/Dec in filename when writing pictures141 - Introduced #define EXPERT to allow for debug output142 - tracking_*.txt is only produced in case of EXPERT mode143 144 * tcpip/MTcpIpIO.[h,cc], tcpip/MCeCoCom.[h,cc]145 - added option force to MTcpIp::Send() which forces sending146 of message147 148 * tcpip/MDriveCom.[h,cc]149 - added MDriveCom::MSendStargReport()150 151 * stars.txt152 - added Albiero (3.08), Iota Pegasi (3.49), Tarazed (2.72),153 Unukalhay (2.65)154 - corrected wrong position of Capella (0.08)155 156 * gui/, gui/MGStarg.h gui/GuiLinkDef.h gui/Makefile157 - added GUI element similar to MGAccuracy to display158 misspointing.159 160 * stargleds.txt161 - List of location of LEDs visible in starfield camera picture162 163 * main/MStargHistograms.[cc,h], main/Makefile, main/MainLinkDef.h164 - Filling trees with Starguider analysis relevant data165 166 * caos/Led.h167 - added Setters SetX(), SetY()168 169 * main/MCosy.h170 - added *GetDriveCom(), returns pointer to MDriveCom object171 172 * starg.cc173 - corrected typo174 175 * prepos_magic.txt176 - changed Park and Camera Access position coordinates177 178 * caos/Rings.[cc,h]179 - minimum number of required LEDs can be set via180 SetMinNumberLeds(), default is 5181 182 * main/MCaos.[cc,h]183 - possibility to set size of box and cut in MCaos::Run()184 - possibility to specify maximum and minimum acceptable ring185 radius186 187 * catalog/StarCatalog.[cc,h]188 - possibility to narrow field of view in CalcStars189 - possibility to offset origin of FOV in CalcStars190 - CalcStars and DrawStars flip the field in x direction191 defaultwise192 - CalcStars adds only stars visible in the chosen FOV to193 the star list194 195 * videodev/FilterLed.[cc,h]196 - Added possibility to return average brightness found in197 chosen FOV198 199 * videodev/Writer.[cc,h]200 - Ra/Dec in filename when writing pictures201 202 203 204 2004/08/23 - Thomas Bretz205 206 * videodev/ - tried to fix a possible crash in FindStar. Maybe the edges208 exceeded the area of the image in memory209 210 211 212 2004/08/16 - Thomas Bretz213 214 * tpoint/gui.C:215 - implemented TGFSFileDialog for reading and writing bending.txt216 - plot deviations vs Magnitude217 218 219 220 2004/08/12 - Thomas Bretz221 222 * tpoint/gui.C:223 - implemented TGFSFileDialog for reading the star data224 225 226 227 2004/08/05 - Thomas Bretz228 229 * main/ - on request of the shift-crew I have changed the find-star cut231 from 3.0 to 3.5232 233 234 235 2004/06/28 - Thomas Bretz236 237 * caos/Ring.[h,cc]:238 - added magnitude fMag239 - added interpolation of magnitude240 241 * main/ - added output of magnitudes243 244 * tpoint/gui.C:245 - implemented comment lines246 - changed layout of output247 248 249 250 2004/06/01 - Thomas Bretz251 252 * Makefile.conf.linux:253 - removed obsolete -Wtraditional and -Wnested-externs254 255 * caos/Leds.h:256 - added empty Add(TObject*) function for correct overload257 258 * main/ - added MAGIC1 as a hysteresis260 261 * main/ - added header to drive report263 264 * main/MCosy.h:265 - added getter-function to GetOutRep (used in FindStar)266 267 * main/ - added Output to report file269 - added output of Star-Offset in pixels270 271 * main/ - removed some 'unused variable'273 274 * tcpip/ - removed nonsense setting of eGui when writing to the report file276 277 * tpoint/gui.C:278 - enhanced display279 280 281 282 2004/05/15 - Thomas Bretz (La Palma)283 284 * Makefile:285 - added MGMenu links286 287 * bending_magic.txt:288 - last calculated pointing model (still has the hysteresis289 problem)290 291 * - moved camera stuff to MStarguider293 - added channel selection294 295 * base/BaseLinkDef.h:296 - updated297 298 * base/MString.[h,cc]:299 - removed (now in Mars)300 301 * base/MThread.h, candrv/network.h, candrv/nodedrv.h,302 candrv/vmodican.h, devdrv/macs.h, videodev/Camera.h:303 - changed ifndef304 305 * base/Makefile:306 - updated307 308 * candrv/ - added cast to MTime310 311 * candrv/ - changed priority from 10 to 1313 314 * caos/, caos/ - changed Form to MString316 317 * caos/Makefile:318 - added include base319 320 * caos/Ring.[h,cc]:321 - added arguments to constructor322 323 * catalog/CatalogLinkDef.h, catalog/Makefile:324 - removed SaoFile325 326 * catalog/ - removed some obsolete code328 329 * catalog/ - added a size check for the bitmap331 332 * devdrv/ - no guarding for the moment334 335 * devdrv/shaftencoder.[h,cc]:336 - added code to communicate with the Macs337 338 * gui/GuiLinkDef.h, gui/Makefile:339 - removed MGVelocity340 341 * gui/MGCosy.[h,cc]:342 - added weather data to display343 - added image of the camera to window344 - removed velocity from window345 - replaced Form by MString346 347 * main/ - changed handling in GetAnAw - Hopefully correct???349 the old handling gave problems350 351 * main/MCosy.[h,cc]:352 - added SetTrackingPosRE353 - display interpolated position when tracking354 - added SetMotor calls355 356 * main/MStarguider.[h,cc]:357 - added code to find star in the display358 - added corresponding menus359 - added code to support more than one ccd channel360 361 * main/MTracking.[h,cc]:362 - complete change to the algorithm. The position which is363 send to CC need still some investigations. For more information364 look at the code. The main difference is that the motor365 encoders are taken better into account which fixes the SE366 handling on the elevation axis367 368 * main/MainLinkDef.h, main/Makefile:369 - added MPointing370 - added MTracking371 372 * tcpip/MCeCoCom.