10 years |
tbretz |
We now precalculate the DRS offsets. This is faster and allows to read ...
10 years |
tbretz |
Since the drs calibration is sorted in hw indices, the delays are ...
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
improved logging
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
added check if reading information from raw file works
10 years |
tbretz |
Added SetDelays(const TGraph&)
10 years |
tbretz |
Little improvement to output. Times now in UTC.
10 years |
tbretz |
Initiate an emergency shutdown also when an overcurrent is detected; ...
10 years |
tbretz |
std namespace missing; expand path name; consequently argument must ...
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
added error message when reading delays-file failes
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
fixed type of delays, added error message when reading delays-file failes
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
line of pixel 0 had been lost - put it back
10 years |
tbretz |
Accounted for the change in exception handling.
10 years |
tbretz |
Made a mistake by not writing mean and rms.
10 years |
tbretz |
Added some explicit conversions, a const qualifier and removed an ...
10 years |
tbretz |
MMatrix was missing... how the hell could you ever link it?!
10 years |
tbretz |
Having the destructor abstract didn't link anymore... I don't know ...
10 years |
tbretz |
Replaced mktemp by mkstemp to avoid a linker warning.
10 years |
tbretz |
Use the compilers preprocessor for rootcint so that things like ...
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
added usage of function getdata()
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
ignore runs with a run number with more than 3 digits
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
added mode to update aux data in case inserting in La Palma had a problem
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
adapted table name to case sensitive
10 years |
tbretz |
The wrong function was called in case of SET_REFERENCE_PATCH
10 years |
tbretz |
Use delays from a text file and apply them to the data. Argument ...
10 years |
tbretz |
Read file with delays and apply pixel-to-pixel delays.
10 years |
tbretz |
Delays as posted by Max Noethe to the logbook converted to nanseconds ...
10 years |
dneise |
back-factored for loop from C++11-style to old-style
10 years |
tbretz |
Added the possibility to start a custom run.
10 years |
tbretz |
Report time as UTC
10 years |
tbretz |
Only go to Locked automatically when a shutdown was really initiatied.
10 years |
tbretz |
Implemeneted a locked state which is initiated by an automatic lid ...
10 years |
tbretz |
Implemented an emergency limit in raw adc counts at which, if ...
10 years |
tbretz |
Added interface to rread and write constants as fits file.
10 years |
tbretz |
Added ReadFitsImp and WriteFitsImp to read and write time calibration ...
10 years |
tbretz |
set::emplace is not known for the LP compiler.
10 years |
tbretz |
Added fitsselect
10 years |
tbretz |
Allow to access the calibration coefficients.
10 years |
tbretz |
10 years |
tbretz |
Even if the state was OnTrack it could happen that the fDevCount was ...
10 years |
tbretz |
What is called 'breakdown voltage' here is actually the 'operation ...
10 years |
tbretz |
Some PostClose() should be PostClose(false)
10 years |
tbretz |
Added SLEEP task which is a shutdown without locking the drive and ...
10 years |
tbretz |
Added sleep as valid observation.
10 years |
tbretz |
Fixed a typo in a log text.
10 years |
tbretz |
Added SLEEP as new measurment type.
10 years |
tbretz |
Fixed a typo in a log-text.
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
new coefficients for new FACT disp parametrization
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
implmented FACT disp parametrization instead of MAGIC one
10 years |
tbretz |
Fixed a problem that the interrupt was only correctly handled if ...
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
adapted to changes of RunGanymed.sh from 4 weeks ago
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
fixed 2 bugs and improved logging
10 years |
tbretz |
Updated to v20r13
10 years |
smueller |
A new FACT reflector configuration for the Hybrid setup applied in May ...
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
moved crons getting sky images from gate to daq
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
fixed bug: drs runs had been excluded by last fix
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
fixed bug: runs with timestamp as runnumber are ignored now
10 years |
smueller |
solving ticket #23, build tests have been performed on La Palma newdaq.
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
implemented new ratescan types
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
moved new versions of scripts to standard
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
updated to let the scripts run on newdaq
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
removed second step of qla as this is done otherwise now, added crons ...
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
removed filling of information to DB, as this is done on newdaq now
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
added comments
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
version of callisto.C only doing drs-time calibration (used for QLA)
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
version of callisto.C only calibrating the data (used for QLA)
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
version of merpp.C to process one file (used for QLA)
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
version of star.C to process one file (used for QLA)
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
added the possibility to call macro also for 1 ganymed file
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
added possibility to run ganymed for 1 starfile without the need of a ...
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
improved logging
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
removed rsync as /daq is mounted on gate
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
bugfix in algorithm to get coordinates
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
improved logging, added second try of callisto in case first fails
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
added call of RunGanymed.sh
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
follow links in find and other small fixes
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
added call of numevts.C, added getting of ra/dec
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
adapted call of numevts.C
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
improved logging
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
added new years
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
removed rsync as /daq is mounted on gate
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
get allsky images every 5 min; added check on whether shiftcalendar is ...
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
updated numbers for callisto
10 years |
tbretz |
Added whitespaces as required by nerwer C++11 compilers
10 years |
tbretz |
Fixed another parenthesis warning.
10 years |
tbretz |
Updated to v20r11
10 years |
tbretz |
Fixed a warning about paranthesis in list-initializers
10 years |
tbretz |
Added the whitespaces required by the neweer C++11 compiler.
10 years |
tbretz |
Fixed a warning about strict aliasing rulkes.
10 years |
tbretz |
My compiler couldn't resolve the inheritance of HandleNewStae
10 years |
tbretz |
Added whitespace around macro as required by neweer C++11 compilers
10 years |
tbretz |
My gcc version needs unistd for usleep
10 years |
tbretz |
Added spaces as required by new C++11 compilers
10 years |
tbretz |
Added some spaces as requested by newer C++11 implementations.
10 years |
tbretz |
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
added ratescan type
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
added checks for new options, fixed bug in ra/dec check
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
changed column names of the table Measurement for consistency when ...
10 years |
tbretz |
If only have of the schedule is trasmitted, also the first entry must ...
10 years |
tbretz |
Only write the events from the test sample.