9 years |
tbretz |
Updated help text.
9 years |
tbretz |
Updated drive states and corresponding description.
9 years |
tbretz |
Updates to the failed states.
9 years |
tbretz |
Added missing include of erfa directory
9 years |
tbretz |
pfminictrl and sqmctrl were twice in th elist of man files.
9 years |
tbretz |
Previous update failed... redone.
9 years |
tbretz |
Updated with latest changed from Makefile.am
9 years |
tbretz |
New drivectrl directly talking to the PLC.
9 years |
tbretz |
Updated states to meet extended ones of the new drivectrl.
9 years |
tbretz |
Renamed drivectrl to cosyctrl and added the new drivectrl to the Makefile.
9 years |
tbretz |
Updated to v20r15
9 years |
tbretz |
Updated to v20r15
9 years |
tbretz |
9 years |
tbretz |
9 years |
tbretz |
9 years |
tbretz |
Put some comments in front of orphaned definitions.
9 years |
tbretz |
Moved seeing to its own service.
9 years |
tbretz |
Adapted to the latest changed on the TNG weather report web site and ...
9 years |
tbretz |
Implemented a moon mode which turns of the voltage of the inner pixels ...
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
deleted as the file was there already under a different name
10 years |
Jens Buss |
Reintegrated private branch for the simulation of a gapd time jitter ...
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
new paths
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
added crons for ratescans
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
commented-out what is needed if daq is unavailable
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
commented-out what is needed for the script to run on newdaq
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
removed check of certaindate-variable (now done in getdate())
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
added check of certaindate-variable to getdate()
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
removed check of certaindate-variable (now done in getdate())
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
removed check of certaindate-variable (now done in getdate())
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
removed check of certaindate-variable (now done in getdate())
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
removed check of certaindate-variable (now done in getdate())
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
added commented-out the paths in case daq is not available
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
removed check of certaindate-variable, fixed bug in sge-case
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
added exit in case no starfile is given
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
moved to tools directory
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
moved to tools directory
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
added (macro to calculate times of astronomical twilight, dark night ...
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
added (directory for auxiliary macros to analysis/processing)
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
macro to read the container temperature from the auxiliary files
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
macro to read the humidity in the camera from the auxiliary files
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
macros to read the thresholds from the auxiliary files
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
bugfix (start and stop in regular expressions of sequences.rc were ignored)
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
added regular expressions for new data taking scheme
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
set pixels of broken drs-board to unsuitable from 15.11.2014-25.5.2015
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
fixed bug (signle pixels were not ignored) and ignore unmapped pixels
10 years |
smueller |
Now min and max are in correct oreder, again pls comment on this ...
10 years |
smueller |
Added Fabian's modifications to ceres.rc which are mandatory in this ...
10 years |
smueller |
added the update schedule script for manual schedule injection
10 years |
ftemme |
Reintegrating MarsWobble branch into trunk
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
fixed bug in calculation of fConcCore
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
fixed bug in calculation of fConcCore
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
commented loop for lp-run as data were removed from archive at isdc
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
fixed bug in arrival time (introduced with time slope parameter)
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
fixed bug in setting values for pixel where signal cannot be extracted
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
implemented case kEvtTimeSlopeCleaned
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
changed to usage of general drs-time-calib file and implemented usage ...
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
implemented usage of general drs-time-calib file
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
implemented usage of delays-file and general drs-time-file
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
updated drs-time path
10 years |
dneise |
altered documentation of service according to ...
10 years |
dneise |
fixed bug described in www.fact-project.org/logbook/showthread.php?tid=3382
10 years |
mknoetig |
crontab on gate added to svn, the latest version fills the sqm data ...
10 years |
mknoetig |
quality.C had a small bug that droppend the x-label fro the axis when ...
10 years |
dneise |
initial commit, still work to be done
10 years |
dneise |
added SQM plot and SQMLinear function, which is not used at the moment
10 years |
dneise |
added SQM documentation
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
added filling file sizes
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
added (script to insert file sizes into db
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
adapted paths for new processing version
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
removed not needed logging
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
removed lockfile
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
added path for drstime fitsfile
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
added usage delays and drstime fitsfile
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
drs-time file name as argument
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
use drs-time fits file instead of rawfile
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
changed geometry to FACT camera
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
fixed sign of delays
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
enlarged window to search for half-risetime to 15
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
added new parameter fTimeSlope to the output of the calibration
10 years |
dneise |
Don't know what these modifications are for, but they are really old. ...
10 years |
dneise |
resetting Configure before crate reset
10 years |
dneise |
introduced PFMINI_CONTROL to startup check
10 years |
dneise |
increased timeout, to cope for failing html parsing.
10 years |
tbretz |
Changed timeout for bias crate diconnect and toggling drive power to ...
10 years |
dneise |
deleted ratescan_plots.php
10 years |
dneise |
deleted plot_ratescan.py since Danielas version is now online
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
updated script to run regularly
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
small fix for certaindate check and prepared script to run in LP
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
small fix for certaindate check
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
fixed small bug
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
fixed small bug
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
added expert-on-call info
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
adapted to ignore moon-entries
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
website for ratescan quality plots
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
added information and example ratescan to the plot
10 years |
Daniela Dorner |
updated code to treat new files after 20130818
10 years |
dneise |
made it mor quiet. added 'all' mode. inserted Zd angle into plot, and time.