[h,cc]:373 - added alarm counter374 375 * tcpip/ - do not write to output file if stream is locked377 378 * tpoint/gui.C:379 - fixed display so that it perfectly shows north, east, ...380 - added error for residual381 - simplified residual algorithm382 - read new files383 - changed displaying deviations a bit384 - display result in the display (preliminary)385 - set gIgnoreLevel to suppress strange color warnings386 387 * videodev/ - use MGMap for drawing...389 390 391 392 2004/05/15 - Thomas Bretz (La Palma)393 394 * .cosyrc_magic:395 - updated with some comments396 397 * Makefile:398 - added many more links necessary for current make399 (should be replaced by in the future)400 401 * Makefile.conf.general:402 - added GX11 and HistPainter403 404 *, - Moved initialization of Camera to MStarguider406 - added command line option to choose ccd channel407 408 * leds.txt:409 - replaced with new LED positions (OFFSETS MISSING)410 411 * stars.txt:412 - added many more stars413 414 * base/coord.h:415 - added operator/=(XY&)416 417 * base/, candrv/ - added more output in case mutex is already locked by the same thread419 420 * candrv/ - some changes to output422 423 * catalog/ - changed some comments425 426 * catalog/StarCatalog.[h,cc]:427 - replaced old algorithms by MAstroCatalog and new simplifications428 to calculate star-positions accuratly by combining slalib with429 MAstroCatalog430 431 * devdrv/macs.h:432 - added GetPosTime433 434 * devdrv/shaftencoder.[h,cc]:435 - added output to report file436 437 * gui/MGAccuracy.[h,cc]:438 - added time development curve (blue)439 440 * gui/MGEmbeddedCanvas.h, gui/MGSkyPosition.h,441 gui/MGVelocity.h:442 - changed ifndef define443 444 * gui/MGImage.[h,cc]:445 - enhancements in speed446 - enhancements in mutex locking mechanism447 448 * gui/, gui/ - changed meaning of PixSize450 451 * gui/ - fixed units453 454 * main/MCaos.[h,cc]:455 - changed ring radius from 266/272 to 266,268456 - moved drawing circles to MStarguider457 458 * main/MCosy.[h,cc]:459 - moved big parts of the code to MPointing and MTracking460 - removed old conversion constants (Se to RE, etc) and461 replaced by more meaningful ones462 - prepare displaying starguider image463 - added GetFileName to globally prepare correct file names464 465 * main/ - fixed missing SetDecelaration467 - changed to new unit conversion constants468 - Use SendStatus instead of Send469 470 * main/ - added update and support of cosy-image display472 - added channel swicthing for the frame grabber473 - added algorithm to find star position FindStar474 - commented out starguider algorithms475 - draw support lines and grid stuff476 477 * main/MTracking.[h,cc]:478 - changed to new unit conversion constants479 - added output of RE stuff to report file480 - some simplification to tracking thread481 482 * base/MString.[h,cc]:483 - added as a thread safe replacement for Form()484 485 * tcpip/MCeCoCom.[h,cc]:486 - changed support for Weather information487 488 * tcpip/MDriveCom.[h,cc]:489 - changed output490 - added SendStatus491 492 * tcpip/ - changed output494 - output reports to report file495 496 * tpoint/gui.C:497 - read new starg_* files498 499 * videodev/Camera.[h,cc]:500 - some enhancements to ioctl call501 - some changes to output502 - changes a bit the bahaviour of mutices503 - replaced fRunning by mutex504 - changes to ExitLoop and IsRunning505 - added support for several frame grabber channels506 507 * videodev/FilterLed.[h,cc]508 - added new algorithms to find star509 - small updates to star finding support510 511 * videodev/PixGetter.h:512 - added a virtual empty destructor (IMPORTANT)513 514 515 516 2003/12/29 - Thomas Bretz517 518 * base/ - By fixing a bug evaluating the '-'-sign in latitude520 the bending correction changed521 522 * bending_magic.txt:523 - new calculation with sign-fix. AnAw became unimportant524 525 526 527 2003/12/07 - Thomas Bretz528 529 * tcpip/ - log CC-COMMANDS to log-file531 532 * main/ - fixed handling of DISPLAY variable534 535 * main/ - undef EXPERT537 - removed comments before CheckNetwork538 539 * gui/ - fixed some image copy algorithm541 - removed nonsense ==13 check for TryLock542 543 * devdrv/ - shift crew reported problems: changed timeout from 250ms to 400ms545 546 * stars.txt:547 - added Capella548 - added Dark Patch 3/4549 - added Zeta Tauri550 551 * Makefile:552 - added 'install'553 554 * bending_magic.txt:555 - small chenges to correct AN, AW correction (new fit)556 557 *, candrv/, devdrv/macs.[h,cc],558 devdrv/shaftencoder.[h,cc], gui/,559 gui/, gui/, main/,560 main/, main/, main/MStarguider.[h,cc],561 tcpip/MCeCoCom.[h,cc], tcpip/,562 videodev/ - replaced Timer by MTime564 565 * base/BaseLinkDef.h:566 - added MTime567 - added MAstro568 569 * base/Makefile:570 - added MTime571 - added MAstro572 573 * catalog/SlaStars.[h,cc], catalog/Slalib.[h,cc]:574 - made independant of derivement from Timer575 - added old Timer as new MTime fTime data member576 577 * catalog/Slalib.h:578 - removed conversion functions - use MAstro instead579 580 * gui/, gui/, tcpip/ - replaced static Slalib:: methody by MAstro582 583 * main/MBending.