Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#35 new task

What are dp and db supposed to be?

Reported by: dneise Owned by: somebody
Priority: minor Milestone: milestone:milestone1
Component: component1 Version:
Keywords: Cc:


In line 188 and 189 of
two values called dp and db are caluclated.
What are they supposed to mean?

Change History (3)

comment:1 by tbretz, 8 years ago

This is the 68% quantile around the median.

comment:2 by dneise, 8 years ago

Ah ... well ... in that case I believe there is a little bug in the implementation.

I show this using the example of the patch rates with a little python program, you can copy this into your ipython shell

import numpy as np
# let's get 160 random rates around the value 70, with a sigma of 10.
patch_rates = np.random.normal(70, 10, 160)

# let's print the median and the std-deviation for reference
print('median from numpy:', np.median(patch_rates))
print('68% around the median:', np.diff(np.percentile(patch_rates, [50-34, 50+34])) / 2)

## from this point on I use variable names from and re-do what is done there

medp = np.copy(patch_rates)       # make new vector called `medp` containing the patch_rates
medp = np.sort(medp)              # sort it in place
devp = np.abs(patch_rates - medp)  # make a new vector `devp`, containing the elementwise difference between the original unsorted patch_rates and `medp`.

devp = np.sort(devp)              # sort `devp` in place

mp = (medp[79]+medp[80])/2;
dp = devp[109];

print('median from ratecontrol:', mp)
print('68% quantile from ratecontrol:', dp)

We see, the median works well, but dp is not the same as the 68% quantile. It is a little larger.

median from numpy: 70.9409611944
68% around the median: [ 10.35922294]
median from ratecontrol: 70.9409611944
68% quantile from ratecontrol: 14.5027351115

Even more interesting, dp depends on the order of the input data,
because of line 180 in One can see it in this example.

import numpy as np
patch_rates = np.random.normal(70, 10, 160)

# let's print the median and the std-deviation for reference

print('68% around the median:', np.diff(np.percentile(patch_rates, [50-34, 50+34])) / 2)

# now let's repeat it 3 times but we shuffle the input data
for test in range(3):

    medp = np.copy(patch_rates)       # make new vector called `medp` containing the patch_rates
    medp = np.sort(medp)              # sort it in place
    devp = np.abs(patch_rates - medp)  # make a new vector `devp`, containing the elementwise difference between the original unsorted patch_rates and `medp`.

    devp = np.sort(devp)              # sort `devp` in place

    mp = (medp[79]+medp[80])/2;
    dp = devp[109];

    print('68% quantile from ratecontrol:', dp)

In my case the output is

68% around the median: [ 10.35922294]
68% quantile from ratecontrol: 14.0650573838
68% quantile from ratecontrol: 15.5652876525
68% quantile from ratecontrol: 14.8008871673

I think the C++ implementation of this could e.g. look like this:

// Calculate Median and deviation
vector<float> medp(sdata.fPatchRate, sdata.fPatchRate+160);
sort(medp.begin(), medp.end());

const double mp = (medp[79]+medp[80])/2;
const double dp1 = medp[135] - mp;
// or 
const double dp2 = (medp[135] - medp[25]) /2 ;

the result from a python implementation looks like this then:

median from numpy: 70.9409611944
68% around the median: [ 10.35922294]
mp: 70.9409611944
dp1: 11.0828372935
dp2: 10.5760103711

Last but not least ... this little bug, I believe, has a very limited impact on operation, if it has an impact at all. Since dp, is multiplied with 3.5 in line 236, I think, and this 3.5 has been chosen carefully by hand. So one would fix the implementation and thus reduce dp a little bit, one would simply have to increase this factor 3.5 a little bit an nothing would change overall.

Anyway I though I should mention this, since I was puzzled quite a lot when reading the code trying to understand it. From the variable name, I was guessing that dp, might stand for "delta_p" which is sometimes used as "sigma_p" depending on context, but due to the bug in the implementation I was unsure if I misinterpreted the variable name or whether it was an actual bug.

Now it's clear, thanks a lot.

Last edited 8 years ago by dneise (previous) (diff)

comment:3 by tbretz, 8 years ago

I agree. There is a bug :( Fortunately, it seems that a solution is not very urgent, given that it works already (by chance) now for several years. However, I will look into it when I find the time.

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