- 17:01 Changeset [10164] by
- Moved board initalisation to thread, added 'reconnect' command
- 16:02 Changeset [10163] by
- FTM docu v3.2 added
- 09:06 Changeset [10162] by
- FTM definitions array for clock cond updated
- 15:57 Changeset [10161] by
- FTM docu V3.1 added
- 15:27 Changeset [10160] by
- constant definition for FTM clock conditioner interface
- 14:45 Changeset [10159] by
- constant definition for FTM clock conditioner interface
- 14:24 Changeset [10158] by
- type definition for FTM clock conditioner interface
- 13:54 Changeset [10157] by
- new version of ftm_definitions.vhd
- 08:02 Changeset [10156] by
- still unstable
- 12:07 Changeset [10155] by
- highly unstable version !!!
- 12:06 Changeset [10154] by
- FSM changed to one process style
- 10:03 Changeset [10153] by
- New command 'crate', changed signalling of program exit
- 16:38 Changeset [10152] by
- uncommented 950 nm line
- 14:52 Changeset [10151] by
- new array types and constants in library ftm_definitions
- 11:16 Changeset [10150] by
- added Xilinx device DNA to Eventpackage Header - doc
- 11:16 Changeset [10149] by
- REFCLK counter asserts alarm outputs at first place. phase shifter generates correct phaseshift output.
- 11:08 Changeset [10148] by
- update for files mcorsika/MCorsikaFormat.cc and mcorsika/MCorsikaRead.[h,cc]
- 11:07 Changeset [10147] by
- Redesign of the Process() - method.
- 11:06 Changeset [10146] by
- replace the selection of the blockType from a string comparison to a switch - statement.
- 16:42 Changeset [10145] by
- 16:29 Changeset [10144] by
- 16:13 Changeset [10143] by
- Non-blocking configuration request did not recognize default value
- 12:44 Changeset [10142] by
- 12:09 Changeset [10141] by
- 12:08 Changeset [10140] by
- 11:58 Changeset [10139] by
- doc folder created
- 11:54 Changeset [10138] by
- 08:17 Changeset [10137] by
- added some comments and did some formating
- 08:09 Changeset [10136] by
- 08:08 Changeset [10135] by
- 08:06 Changeset [10134] by
- 08:06 Changeset [10133] by
- 08:02 Changeset [10132] by
- 07:46 Changeset [10131] by
- added some files - only important for HDL designer
- 15:36 Changeset [10130] by
- Fixed a bug in MreadReports which caused the reading to get corrupted as soon as the first event tree was fully read.
- 14:35 Changeset [10129] by
- checking before change of Event Header structure. added REFCLK counter and ADC CLK PS output. In case of missing REFCLK, DENEABLE should be pulled low. (untested)
- 12:32 Changeset [10128] by
- Warning for data taking if amplitude calibration not done
- 10:51 Changeset [10127] by
- ftm library file added and small bug fix in FTM test bench
- 10:17 Changeset [10126] by
- Test_PixelMap.txt deleted from repository
- 08:03 Changeset [10125] by
- DAQ page shows message service of drsdaq or FADctrl
- 16:09 Changeset [10124] by
- FTM firmware documentation v3.0 added
- 17:10 Changeset [10123] by
- jumper selectable MAC and IP address choice. D_T7 jumper selects if in_can (no jumper) or not in cam(jumper set) D_T6 jumper selects if in Dortmund (jumper set) or at ETHZ (jumper not set)
- 08:38 Changeset [10122] by
- added missing files trigger_manager and some hds files to repos
- 08:32 Changeset [10121] by
- synchronous trigger handling added continous soft trigger generation. ---> control frequency via 'send 0x21??' each step increases trigger delay by 12.5ms 0x2100 = 40Hz 0x21FF = 0.3Hz
- 08:13 Changeset [10120] by
- Moved OpenOtherSockets() to FADBoard class
- 12:41 Changeset [10119] by
- Bias has two commands for setting voltage: 'pixel' and 'channel'
- 09:47 Changeset [10118] by
- Adapted various programs to new PixelMap class
- 16:48 Changeset [10117] by
- Amplitude calibration integrated into event loop
- 12:04 Changeset [10116] by
- new version of pixelmap class
- 09:52 Changeset [10115] by
- Reordered the classes in MAvalanchePhotoDiode.h to make it compile.
- 08:47 Changeset [10114] by
- Event data can be written to disk in M0 format with command take
- 15:46 Changeset [10113] by
- Event thread informed through pipe of new incoming data
- 13:54 Changeset [10112] by
- Added persistance mode to event scope
- 20:08 Changeset [10111] by
- Forgot it in my commit 2011/01/07.
- 15:46 Changeset [10110] by
- two empty lines deleted :-)
- 15:44 Changeset [10109] by
- niculin & dom debugged quite some stuff
- 15:41 Changeset [10108] by
- just a test
- 13:11 Changeset [10107] by
- hv command crashed when no bias board present
See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.