[h,cc]:584 - added corrected An/Aw algorithm585 - removed 360deg ambiguity586 587 * Makefile.conf.general:588 - added defintion __LINUX__ for Mars classes (used in 590 591 592 2003/11/25 - Thomas Bretz (La Palma)593 594 * slog:595 - added this small script to analyze log-files596 597 * bending_magic.txt:598 - changed to new values comming from new fit599 with the new algorithm600 601 * - removed old style InitGUI stuff603 - removed TROOT instance604 - changed to support gcc 3.3605 - added come log-output606 - undeclared HAVE_CAMERA607 608 * stars.txt:609 - added some magnitudes610 - removed Mars611 612 * main/ - exchanged order: moved NPAE and CA behind AN and AW614 - replaced the approximation for AN/AW by the correct algorithm.615 For Magic (1.5deg) the small angle approximation is wrong616 - added some DEBUG option617 618 * tpoint/gui.C:619 - small changes620 621 622 623 2003/11/17 - Thomas Bretz (La Palma)624 625 * Makefile.conf.general:626 - added libThread.a627 628 * prepos_magic.txt:629 - exchanged order630 - fixed positions631 632 * stars.txt:633 - added many sources taken from the CC input file634 635 * base/MTimeout.[h,cc]:636 - changed to use check system time (using timers637 always resulted in trouble)638 639 * base/msgqueue.[h,cc]:640 - replaced Posix mutex by TMutex641 642 * base/ - display hour with two digits644 645 * candrv/canopen.[h,cc]:646 - replaced Posix semaphores bt TCondition647 648 * candrv/ - minor change to output650 651 * candrv/nodedrv.[h,cc]:652 - removed old timer stuff, replaced by a watch-dog thread653 - added MGuard654 - removed HandleTimer655 - added argument to SetZombie656 - nodedrv don't derive from TObject anymore657 658 * candrv/sdolist.[h,cc]:659 - replaced Posix sempahores by TMutex660 661 * candrv/ - minor change to Send()663 664 * devdrv/ - added to HandleSDO: 0x100c, 0x100d666 - added to HandleSDOOk: 0x1000, 0x100c, 0x100d, 0x1800, 0x6000,667 0x6002, 0x6003668 - Enabled Guarding for Macs669 670 * devdrv/ - added HandleSDOOk: 0x1802, 0x6001, 0x6002, 0x6003672 673 * gui/MGAccuracy.[h,cc]:674 - added fBar675 676 * gui/ - added button for Endswitch alignment printout678 - merged Move and Resize to MoveResize679 - fixed UpdateZdAz (uses Slalib now)680 681 * gui/MGImage.[h,cc]:682 - replaced Posix sempahores by TMutex683 - added DrawColImg16684 685 * main/MCosy.[h,cc]:686 - some changes to output687 - some changes to state transmission688 - fixed (hopefully) treating of endswitch positions689 - fixed positioning mode for tracking690 - do not display weird values in case of Zombie691 Shaftencoders anymore692 693 * main/ - if display is not set locally use 125 avaraged pictures695 by default.696 697 * tcpip/MCeCoCom.[h,cc]:698 - some small fixes699 - some changes to output700 - read 30 instead of 29 dummy tokens701 - added solar radiation and wind speed702 - moved corresponding code to InterpreteReport703 704 * tcpip/MDriveCom.[h,cc]:705 - added ReadAngle for interpretation of Angle in CC commands706 - added ReadPosition707 - added Command*708 - implemented CC commands709 710 * tcpip/ - Stop thread before deleting data members712 - replace -1 for fRxSocket by 0713 714 * videodev/Camera.[h,cc]:715 - replaced Posix sempahores by TMutex and TCondition716 717 718 2003/11/14 - Thomas Bretz (La Palma)719 720 * gui/ - replaced a wrong 'h' (dec) by 'd'722 723 * gui/MGImage.[h,cc]:724 - replaced 32 by 24725 726 * tcpip/MCeCoCom.[h,cc]:727 - added fHumidity and fTemperature728 729 * tcpip/ - added DEBUG directive731 732 733 734 2003/10/20 - Thomas Bretz735 736 * base/ - only close file if f!=NULL738 739 * base/ - added debug output (depending on DEBUG macro)741 742 * candrv/ - do not call exit in case the module couldn't be opened744 - changes some comments745 746 * catalog/ - do not exit in case the catalog was not found748 - initialize fSao and fSrt with NULL749 - only delete fSao and fSrt if != NULL750 - only calculate stars if catalog was loaded successfully751 752 * main/MBending.[h,cc]:753 - added file header754 - added class decription755 - added FLOP, TF and TX756 - changed such that adding new stuff is easier757 - changed order in correction758 - replaced all switch statement by simple loops759 760 * tpoint/gui.C:761 - full support for fitting a pointing correction762 763 764 765 2003/10/15 - Thomas Bretz (La Palma)766 767 * Makefile:768 - added tcpip directory769 770 * - undefine EXPERT772 - implemented HAVE_CAMERA773 774 * base/log.h:775 - changed LOG_H to COSY_Log776 777 * base/timer.h:778 - changed order of members779 - added a new Set-function used for the CC communication780 - added new Getter functions781 782 * gui/ - undef EXPERT784 - added HAS_DEMO (undefined)785 - added demo for inauguration786 - changed bits for status to MDriveCom::787 788 * gui/MGImage.[h,cc]:789 - fixed the color depth problem (still doesn't work with790 other color depth than 32 bit, but doesn't crash anymore)791 792 * gui/Makefile:793 - added tcpip794 795 * main/MCosy.[h,cc]:796 - changed bits to MDriveCom::797 - added a 'single-positioning' while tracking for inauguration798 (WM_POSITION1)799 - added fCom and sending reports800 801 * main/Makefile:802 - added tcpip803 804 * tcpip/MDriveCom.[h,cc]:805 - fixed output to current status806 - added status bits807 808 * tcpip/MTcpIpIO.[h,cc]:809 - added some dbg output in the destructor810 - added Clear811 - set members to NULL if deleted812 - added Log as a base class813 814 * tcpip/Makefile:815 - added catalog816 817 818 819 2003/10/03 - Thomas Bretz (La Palma)820 821 * tcpip/*822 - added communication classes823 824 825 826 2003/09/03 - Thomas Bretz827 828 * aposs/Magic.m:829 - updated to V0.69830 831 832 833 2003/07/16 - Thomas Bretz (La Palma)834 835 * bending_magic.txt:836 - new bending correction. Calculated from new stars and837 recalculated old ones (old positions where wrong due838 to a bug in the observatory coordinates)839 840 * catalog/Slalib.