{8} Active Tickets, Mine first (34 matches)

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Active Tickets (34 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#10 Seg fault in Ceres when outpath does not exist component1 defect somebody new 10/28/14
#12 Build error with CERN ROOT 5.34/21 component1 defect somebody new 11/07/14
#23 MMatrix does not compile component1 defect Thomas new 12/23/14
#25 Main.js throws exception during 'emergency' shutdown due to "sunrise detected" component1 defect somebody new 01/29/15
#26 Error compiling Mars with gcc 5.3 component1 defect somebody new 09/06/16
#28 SmartFact only shows log until first observation component1 defect somebody new 09/25/16
#4 Simulate SiPM time jitter component1 enhancement somebody new 04/08/14
#6 biased light pulser based calibration component1 enhancement somebody new 04/08/14
#15 Why no exceptions? component1 enhancement somebody new 11/13/14
#16 configuration file might confuse users due to implicit settings component1 enhancement somebody new 11/14/14
#2 Verify DrsCalibrateTime component1 task dneise accepted 04/08/14
#7 crosstalk variations component1 task somebody new 04/08/14
#8 crosscheck PDE simulation component1 task somebody new 04/08/14
#27 Wrong Free Disk Space on DAQ, displayed in SmartFACT component1 milestone1 defect somebody new 09/16/16
#29 First Image of IR Cam is completely gray component1 milestone1 defect somebody new 09/25/16
#30 Trouble creating logbooks entries component1 milestone1 defect somebody new 09/28/16
#31 cannot create logbook entries component1 milestone1 defect somebody new 10/01/16
#32 Broken Fits files in ceres output component1 milestone1 defect somebody new 10/27/16
#36 svn does not (for me) on daq, data, gui and aux component1 milestone1 defect somebody new 01/10/17
#37 DimDescribedService ctor should check format string as datalogger does component1 milestone1 defect somebody new 01/10/17
#40 Ceres is not able to read non compact Eventio component1 milestone1 defect somebody new 06/11/17
#41 copy+paste error in drivectrl.cc ? component1 milestone1 defect somebody new 07/01/17
#39 cannot reproduce run time optimization? component1 milestone1 enhancement somebody new 03/12/17
#34 What is StateMachineRateControl.fBock supposed to be? component1 milestone1 task somebody new 11/10/16
#3 Writing of all primitive datatypes and arrays of them in the fits output component1 enhancement somebody new 04/08/14
#13 Discontinue MAGIC support in FACT/Mars component1 enhancement somebody new 11/12/14
#20 ratescan: add possibility to change fCounterMax and fResolution during runtime component1 enhancement somebody new 11/17/14
#5 Simulation of time jitter component1 task somebody new 04/08/14
#24 Questions concerning dim version in FACT++ component1 task somebody new 01/08/15
#35 What are dp and db supposed to be? component1 milestone1 task somebody new 11/12/16
#38 errors should never pass silently? component1 milestone1 task somebody new 03/07/17
#19 ratescan shows number of triggers as floating points component1 defect somebody new 11/17/14
#17 Why are build artifacts not ignored by svn component1 enhancement somebody new 11/14/14
#18 Why are there often internal and external include guards? component1 enhancement somebody new 11/15/14
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