Version 10 (modified by 7 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
after a power cut
restart hardware
- contact the MAGIC shift crew to switch gate back on
- email adress of the MAGIC shifters:
- phone numbers for MAGIC shift crew:, login with user "FACT" and the usual password
- email adress of the MAGIC shifters:
- go to and switch the other computers back
- before you do any software trouble shooting: go to to check if the pump is working, the bias power is enabled and the cooling liquid flow meter is measuring enough throughput. In case some of it aren't, go to and switch BIAS, LID and PUMP back on. Go to to switch the camera back on.
restart software
- now the software has to be restarted according to (
- version for dummies (you can quit the screen session with Ctrl+a and d):
1) ssh fact@newdaq
2) screen -x => will probably say "There is no screen to be attached".
3) screen -c /home/fact/.screenrc_newdaq
4) ssh fact@gate
5) screen -x => will probably say "There is no screen to be attached".
6_A) /users needs to be mounted, 'sudo mount -a'
6_B) screen -c /users/fact/.screenrc_gate
7) ssh fact@aux
8) screen -x => will probably say "There is no screen to be attached".
9) screen -c /home/fact/.screenrc_aux
10) (still on aux) ps aux | grep vnc => if no vnc is running => vncserver :1
11) use a software like vinagre to log into the newly created vnc session: vinagre aux:1
12) to start the tpoint camera gui, in a terminal: cd /home/fact/ and then ./tpoint
- check in smartfact, whether the systems are all in a correct state (lid closed, fad control connected, etc.)
- if not, send the corresponding commands in the screen session on newdaq
In case the telescope was operated while the power cut happened => make sure the telescope gets parked manually (TODO: link) if the observation should not be continued!!!'''