[h,cc]:841 - fixed a bug in the Hms2Deg and Dms2Deg (negative hours, degs842 where treated incorrect!)843 - added many new conversion functions844 845 * devdrv/macs.[h,cc]:846 - commented SetHome847 848 * gui/MGCosy.[h,cc]:849 - implemented button to write prepos850 - implemented star list851 852 * gui/ - changed calculation of h,m,s etc to new Slalib functions854 855 * main/ - changed detection limit from 4.0 to 3.0857 858 859 860 2003/07/15 - Thomas Bretz (La Palma)861 862 * leds.txt:863 - new configuration file864 865 * main/MCaos.[h,cc]:866 - added867 868 * main/MStarguider.[h,cc]:869 - added870 871 * videodev/PixGetter.[h,cc]:872 - added873 874 * videodev/FilterLed.[h,cc]:875 - added876 - highly optimized for speed!877 878 * Makefile.conf.linux:879 - added -O5 optimization option880 881 * bending_magic.txt:882 - changed to newly determined bending correction883 884 * - included starguider886 - do not overwrite log file887 - added EXPERT mode888 889 * - changed from MGStarguider to MStarguider891 - simplified by use of PixGetter892 893 * aposs/Manual.m:894 - removed a wrong character895 896 * base/coord.h:897 - changed operator<<898 899 * base/timer.[h,cc]:900 - const argument for copy constructor901 - added operator<<902 903 * candrv/network.[h,cc], candrv/nodedrv.[h,cc]:904 - added data argument to HandleSDOOK905 906 * candrv/ - return from constructor if Module not found908 909 * caos/Led.[h,cc]:910 - included TROOT911 - formated Print-output912 - Initialize fDx, fDy and fDphi913 - added AddOffset914 915 * caos/Leds.[h,cc]:916 - added Add917 918 * caos/Ring.[h,cc]:919 - added constructor920 - use hypot921 - devide by n instead of n-1922 - formated Print-output923 924 * caos/Rings.[h,cc]:925 - Do not calculated Center for less than 5 rings926 - included Radius filter927 928 * catalog/ - Do not output Alt/Az, fAzCnt, fAltMin, etc.930 931 * devdrv/macs.[h,cc]:932 - added data argument to HandleSDOOK933 - implemented StartNode() and check for initialization934 - changed minimum MACS software version to 0.69935 - moved SetNoWait to the MACS software936 - removed StopMotor937 938 * devdrv/shaftencoder.[h,cc]:939 - initialize all values to 0940 941 * gui/GuiLinkDef.h:942 - removed MGStarguider943 944 * gui/ - small change946 947 * gui/MGCosy.[h,cc]:948 - added moving in Zd/Az by buttons while tracking (Experts only)949 - some changes to the menu bar950 - removed displaying offsets951 - changed EXPERT mode952 953 * gui/MGEmbeddedCanvas.[h,cc]:954 - changed range argument in constructor to double (problems955 with the optimization - strange!)956 957 * gui/MGImage.[h,cc]:958 - switched from my own code completely to tVirtualX code959 + requires root 3.05./05!960 - highly optimized for speed!961 - at the moment only 32 bit screen depth is supported!962 963 * gui/MGSkyPosition.[h,cc]:964 - fixed position of vega965 - added new bright star966 - cut displaying position into two. \n not supported by967 root 3.05/05968 969 * gui/MGVelocity.[h,cc]:970 - removed displaying numbers971 972 * gui/Makefile:973 - removed MGStarguider974 975 * main/MCosy.[h,cc]:976 - added output of time when tracking is started or stopped977 - added output of time when slewing is started or stopped978 - removed sign changing limits in LimitSpeed979 - changed EXPERT mode980 - added MStarguider support981 - fixed Calc-Alt/Az982 - added GetPointingPos983 - removed fOffset from Update984 985 * main/MainLinkDef.h, main/Makefile:986 - added MStarguider987 988 * main/MStarguider.[h,cc]:989 - added990 991 * tpoint/tpointfit.C:992 - fixed reading of data993 - removed absolute path994 995 * videodev/Camera.[h,cc]:996 - small simplification997 - derived from new PixGetter998 999 * videodev/CaosFilter.[h,cc], videodev/Filter.[h,cc]:1000 - optimized, but not used anymore, will be removed soon1001 1002 * videodev/Makefile, videodev/VideodevLinkDef.h:1003 - added PixGetter to Makefile1004 - removed Filter1005 - removed Filter21006 - removed CaosFilter1007 - added FilterLed1008 1009 * videodev/PngReader.h:1010 - derived from PixGetter1011 1012 1013 1014 2003/05/05 - Thomas Bretz1015 1016 * gui/MGCosy.[h,cc]:1017 - exchanged TGListBox for logging by TGTextView1018 1019 1020 1021 2003/04/28 - Thomas Bretz1022 1023 * .cosyrc_magic:1024 - removed Time2ReachHome1025 - changed Gear Ratio1026 1027 * bending_magic.txt:1028 - added bening model calculated in March1029 1030 * - added disable output to screen1032 1033 * prepos_magic.txt:1034 - made positions fit the present bending model1035 1036 * candrv/nodedrv.[h,cc]:1037 - added posibility to implement fake guarding (eg. check a1038 PDO frequence)1039 1040 * devdrv/ - added HandleNodeguard to handling of PDO1042 1043 * main/MCosy.[h,cc]:1044 - GetSePos declared const1045 - AlignTrackingPos declared const1046 - define EXPERT1047 - implemented EXPERT mode1048 - implemented Gear while positioning for Elevation axes1049 - fixed some bugs in LimitSpeed - to be chacked again!1050 - implemented preliminary version of starguider1051 - some small changes to the tracking1052 - changed default end positions1053 - fixed display of fZdAzSoll and fTrackingError1054 1055 * videodev/ fixed dealing with values above max and below min when stretching1057 1058 1059 1060 2003/04/13 - Thomas Bretz1061 1062 * base/ - added cast to _suseconds_t1064 1065 * candrv/ - set starting timeout1067 1068 * devdrv/ - after requsting error[0] check Zombie-status1070 - Software version 0.66 --> 0.681071 - added all known MACS error messages1072 1073 * gui/, videodev/Filter.