5 years |
tbretz |
Added a lot of comments.
5 years |
tbretz |
Added a lot of comments.
5 years |
tbretz |
More general path examples.
5 years |
tbretz |
Last commit updated.
5 years |
tbretz |
This did not work for system wide installations... new try.
5 years |
tbretz |
HAWC's Eye spacific version.
5 years |
tbretz |
Minor improvement but still not perfect. This reflects at least with ...
5 years |
tbretz |
5 years |
tbretz |
ROOTv6 does not clone these two arrays... I do not understand why.
5 years |
tbretz |
Fixed a problem with TFormula in rootv6
5 years |
tbretz |
Create a link to the correct thisroot.sh for convenience
5 years |
tbretz |
There is a problem with the rootcint hack with root v6. I hope that ...
5 years |
tbretz |
Create a link to the correct thisroot.sh for convenience
5 years |
tbretz |
Fixed a few minor problems which avoided to run the macro with root 6
5 years |
tbretz |
Root 6 complained about an undefined character symbol.
5 years |
tbretz |
Can be const
5 years |
tbretz |
There was a bug calling InitFact (an old line survcived)
5 years |
tbretz |
Improved output.
5 years |
tbretz |
Moved definition of the cleaning levels to the top of the macro.
5 years |
tbretz |
Typo in comment.
5 years |
tbretz |
usemap can always be turned on, it is turned off bythe MC flag
5 years |
tbretz |
Indirection through an alias won't work
5 years |
tbretz |
Wrong variables
5 years |
tbretz |
Improvements. Added 'Fake HAWC variables', added the possibility to ...
5 years |
tbretz |
Added example for adding core position (from MC truth) and fixed exit ...
5 years |
tbretz |
We can use the default mem mode... there is no issue with memory and ...
5 years |
tbretz |
Missing whitespace
5 years |
tbretz |
Examples how to use ranger.
5 years |
tbretz |
Compatibility down to cmake 3.1
5 years |
tbretz |
Improved comment.
5 years |
tbretz |
The point source is emitting isotropically now. Before the flux was ...
5 years |
tbretz |
Added how to simulate a point source.
5 years |
tbretz |
Implemneted the option of a (non ideal) point source.
5 years |
tbretz |
Allow to setup a point source.
5 years |
tbretz |
Better formatting of error message
5 years |
tbretz |
Same error message than for cmake itself.
5 years |
tbretz |
Enforce at least cmake 3.0 (cmake 2.8.12 fails), gcc 4.4.7 (known to ...
5 years |
tbretz |
ROOT_VERSION must not be a list when evaluated with VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL
5 years |
tbretz |
Improved some comments and removed some obsolete code lines.
5 years |
tbretz |
root 5 doesn't know that target and the links are not required either.
5 years |
tbretz |
looks like a better handling of the dictionary pcm files.
5 years |
tbretz |
If the file already exists - do nothing.
5 years |
tbretz |
Fit an atmospheric profile from an atmprof file to get the ...
5 years |
tbretz |
Minor corrections to a comment.
5 years |
tbretz |
The default obs level is 0 now
5 years |
tbretz |
And another constructor
5 years |
tbretz |
fHeight is not used right now... (note that the current default ...
5 years |
tbretz |
Compare corsika and ceres atmosphere...
5 years |
tbretz |
Moved the atmosphere code to its own files and make it accessible from ...
5 years |
tbretz |
Setter for production height.
5 years |
tbretz |
fgEarthRadius can be public.
5 years |
tbretz |
They are added to the ListOfCleanups. This is implemented as a ...
5 years |
tbretz |
Not nice... but those billions of warnings from root are just too annoying.
5 years |
tbretz |
Produce root version number of not already available.
5 years |
tbretz |
Some minor improvements to root detection output. If a root build ...
5 years |
tbretz |
Make it more robust against missing version numbers.
5 years |
tbretz |
Allow setting SurfaceRoughness (note that this is DANGEROUS to use) ...
5 years |
tbretz |
Wrong return type.
5 years |
tbretz |
Intendation is confusing some compilers giving warnings.
5 years |
tbretz |
In some configurations the root version is missing -> don't check then
5 years |
tbretz |
Pulses in the data can start as early as 250.
5 years |
tbretz |
The pusle position in the data is earlier
5 years |
tbretz |
Make rule work for data files as well.
5 years |
tbretz |
No unsuitable pixel as a default, adapted extraction range to data, ...
5 years |
tbretz |
Updated cleaning levels.
5 years |
tbretz |
Updated cleaning levels, updated histogram binnings.
5 years |
tbretz |
A plotting macro that allows to easily test processing in star.
5 years |
tbretz |
Do not use cout but gLog
5 years |
tbretz |
Improved Print output
5 years |
tbretz |
The Ellipse wasn't trasnaperent.
5 years |
tbretz |
Fixed a race condition problem and made the loop turn around.
5 years |
tbretz |
A simple event display for calibrated data.
5 years |
tbretz |
usage information added
5 years |
tbretz |
Example how to plot a ratescan
5 years |
tbretz |
Allow to configure zfits compression.
5 years |
tbretz |
Allow for .fz extension in input files.
5 years |
tbretz |
Switch to compressed files -- the algorithm which columnis compressed ...
5 years |
tbretz |
Switch from ofits to zofits
5 years |
tbretz |
A fix to the output file names and better binnings.
5 years |
tbretz |
Do not write MMc* when writing MC calibration files.
5 years |
tbretz |
No need to keep GetFileName private
5 years |
tbretz |
No need to keep GetFileName private.
5 years |
tbretz |
Added a constructor which allows to instantiate MDIrIter with just one ...
5 years |
tbretz |
Some updates, in particular allowing to process more than one file at ...
5 years |
tbretz |
5 years |
tbretz |
Added the possibility to add RootHealPix to the Mars library.
5 years |
tbretz |
Handle the MC MGeomCamFAMOUS data reasonably
5 years |
tbretz |
Improved naming convention.
5 years |
tbretz |
Minor fixes and simplifications.
5 years |
tbretz |
Minor fixed and simplification.
5 years |
tbretz |
5 years |
tbretz |
Adapted some binning, removed wobble option, added comments, set a ...
5 years |
tbretz |
A macro to get the OriginalMC data into the root file.
6 years |
tbretz |
Changed the default of BaselineShift to false. This is what we use in ...
6 years |
tbretz |
Added a function to shift the signal.
6 years |
tbretz |
Fixed the caluclation of num events in case of single telescope files ...
6 years |
tbretz |
Added an option to write the trigger channel intp the raw channels to ...
6 years |
tbretz |
Only check number of input files if input files are t be expected.
6 years |
tbretz |
Implemented to copy the signal
6 years |
tbretz |
Allow MWriteFitsFile to access the fadc resolution.