08/19/07 22:40:04 (17 years ago)
*** empty log message ***
1 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/NEWS

    r8676 r8679  
    132132      + PostCleanType: 3
     134   - star/ganymed: The old spark-cuts have been replaced by new ones.
     135     These new spark cuts have been cross checked with the sequences
     136     84720 (before splitter), 101041 (after splitter) and 223539 (new
     137     FADCs). In all cases they seperate pretty well, but of course not
     138     perfect. Monte Carlos have suggested to tighten the cuts a little
     139     bit further at low sizes. This has been done.
     141   - ganymed: IMPORTANT - The spark cuts have been changed to match
     142     all available data more or less well. This might mean that for
     143     YOUR data there are still sparks visible.
     144     Whenever you do an analysis you have to make sure that NO sparks
     145     survive your cuts!
    134147   - ganymed: The old hadronness and size cuts have gotten new indices
    135148     (10, 11). The old indices 8 and 9 now mean an additional condition
    188201     paremtrization set parameter 8 to 0.
    190    - star/ganymed: The old spark-cuts have been replaced by new ones.
    191      These new spark cuts have been cross checked with the sequences
    192      84720 (before splitter), 101041 (after splitter) and 223539 (new
    193      FADCs). In all cases they seperate pretty well, but of course not
    194      perfect. Monte Carlos have suggested to tighten the cuts a little
    195      bit further at low sizes. This has been done.
    197    - ganymed: IMPORTANT - The spark cuts have been changed to match
    198      all available data more or less well. This might mean that for
    199      YOUR data there are still sparks visible.
    200      Whenever you do an analysis you have to make sure that NO sparks
    201      survive your cuts!
    203203   - ganymed: The distribution of observation time versus zenith
    204204     angle is now shown for off- AND on-data.
    209209     all off-regions from this file. Please do not forget to
    210210     set the scaling in optimwobble.C properly:
    211         fit.SetScaleMode(MAlphaFitter::kNone);
    212211        fit.SetScaleUser(1./3);
    213212     it is not yet read in automatically (will follow soon).
    244243     the information is lost.
    246    - sponde: added a new tab "EventDist" showing the unweighted event
    247      distribution of your sample after cuts. This tells you how many
    248      events with this energy you had in your MC files. The same information
    249      you get from the error bars of the weighted histograms, but this is
    250      less intuitive.
     245   - sponde: added a new tab "EventDist" showing the unweighted real
     246     absolute number of events of your sample after cuts. This tells
     247     you how many events with this energy you had in your MC files.
     248     The same information you get from the error bars of the weighted
     249     histograms, but this is less intuitive.
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