[h,cc]:1074 - added stretching of the picture1075 1076 1077 1078 2003/04/12 - Thomas Bretz1079 1080 * prepos_magic.txt:1081 - added1082 1083 * - added1085 1086 * Makefile:1087 - bend added1088 1089 * bending_magic.txt:1090 - new bending1091 1092 * - fixed typo1094 - disable console output1095 1096 * - accept commandline options1098 1099 * base/, base/ - added DEBUG-stuff1101 1102 * candrv/ - fixed wrong handling of SDO messages with less than 4 bytes1104 1105 * candrv/ - do not switch timer off if it isn't switched on1107 1108 * candrv/ - added EXPERT mode1110 1111 * catalog/SlaStars.h:1112 - added CalcAltAz/ZdAz with mjd1113 1114 * catalog/StarCatalog.[h,cc]:1115 - included rotation angle1116 1117 * devdrv/ - added request for present error code1119 - added #71 error message1120 1121 * devdrv/shaftencoder.[h,cc]:1122 - fixes to support multiturn encoders correctly1123 - removed velocity and acceleration from gui1124 1125 * gui/ - mega mini change1127 1128 * gui/MGCosy.[h,cc]:1129 - added EXPERT mode1130 - added TrackPos1131 - removed shaftencoder label for velocity and acceleration1132 - commented out MAC31133 - fixed reading of predefined positions1134 - commented out everything related to the demo mode1135 - changed some displayed text1136 1137 * gui/MGStarguider.[h,cc]:1138 - added support for rotation angle1139 1140 * main/MBending.h:1141 - added constructor with filename1142 1143 * main/MCosy.[h,cc]:1144 - for gear display both axis1145 - some more output in WaitForEndMovement1146 - added CheckRange1147 - added AlignTrackingPos1148 - changed timing in tracking procedure from 3s/50ms to 5s/1s1149 - added TrackPos1150 - replaced some code by AlignTrackingPos1151 - commented out CALIB and PRESET1152 1153 * slalib/oapqk.c:1154 - fixed a bug checking validity of arguments for atan21155 1156 * videodev/ - fixed names1158 1159 1160 1161 2003/03/31 - Daniela Dorner:1162 1163 * caos/ - fixed a small bug1165 1166 1167 1168 2003/03/12 - Daniela Dorner, Thomas Bretz:1169 1170 * MStarguider.[h,cc], Starguider.[h,cc]:1171 - removed1172 1173 * gui/MGPngReader.[h,cc]:1174 - moved code to MGStarguider.[h,cc]1175 - removed1176 1177 * gui/Makefile, gui/GuiLinkDef.h:1178 - updated1179 1180 * gui/, gui/, videodev/Writer.[h,cc]:1181 - changed output file names to contain mjd1182 - fixed a cast warning1183 1184 * main/MCosy.[h,cc]:1185 - Do not change acceleration and deceleration for positioning1186 (SetPosVelocity)1187 - some output if WintForEnDMovement aborted1188 - some output to correct for the elevation gear asymmetry1189 - changed handling of acceleration and velocity1190 - changed velocities1191 - call StopMovement only if positioning failed1192 - changed acceleration/deceleration from 0.9 to 0.2 in1193 InitTracking1194 - added some workarounds to be able to reach 290deg1195 - changed control time in tracking from 1 to 3 sec1196 - added a flag to SetPosition indicating tracking mode1197 (not yet used)1198 - added some workarounds to be able to track 290deg1199 - changed deceleration from 0.5 to 0.3 in StopMovement1200 - added StopTracking (not yet used)1201 - changed tpoint output (+mjd, +ra/dec)1202 1203 1204 1205 2003/03/11 - Daniela Dorner, Thomas Bretz:1206 1207 * .cosyrc_magic, .cosyrc_model:1208 - added1209 1210 * caos/Leds.h, caos/Rings.h:1211 - changed from operator[] to At()1212 1213 * caos/ - changed Floats to Doubles1215 1216 * caos/ - replaced Expand by Clear1218 1219 * base/MStar.h:1220 - added Compare1221 1222 * base/ - some small bugfixes1224 1225 * base/MStarList.h:1226 - added Sort1227 - added Expand1228 1229 * base/timer.[h,cc]:1230 - Added GetTimeval1231 1232 * gui/ - Exchanged zd/az in calculation of Residual!!!1234 1235 * gui/MGPngReader.[h,cc]:1236 - set default lim mag to 7.01237 - added new ouput for the pointing position fPZdAz1238 - added/fixed TrackingError/CalcTrackingError1239 - changed Filter2 to CaosFilter1240 - reordered starguider stuff in Execute1241 - changed color of circles1242 1243 * main/MBending.[h,cc]:1244 - removed MAGIC1 and MAGIC21245 - removed '-' from writing1246 - fixed some bugs in the enumerations of the coefficients1247 - added some formating option for output1248 1249 * tpoint/tpointfit.C:1250 - removed usage of MyAdjust1251 - fixed the Calculation of the residuals1252 - fixed reading1253 - added some correction in case of an overflow (360deg/0deg)1254 - fixed drawing1255 - added second Migrad turn...1256 - changed the screen and graphical output1257 1258 * videodev/CaosFilter.[h,cc]:1259 - changed RemoveTwins to accept a radius1260 1261 1262 1263 2003/03/02 - Daniela Dorner, Thomas Bretz (LaPalma):1264 1265 * tpoint/tpointfit.C:1266 - added1267 1268 * main/MBending.[h,cc]:1269 - adapted to Magic bending model1270 1271 * candrv/ - some changes to the output1273 1274 * candrv/ - minor changes1276 1277 * devdrv/macs.[h,cc]:1278 - implemented1279 - removed guarding1280 - removed motor off1281 1282 * devdrv/ - removed Gaurding1284 1285 * gui/MGEmbeddedCanvas.[h,cc]:1286 - added overloads for Resize1287 1288 * gui/MGSkyPosition.[h,cc]:1289 - added SetDotRange1290 1291 * gui/ - write interpolated pictures1293 1294 * videodev/ - removed unused variable1296 1297 * videodev/ - added warning if file couldn't be opened1299 1300 * videodev/CaosFilter.