
Version 10 (modified by mnoethe, 7 years ago) ( diff )


after a power cut

restart hardware

restart software

1) ssh fact@newdaq
2) screen -x => will probably say "There is no screen to be attached".
3) screen -c /home/fact/.screenrc_newdaq
4) ssh fact@gate
5) screen -x => will probably say "There is no screen to be attached".
6_A) /users needs to be mounted, 'sudo mount -a'
6_B) screen -c /users/fact/.screenrc_gate
7) ssh fact@aux
8) screen -x => will probably say "There is no screen to be attached".
9) screen -c /home/fact/.screenrc_aux
10) (still on aux) ps aux | grep vnc => if no vnc is running => vncserver :1
11) use a software like vinagre to log into the newly created vnc session: vinagre aux:1
12) to start the tpoint camera gui, in a terminal: cd /home/fact/ and then ./tpoint

  • check in smartfact, whether the systems are all in a correct state (lid closed, fad control connected, etc.)
  • if not, send the corresponding commands in the screen session on newdaq


In case the telescope was operated while the power cut happened => make sure the telescope gets parked manually (TODO: link) if the observation should not be continued!!!'''

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