[h,cc], videodev/PngReader.[h,cc]:1301 - added1302 1303 * catalog/StarCatalog.[h,cc]:1304 - added GetPixSize1305 1306 * main/ - some minor change sto the output1308 1309 * Makefile:1310 - removed dummy1311 - exchnged caos, candrv1312 - removed MCint.o1313 - added cosy.so1314 1315 * - echanged to use png reading mode1317 1318 * caos/Led.[h,cc], caos/Leds.[h,cc], caos/Ring.[h,cc],1319 caos/Ring.[h,cc]:1320 - added Print1321 1322 * caos/Led.h:1323 - added compare1324 - added issortable1325 1326 * caos/ - changed output1328 1329 * caos/ - fixed some minor bugs1331 1332 * gui/GuiLinkDef.h, gui/Makefile;1333 - added MGPngReader.[h,cc]1334 1335 * gui/MGPngReader.[h,cc]:1336 - added1337 1338 * gui/ - release grabbed mouse1340 - removed ExitLoop1341 1342 * gui/MGStarguider.h:1343 - changed derivement from Camera to PixClient1344 1345 * videodev/Camera.[h,cc]:1346 - changed to use PixClient1347 1348 * videodev/Makefile, videodev/VideodevLinkDef.h:1349 - added PixClient1350 1351 * videodev/PixClient.[h,cc]1352 - added1353 1354 1355 1356 2003/02/27 - Thomas Bretz (LaPalma):1357 1358 * caos, caos/Makefile, caos/CaosLinKDef.h, caos/CaosIncl.h,1359 caos/Led.[h,cc], caos/Leds.[h,cc], caos/Ring.[h,cc],1360 caos/Rings.[h,cc], gui/MGMenu.[h,cc]:1361 - added1362 1363 1364 1365 2003/02/25 - Thomas Bretz (La Palma):1366 1367 * Makefile1368 - changed order of binaries1369 - added make links1370 - added make magic1371 - added make model1372 1373 * base/ - corrected calculation of fMs (/1000 missing)1375 1376 * gui/ - added new tab Gear1378 1379 * gui/MGSkyPosition.[h,cc]:1380 - fixed memory leak by not changing positions or having object1381 outside1382 - removed fake-statics1383 1384 * main/MCosy.[h,cc]:1385 - adapted GetSePos to present shaftencoders1386 - changed speed to 0.15 and acc to 0.4 in positioning1387 - changed tracking cycle from 0.05s to 0.25s1388 - added WM_GEAR1389 - added WM_DISPLAY1390 - fixed displaying the SE offsets1391 - added TalkThreadGear1392 - changed DisplayHistTestSe1393 - added DisplayHistGear1394 - added check for second Zd-SE1395 - removed lout.SetOutputGui(NULL, kFALSE) because it crashes1396 when closing the spplication while tracking1397 1398 1399 1400 2003/02/21 - Thomas Bretz (La Palma):1401 1402 * gui/MGSkyPosition.[h,cc]:1403 - some changes trying to get rid of a strange memory leak1404 1405 * candrv/ - changed output1407 1408 * catalog/Slalib.h:1409 - added Hms2DegRad and Dms2Rad1410 1411 1412 1413 2003/02/16 - Thomas Bretz (La Palma):1414 1415 * base/MStarList.h:1416 - added default for mag to Add1417 1418 * base/coord.h:1419 - replaced kRadDeg by including MAGIC.h1420 1421 * base/timer.[h,cc]:1422 - changed Now to call virtual function SetMjd1423 1424 * gui/ - fixed a bug causing the display to display error%601426 1427 * gui/MGCosy.[h,cc]:1428 - added combo box for predifed positions1429 - update display of time only when time changed1430 1431 * gui/MGSkyPosition.[h,cc]:1432 - added bright stars1433 1434 * main/MCosy.[h,cc]:1435 - some changes to output1436 - replaced HasZombie by a preliminary one1437 - changed dT to 3s1438 - removed time correction factor in Tracking algorithm1439 - PRELIMINARY TalkThreadTracking1440 1441 1442 1443 2003/02/14 - Thomas Bretz (La Palma):1444 1445 * .cosyrc:1446 - added prototypes for the telescope allowed range1447 1448 * Makefile:1449 - changed test to testse1450 1451 * candrv/ - added the possibility to start cosy without the CANbus card1453 installed1454 1455 * catalog/ - fixed the ephemeris configuration1457 1458 * catalog/ - added some more comments1460 1461 * catalog/Slalib.[h,cc]:1462 - changed Wuerzburg location to LaPalma location1463 - added Height to the data members1464 1465 * main/MCosy.[h,cc]:1466 - added range checks in positioning and tracking1467 1468 * slalib/Makefile:1469 - added rdplan1470 - added pvobs1471 - added dtt1472 - added dat1473 - added rcc1474 1475 *, catalog/SlaStars.[h,cc], catalog/Slalib.[h,cc],1476 catalog/StarCatalog.[h,cc], devdrv/, devdrv/,1477 gui/MGCosy.[h,cc], gui/MGSkyPosition.[h,cc], gui/MGStarguider.[h,cc]:1478 - changed to use MObservatory1479 - changed usage of timer to new style1480 1481 * catalog/SlaPlanets.[h,cc]:1482 - removed old style calculation1483 - added fTt1484 1485 * gui/ - added new tab for SE Test1487 1488 * main/MCosy.[h,cc]:1489 - don't use second SE when only one is attached1490 - added SE Test stuff1491 1492 * base/BaseLinkDef.h, base/Makefile:1493 - added MParContainer1494 - added MObservatory1495 1496 * base/timer.[h,cc]:1497 - changed the calculation of the date according to slalib1498 1499 1500 1501 2003/01/23 - Thomas Bretz:1502 1503 * .cosyrc:1504 - changed maximum time to reach home from 100 to 1501505 1506 * Makefile:1507 - added devdrv1508 1509 * Makefile.rules, candrv/Makefile, devdrv/Makefile:1510 - changed some ordering1511 1512 * devdrv/ - changed Guarding from 2x125 to 2x1751514 1515 * main/ - fixed StopWaitingForSDO bug (if this was raised once the1517 'shutdown' never waited correctly for an SDo anymore)1518 - fixed the usage of the bending correction in some places1519 1520 * - added1522 1523 1524 2003/01/23 - Thomas Bretz:1525 1526 * - changed baudrate to 125kbps1528 1529 * base/ - changed output1531 - ignore pending messages1532 1533 * candrv/canopen.[h,cc]:1534 - added Emergency Message1535 - added EnableNodeguard1536 - added SendNodeguard1537 1538 * candrv/network.[h,cc]:1539 - call handles only if Fnodes[node]!=NULL1540 - added time to HandleSDOOK1541 - changed output1542 - added HandleNodeguard1543 - added HandleEmergency1544 1545 * candrv/nodedrv.[h,cc]:1546 - added fTimeout for Nodeguarding1547 - Enable Nodeguard and Emergency messages1548 - added time to HandleSDOOK1549 - added SendNodeguard1550 - added StartGuarding1551 - added StopGuarding1552 - added HandleTimer1553 - added HandleNodeguard1554 - added SetZombie1555 1556 * candrv/vmodican.[h,cc]:1557 - fixed a typo1558 - added rtr to SendCanFrame1559 1560 * devdrv/macs.[h,cc]:1561 - removed guarding stuff (moved to nodedrv)1562 - changed 0x4000 handling to 0.63 style1563 - added check for software version1564 - added time to HandleSDOOk1565 - set node to Zombie in case of error1566 - don't do any error handling for the moment1567 - removed ReqTimeoutTime1568 - overload SendNodeguard1569 - removed EnableTimeout1570 - removed HandleTimer1571 - removed ResetTimeout1572 - added Start/StopHostGuarding1573 1574 * devdrv/shaftencoder.[h,cc]:1575 - added 0x100c, 0x100d, 0x100e1576 - added Start/StopGuarding to Init1577 1578 * gui/ - enhanced labels for Offset1580 - changed 'soll' to 'nominal'1581 - changed the demo mode for tests1582 1583 * gui/MGSkyPosition.[h,cc]:1584 - added saturn1585 - changed the colors a bit1586 1587 1588 1589 2003/01/20 - Thomas Bretz:1590 1591 * aposs/Manual.m1592 - added support for the elevation axis brake1593 - enabled check for operation mode (remote control/pc)1594 - added 'reset' label1595 - moved syncv/cstart to setting rf1596 1597 1598 1599 2003/01/14 - Thomas Bretz:1600 1601 * - added output1603 1604 * candrv/network.[cc,h]:1605 - small change to Start1606 - added CheckConnections1607 1608 * candrv/nodedrv.[h,cc]:1609 - new Init1610 - new CheckConnections1611 - replaced virtual InitDevice by a common function1612 - replaced virtual Reboot by a common function1613 - Don't send anything to a Zombie node1614 - Delete SDO from list in case of Zombie status instead of waiting1615 1616 * candrv/ - Don't terminate when having a noisy network1618 1619 * devdrv/macs.[h,cc], devdrv/shaftencoder.[h,cc]:1620 - added fSoftVersion1621 - added SDO 0x100b1622 - moved init stuff from InitDevice to Init1623 - removed InitDevice and Reboot1624 - added CheckConnection1625 1626 * devdrv/shaftencoder.[h,cc]:1627 - Don't display something when having Zombie status1628 1629 * main/MCosy.[h,cc]:1630 - reworked all Zombie-stuff1631 - implemented checking of network1632 1633 1634 1635 2003/01/13 - Thomas Bretz:1636 1637 * bending.txt:1638 - changed to fit the parameters of the model1639 1640 * - made the 'standard mode' the default1642 1643 * base/MTimeout.h:1644 - fixed the change of the base member function name of Notify1645 1646 * candrv/network.[h,cc]:1647 - don't set fNodes[i] to NULL if Node is Zombie1648 - implemented HasZombie and RebootZomies1649 1650 * candrv/nodedrv.[h,cc]:1651 - implemented a base function Reboot1652 - set node to Zombie status if waitforsdo timed out1653 1654 * candrv/ - added more precise output for CTXcon1656 1657 * devdrv/macs.[h,cc]:1658 - if first waitforsdo fails set don't go on1659 - implemented fStatus1660 - implemented enum for fStatus1661 1662 * gui/, gui/, gui/ - call SetNoContextMenu in constructor1664 1665 * gui/MGCosy.[h,cc]:1666 - some new labels1667 - implemented SetLabelColor1668 1669 * gui/MGEmbeddedCanvas.[h,cc]:1670 - implemented SetNoContextMenu1671 1672 * main/ - exchanged all conditionals for the pointers to the nodes1674 by IsZombieNode1675 - implemented check for zombies in Proc1676 1677 1678 1679 2003/01/10 - Thomas Bretz:1680 1681 * candrv/, devdrv/, devdrv/ - changed output1683 1684 * devdrv/macs.[h,cc]:1685 - request encoder resolution when starting1686 1687 * devdrv/ - some fixed in HandleSDO output1689 - fixed a missing return in HandleSDO1690 1691 * gui/, gui/ - set label offset1693 1694 * gui/MGCosy.[h,cc]:1695 - added some new gui elements and its handling1696 1697 * main/MCosy.[h,cc]:1698 - impemented fZdAzSoll1699 - slight changes to the output1700 - implemented WM_HOME1701 - fixed workaround for the encoder resolutions of the MACS1702 1703 * base/MGLIst.h1704 - removed (use the one from Mars)1705 1706 1707 1708 2003/01/08 - Thomas Bretz:1709 1710 * bending.txt:1711 - added (preliminary)1712 1713 * .cosyrc:1714 - added1715 > Az_GearRatio[U_mot/U_tel]: 5891.71716 > Zd_GearRatio[U_mot/U_tel]: 2475.61717 > Az_ResRE[re/U_mot]: 5001718 > Zd_ResRE[re/U_mot]: 5001719 > Az_Id-MAC1: 11720 > Az_Id-MAC2: 31721 > Zd_Id-MAC: 21722 > Zd_Id-MAC1: 41723 > Zd_Id-MAC2: 51724 > Az_Id-MAC: 61725 1726 * Makefile:1727 - removed cosy.so1728 1729 * Makefile.conf.linux-gnu:1730 - removed optimization (causes problems) --> TO BE FIXED1731 1732 * candrv/canopen.h:1733 - added return value to WaitForSDO1734 1735 * devdrv/ - fixed a typo1737 1738 * gui/ - added 'Reset Bending'1740 1741 * main/MBending.[h,cc]1742 - added Reset1743 - fixed a problem with the units in the correction1744 - added CorrectBack functions1745 1746 * main/MCosy.[h,cc]:1747 - changed the bahaviour in case no MAC3 is found1748 - fixed that the MAC3 didn't synchronize anymore1749 - added the bending correction to the displayed position1750 - added a workaround for the wrong (0) Gear Ratios --> TO BE FIXED1751 - added Reset Bending1752 - changed the MAC and SE Id to be a resource value (from .cosyrc) -
r4357 r7297 26 26 Double_t sqr(Double_t x) { return x*x; } 27 27 28 void Swap(int *m, int *n)28 void Swap(int &m, int &n) 29 29 { 30 int dummy = *m;31 *m = *n;32 *n = dummy;30 int dummy = m; 31 m = n; 32 n = dummy; 33 33 } 34 34 -
r4892 r7297 16 16 int nPoints = leds.GetEntries(); 17 17 18 if (nPoints<fMinNumberLeds) 18 // A minimum of at least 3 points is mandatory! 19 if (nPoints<fMinNumberLeds || nPoints<3) 19 20 return; 20 21 -
r4865 r7297 21 21 22 22 public: 23 Rings() : TClonesArray("Ring", 1) 24 { 25 fMinNumberLeds=5; 26 } 23 Rings() : TClonesArray("Ring", 1) : fMinNumberLeds(5) { } 27 24 28 25 void SetMinNumberLeds(Short_t n) { fMinNumberLeds=n; } -
r7230 r7297 80 80 Int_t GetDirChangedOffset() const { return fDirChangedOffset; } 81 81 82 Int_t GetPosDirCorrected() const 83 { 84 return DirHasChanged() ? GetDirChangedPos() : GetPos(); 85 } 86 Int_t GetOffsetDirCorrected() const 87 { 88 return DirHasChanged() ? GetDirChangedOffset() : GetOffset(); 89 } 90 82 91 void SetOffset(Int_t off) { fOffset = off; } 83 92 … … 98 107 void SetHysteresisPos(Float_t f) { fHysteresisPos = f; } 99 108 100 Float_t GetPosCorrected() const { 101 switch (fDirection) { 102 case kUndefined: 103 return GetPos(); 104 case kForward: 105 return GetPos()-fHysteresisPos; 106 case kBackward: 107 return GetPos()+fHysteresisNeg; 108 } 109 Float_t GetPosCorrected() const 110 { 111 switch (fDirection) 112 { 113 case kUndefined: 114 return GetPos(); 115 case kForward: 116 return GetPos()-fHysteresisPos; 117 case kBackward: 118 return GetPos()+fHysteresisNeg; 119 } 109 120 } 110 121 -
r7230 r7297 498 498 fStargCaos = new MCaos; 499 499 fStargCaos->ReadResources("stargleds.txt"); 500 fStargCaos->SetMinNumberRings( 2);500 fStargCaos->SetMinNumberRings(3); 501 501 fStargCaos->SetRadii(158,164); 502 502 … … 1206 1206 f.FindStarCircle(leds, (Int_t)center.GetX(), (Int_t)center.GetY()); 1207 1207 1208 if (leds.GetEntries()<0) 1209 return ZdAz(0, 0); 1210 1208 1211 // Check whether star found 1209 1212 Led *star = (Led*)leds.At(0); 1210 if (!star || leds.GetEntries()<1)1213 if (!star) 1211 1214 return ZdAz(.0,.0); 1212 1215 -
r7230 r7297 247 247 const XY re = fCosy->kGearTot/fCosy->kResSE; //[re/se] 248 248 249 // Check wether moving direction has changed 249 250 const bool bool1 = fCosy->fZd1->DirHasChanged(); 250 251 const bool bool2 = fCosy->fZd2->DirHasChanged(); 251 252 252 if (bool1 && bool2) { 253 fCosy->fZd1->ResetDirHasChanged(); 254 fCosy->fZd2->ResetDirHasChanged(); 253 // If both directions have changed reset the flags 254 if (bool1 && bool2) 255 { 256 fCosy->fZd1->ResetDirHasChanged(); 257 fCosy->fZd2->ResetDirHasChanged(); 255 258 } 256 257 Int_t pzd1 = !bool1 ? fCosy->fZd1->GetPos() : fCosy->fZd1->GetDirChangedPos(); 258 Int_t pzd2 = !bool2 ? fCosy->fZd2->GetPos() : fCosy->fZd2->GetDirChangedPos(); 259 Int_t paz = fCosy->fAz->GetPos(); 260 259 260 // Get shaftencoder positions 261 // Ignore the shaftencoder which has not yet changed its value 262 const Int_t pzd1 = fCosy->fZd1->GetPosDirCorrected(); 263 const Int_t pzd2 = fCosy->fZd2->GetPosDirCorrected(); 264 const Int_t paz = fCosy->fAz->GetPos(); 265 261 266 // Get current shaftencoder position of the telescope 262 267 Double_t seposzd1 = ((pzd1+8192)%16384)*re.X(); 263 268 Double_t seposzd2 = ((pzd2+8192)%16384)*re.X(); 264 269 Double_t seposaz = paz *re.Y(); 265 270 266 271 // distance between (To+dt) and To [re] 267 272 // position time difference < 5usec … … 269 274 // Shaft- and the rotary encoders 270 275 const ZdAz repos = pdo ? fCosy->GetRePosPdo() : fCosy->GetRePos(); 271 272 const Int_t offset1 = !bool1 ? fCosy->fZd1->GetOffset() : fCosy->fZd1->GetDirChangedOffset(); 273 const Int_t offset2 = !bool2 ? fCosy->fZd2->GetOffset() : fCosy->fZd2->GetDirChangedOffset(); 274 276 277 // Get rotary encoder positions 278 // Get stored offset if one SE has not changed its direction yet 279 const Int_t offset1 = fCosy->fZd1->GetOffsetDirCorrected(); 280 const Int_t offset2 = fCosy->fZd2->GetOffsetDirCorrected(); 281 275 282 // Calculate the part of one SE which the motors moved 276 283 // since the last SE has changed its value … … 278 285 const Double_t offzd2 = repos.Zd() - offset2; 279 286 const Double_t offaz = repos.Az() - fCosy->fAz->GetOffset(); 280 287 281 288 // Correct for the direction in which the motor is moving 282 289 // (in which the shaftencoders should change its values) … … 287 294 if (offzd2<0) 288 295 seposzd2 += re.X(); 289 296 297 // If the correction exceeds one shaftencoder step stop interpolation 298 // of shaftencoder positions using rotary encoder values. 299 //ofstream fout("offsets.log", ios::app); 300 //fout << MTime(-1) << " " << offaz << " " << offzd1 << " " << offzd2 << endl; 301 /* 302 if (TMath::Abs(offaz)>re.Y()) 303 offaz = TMath::Sign(re.Y(), offaz); 304 if (TMath::Abs(offzd1)>re.X()) 305 offzd1 = TMath::Sign(re.X(), offzd1); 306 if (TMath::Abs(offzd2)>re.X()) 307 offzd2 = TMath::Sign(re.X(), offzd2); 308 */ 309 290 310 // and interpolate the shaftencoder steps using the motor 291 311 // encoder positon (Be carefull the minus-sign is important) … … 293 313 seposzd2 -= offzd2; 294 314 seposaz += offaz; 295 296 297 315 298 316 return ZdAz((seposzd1-seposzd2)/2, seposaz); 299 317 } 300 /*301 if (fCosy->fZd1->DirHasChanged() != fCosy->fZd2->DirHasChanged())302 {303 pzd1 -= fCosy->fZd1->GetDirection();304 pzd2 -= fCosy->fZd2->GetDirection();305 }306 else307 {308 fCosy->fZd1->ResetDirHasChanged();309 fCosy->fZd2->ResetDirHasChanged();310 }311 */312 318 313 319 void MTracking::TrackPosition(const RaDec &dst) // ra, dec [rad]
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